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Pericardium, Anatomy of the Heart, Biology @"What is the pericardium? The pericardium is the fluid filled sac that surrounds the heart and the proximal ends of the aorta, vena cava and the pulmonary artery."


The Pericardium (Sex Circulation) Meridian," Course #1: (1). Pericardium - (2). Below the armpit - (3). Axilla -(4). Forearm - (5). Wrist - (6). Palm - (7). Tip of middle finger (Zhongchong, P-9)."


Who gets pericarditis and what does it feel like? Pericardium and Pericarditis, American Heart Association:"This problem occurs most often in men ages 20 to 50. Chest pain is common, especially pain behind the breastbone. Sometimes this pain spreads to the neck and left shoulder. Pain from pericarditis is different from angina (AN'jih-nah or an-JI'nah). (Angina is chest pain or discomfort due to reduced blood supply to the heart muscle.) Angina feels like pressure, but pericarditis usually is a sharp, piercing pain over the center or left side of the chest. Often this pain gets worse if the person takes a deep breath."
American Heart Association
National Center
7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas, TX 75231
AHA: 1-800-AHA-USA-1 or 1-800-242-8721


Size and Location OH-Position of the Heart and Associated Blood Vessels:"The heart and the proximal ends of the large blood vessels are enclosed by the pericardium. Consists of an outer fibrous bag--fibrous pericardium which surrounds a more delicate double-layered sac."


Calcification of The Pericardium,"The pericardium is a sac of thin tissue that surrounds the heart and holds it in place. It normally contains a small amount of lubricating fluid. The pericardium can become inflamed (acute pericarditis) due to several causes. The inflammation usually goes away in a few weeks. But in some cases, it becomes chronic. This causes the pericardium to thicken and calcify, which impairs the pumping function of the heart. Causes of acute pericarditis include: Viral or bacterial infection Injury to the pericardium A connective tissue disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis."


Pericarditis:"A disorder caused by inflammation of the pericardium, the sac-like covering of the heart."


The Pericardium, Yahoo Reference:"The pericardium (Fig. 489) is a conical fibro-serous sac, in which the heart and the roots of the great vessels are contained. It is placed behind the sternum and the cartilages of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs of the left side, in the mediastinal cavity. 1 In front, it is separated from the anterior wall of the thorax, in the greater part of its extent, by the lungs and pleuræ; but a small area, somewhat variable in size, and usually corresponding with the left half of the lower portion of the body of the sternum and the medial ends of the cartilages of the fourth and fifth ribs of the left side, comes into direct relationship with the chest wall. The lower extremity of the thymus, in the child, is in contact with the front of the upper part of the pericardium. Behind, it rests upon the bronchi, the esophagus, the descending thoracic aorta, and the posterior part of the mediastinal surface of each lung."


See also:

Anatomy of the Heart, Organs of The Body:


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Created on August 26, 1999

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Monday, March 5, 2018

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