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AAPI: American Association for Premature Infants...
National, non-profit organization dedicated to optimizing quality of health care, educational and developmental services for premature infants, children and their families through advocacy, education ...
37 pages found, 79 links found, 404 score
Abortion & Contraception Clinic Of NE....
National & International listing of abortion clinics with WebSites including information on abortion procedures, condom sales, condoms, condom, patient instructions, aftercare, gynecology, birth contr...
33 pages found, 8 links found, 758 score
Abortion-Worldwide Directory...
Abortion Providers Family Planning Providers...
18 pages found, 0 links found, 918 score
Active Birth Centre...
Janet Balaskas provides inspiring information on pregnancy, active, home and water birth, breastfeeding, mother and babycare. Plus birth pools, organic skincare, maternity bras, birth balls" IGNORE="...
152 pages found, 67 links found, 526 score
ASRM: Infertility, Reproduction, Menopause, Andrology, Endometriosis, Diagn...
ASRM is devoted to advancing knowledge and expertise in reproductive medicine, including reproduction, male and female infertility, andrology, menopausal medicine, infertility diagnosis, treatment, a...
54 pages found, 38 links found, 506 score
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals ARHP CME pro choice conti...
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Earn CME credit online. Free paitent education brochures. Advocacy updates. Clincial education...
13 pages found, 1 links found, 1388 score
Attachment Parenting, Baby Care, Cloth Diapers, Slings and Toys -Peapods...
Peapods is a mother-owned store in St. Paul, MN offering Over the Shoulder Baby Holder and Maya Wrap baby slings, cotton diapers, books, toys, baby care, and attachment parenting info....
23 pages found, 5 links found, 171 score
Australia, Your body-Your right too choose!...
Bessie Smyth Foundation Trading as"The Powell St Clinic" Australia's First Feminist Abortion Clinic "If a woman has a right to decide on any question, it is certainly as to how many children she will...
6 pages found, 5 links found, 433 score
Babies Planet...
welcome to THE BABIES PLANET Adoption - There are many people looking for a baby to adopt. Are you one of them? The Babies Planet would like to help. We've put together the best adoption resources we...
34 pages found, 172 links found, 131 score
BirthChoiceUK - Title Page...
BirthChoiceUK site which offers information for women on where to have their baby, with details of home birth, hospital birth and alternative maternity choices....
30 pages found, 3 links found, 478 score
Provides accurate information about abortion, contraception, and reproductive choices and promotes pro-choice activism...
6 pages found, 2 links found, 130 score
Clinicians for Choice...
Clinicians for Choice, an umbrella organization for Midwives for Choice, Nurse Practitioners for Choice, and Physician Assistants for Choice, is a national grassroots organization whose members believ...
20 pages found, 4 links found, 844 score
Down Syndrome Online Advocacy Group...
The Down Syndrome Online Advocacy Group (DSOAG) purpose is to increase support for clinical, biomedical, and scientific research into Down syndrome....
15 pages found, 3 links found, 132 score
Empty Arms - My Infertility WebSite...
MESSAGE BOARD! Get Support or just chat with others about women's health, endometriosis, infertility, etc! Click Here! Empty Arms An Infertility Website by Jenny Soloski "Better to Light a Candle Tha...
7 pages found, 28 links found, 611 score
Family Planning Associates Medical Group, Arizona - Abortion Clinics OnLine...
Family Planning Associates Medical Group Joel B. Bettigole M.D. 602-553-0440 Phoenix 1331 North 7th Street, Suite 225, Phoenix, Arizona 85006 (North East corner of 7th and I-10 West) Click here for a...
6 pages found, 1 links found, 2090 score
Family Planning, Inc., R.B. Whitney MD, Daytona Beach Florida - Abortion Cl...
Family Planning, Inc. R. B. Whitney, M.D. 580 Mulberry Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 904-253-1933 FAX: 904-254-8227 1-800-468-4414 ( FL & GA ) Specializing in Office Surgeries -ABORTIONS:...
5 pages found, 3 links found, 1268 score
Family Reproductive Health, Charlotte North Carolina - Abortion Clinics OnL...
Family Reproductive Health 700 E. Hebron Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 704-551-0808 800-952-9034 You are the Visitor Dear Visitor: Welcome to Family Reproductive Health. We are a family pl...
5 pages found, 1 links found, 424 score
PLANet explores several aspects of international family planning, helping site visitors understand the link between family planning, maternal and child health and environmental issues....
40 pages found, 2 links found, 420 score
Poets Pharmacy, specializing in Fertility Drugs and Infertility Treatment, based in central New Jersey is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and service throughout the United States. O...
59 pages found, 6 links found, 2717 score
Home page of Children by Choice...
Index page of Children by Choice Association Inc Homepage....
21 pages found, 4 links found, 1094 score
Hope Clinic Home Page...
The Hope Clinic for Women, Ltd. performs first and second trimester abortions in a caring, supportive environment. Our staff blend professional expertise, genuine warmth, and a commitment to the right...
18 pages found, 0 links found, 1029 score
Hope Medical Group for Women, Shreveport Louisiana...
Hope Medical Group for Women Providing Quality Abortion Care Since 1980 210 Kings Highway, Shreveport. Louisiana 71104 318-221-5500 Toll-free 800-448-5004...
8 pages found, 0 links found, 1753 score
India, Family Planning Association of India...
FPAI, a national voluntary organisation, promotes family planning as a basic human right; providing information and services in underserved areas, and preparing youth for responsible living, thereby c...
14 pages found, 1 links found, 666 score
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)...
A worldwide pioneer movement providing reproductive health and family planning services in over 180 countries...
49 pages found, 7 links found, 398 score
International Planned Parenthood Federation WHR...
IPPF WHR promotes and defends the right of women and men, including young people, to decide freely the number and spacing of their children, and the right to the highest possible level of sexual and r...
63 pages found, 0 links found, 903 score
A non-profit agency improving women's lives by focusing on reproductive health....
41 pages found, 8 links found, 262 score
IVF clinics, infertility articles, fertility drugs, in vitro fertilization...
An infertility resource - reproductive endocrinologists (specialists), ivf clinics and fertility drugs - The Fertility Network....
19 pages found, 2 links found, 655 score
IVF, Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago in vitro fertilization and infert...
Infertility clinic with high in vitro fertilization pregnancy rates and reasonable fees. Providing infertility services, including IVF, egg donation, icsi, female and male infertility evaluation and t...
132 pages found, 0 links found, 113 score
- - IVF, Infertility and Embryology News and Resources for Scientists...
IVF and embryology resources for scientists, and practitioners involved in infertility. ALPHA, ACE, Internet conferences, latest jobs, image database and international events calendar....
58 pages found, 9 links found, 1013 score
Liberty Women's Health Care of Queens - New York City, NY...
Ultra-modern OB GYN office offers surgical and non-surgical abortion, ru486, morning after pill, laser, laparoscopy, surgery, colposcopy, LEEP, birth control, tubal ligation, prenatal care....
13 pages found, 6 links found, 1341 score
- Clear thinking about crucial issues....
Truth must always be yoked to compassion. Growth in our lives (be it intellectual, spiritual, psychological, professional, or moral) should not lead to arrogance, elitism, or the false judgement that ...
151 pages found, 7 links found, 914 score
Managing Contraception...
The mission of Bridging the Gap Foundation is to improve reproductive health and contraceptive decision-making of women and men by providing up-to-date educational resources to the physicians, nurses ...
88 pages found, 3 links found, 459 score
March of Dimes...
Four major problems threaten the health of America's babies: birth defects, infant mortality, low birthweight, and lack of prenatal care. The March of Dimes has adopted goals for the year 2000 to brin...
26 pages found, 3 links found, 523 score
Meadowbrook Women's Clinic: Providing first- and second-trimester abortion ...
A Minnesota-based clinic committed to providing safe, legal, and confidential abortion information and first- and second-trimester care in a professional and empathic medical setting....
17 pages found, 2 links found, 1135 score
Medical Options, Danbury Connecticut - Abortion Clinics OnLine...
Our goal is to provide specialized services to meet the medical and personal needs of each woman faced with a problem pregnancy. The decision to continue or terminate is a very personal one. For those...
9 pages found, 1 links found, 1677 score
Medical Students for Choice...
Medical Students for Choice...because one of the greatest obstacles to safe, legal abortion today is not the law. It is the absence of trained providers....
19 pages found, 0 links found, 978 score
Mildred Hanson MD, Minneapolis Minnesota - Abortion Clinics Online...
Mildred S. Hanson, M.D. 710 East 24th Street, Suite 403 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 Phone 612-870-1334 FAX 612-871-0864...
7 pages found, 0 links found, 1090 score
Missouri, Baby faces University Hospital...
Welcome to Babyfaces — our way of assisting moms and dads in announcing the birth of their babies. It’s like a traditional birth announcement, only better...
313 pages found, 23 links found, 606 score
Mothering Magazine...
- is the premier web site of the natural family living community. offers philisophical information and practical advice about family living through editorial content and acti...
327 pages found, 14 links found, 498 score
Research and counselling on reproductive risk or safety of drugs, chemicals and maternal disease in pregnancy. Cancer and pregnancy consortium and international database....
107 pages found, 40 links found, 2325 score
Multi-dimensional Human Embryo, Home Page...
The Multi-dimensional Human Embryo is an NICHD funded project to generate three-dimensional image data of the human embryo based on magnetic resonance microscopy. The image data will be made available...
20 pages found, 3 links found, 224 score
My ParenTime's Family Community...
We're a family community that aims to inform, educate, and entertain! Numerous resources, informative articles, hints, tips, checklists, STOP Sex Offenders, State Registry Listings and more! We have t...
119 pages found, 79 links found, 20018 score
National Organization For Men...
NOM has been out in front standing up for men’s right for more than thirteen years. Although most Americans are not aware an organization like NOM exists, nonetheless, the fact that you are learning a...
6 pages found, 0 links found, 333 score
National Perinatal Association...
The National Perinatal Association promotes the health and well being of mothers and infants enriching families, communities and our world....
11 pages found, 14 links found, 307 score
Natural Family Planning Inc. New Zealand...
Natural Family Planning, Inc. New Zealand is a non-profit organisation founded in 1974 to provide information and teaching about Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness...
29 pages found, 0 links found, 226 score
NetNurse Home...
Find quality health information on pregnancy. Place question via web-site for nurse to return a phone call to discuss your specific concerns....
48 pages found, 7 links found, 2455 score
North County Women's Medical Clinic, San Marcos, California - Abortion Clin...
For more information: About Pictures Directions Home Free Pregnancy Test Abortion, Personal & Confidential Private Elegant Office Preferred Center of referral for most physicians and Clinics Advanc...
5 pages found, 1 links found, 748 score
Nova Reproductive Services, Texas & Oklahoma - Abortion Clinics OnLine...
Nova Health System Reproductive Services Administrative Offices 215 West Olmos Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78212 210-824-9939 English or Spanish Return to Abortion Clinics Online ...
18 pages found, 1 links found, 1581 score
Oklahoma Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice...
The only religious pro-choice organization in Oklahoma educates an advocates on a range of reproductive issues from an interfaith perspective...
75 pages found, 114 links found, 920 score
Physicians For Reproductive Choice And Health - Abortion Clinics Online...
The mission of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health is to enable concerned physicians to take a more active and visible role in support of universal reproductive health. ...
26 pages found, 29 links found, 1582 score
Planned Parenthood Federation of America...
Official website of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Each year Planned Parenthood provides high quality, affordable reproductive health care and sexual health information to more than five m...
48 pages found, 6 links found, 1046 score
Planned Parenthood of New York City...
More than 80 years ago, Margaret Sanger opened a tiny family planning clinic in a Brooklyn storefront. Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) was born, and with it, an entire movement. The moveme...
32 pages found, 3 links found, 879 score
Preemie Store and More!:Premature infant incubator clothing...
Premature infant clothing and products for parents, neonatal nurse practitioner, perinatal social worker, hospital NICU, and special care nursery. Baby pacifiers and clothing for infants in incubator ...
38 pages found, 9 links found, 27765 score
Pregnancy & Birth - Including the pregnancy calendar and belly gallery!...
Information for pregnancy and birth, inlcuding a week by week pregnancy calendar, baby shower games and information and much much more!...
86 pages found, 24 links found, 824 score
Pregnancy & Childbirth Information -
We offer a variety of informative and personal links relating to childbirth, pregnancy, parenting, early childhood, and infant feeding. Enjoy your stay at
54 pages found, 7 links found, 469 score
Pregnancy Today's Birth Plan: Create your free birth plan now - make choice...
Pregnant moms - get ready for childbirth! Make your own customized birth plan online, from Pregnancy Today....
6 pages found, 33 links found, 676 score
"The strength of a premature infant portrays the courage of a hero." The birth of a premature infant is a journey few are aware of unless they are faced with the overwhelming experience. The j...
138 pages found, 49 links found, 304 score
Pro-Choice Medical Center, Beverly Hills California - Abortion Clinics OnLi...
Josepha Seletz, M.D. Pro-Choice Medical Center 8920 W. Olympic Boulevard Beverly Hill, CA 90211 310-247-8745 When you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, you have to make a choice. Pro-Choice Medical ...
3 pages found, 1 links found, 1070 score
ReproLine(r): Reproductive Health Online -- familyplanning, training, contr...
Family Planning Contraceptive Methods Contraceptive Advances FP Special Circumstances Other FP Topics Maternal & Neonatal Health Postabortion care and other MNH topics Cervical Cancer Prevention, d...
76 pages found, 4 links found, 1033 score
Republicans for Choice - Help us take abortion out of politics!...
Republicans For Choice believes that in accordance with the basic fundamental principles of the Republican Party, we must protect individual rights, including a woman?s right to choose....
12 pages found, 73 links found, 162 score
Sidelines National Support Network...
HIGH-RISK PREGNANCIES: Sidelines provides nationwide support for women with complicated pregnancies and their families. We are committed to provide support, education, and advocacy to wome...
60 pages found, 106 links found, 865 score
SIDS Network home page...
Help ensure that the Global Internet services of the SIDS Network continue to grow! Donate directly to the SIDS Network securely with a major credit card. Other ways to help can be found here. Sudd...
61 pages found, 6 links found, 328 score
Tamba - Twins and Multiple Birth Association Homepage...
The Twins and Multiple Birth Association, Tamba, is the UK's only national registered charity providing information and mutual support networks for families of twins, triplets and more, highlighting t...
30 pages found, 44 links found, 173 score
The Alan Guttmacher Institute: Home Page...
The Alan Guttmacher Institute is a Not-for-Profit Corporation for Reproductive Health Reasearch, Policy Analysis and Public Education...
40 pages found, 0 links found, 242 score
The PrenatalEd site is sponsored by Beginnings: A Practical Guide Through Y...
PrenatalEd is a resource for prenatal care providers and managed care professionals in health education, patient education, health promotion, maternal infant health, maternity case management and pe...
118 pages found, 24 links found, 758 score
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice...
This coalition of more than 40 denominations and faith groups educates and promotes issues of reproductive choice....
31 pages found, 61 links found, 460 score
Clinical Summary Facts About Contraception Where will I be ableto purchase the Sponge? register for the "Spongeworthy" newsletter to receive updates about the Today Sponge On-line Discussions Joi...
12 pages found, 7 links found, 256 score
UK, Maternity Alliance...
Welcome to the website of The Maternity Alliance, the organisation which looks beyond birth at all aspects of pregnancy and new parenthood. We believe that babies are our future and work to ensure tha...
14 pages found, 56 links found, 1734 score
Welcome to GYNecological Surgical Services...
women's health care professionals with 25 years of experience,1-800-4-ABORTION, expert quality, GYN services board certified MDs, nurses counselors, BRONX New York, we specialize in women's health car...
131 pages found, 3 links found, 3366 score
Women's Health Services, Boston Massachusetts- Abortion Clinics OnLine...
For More Information, Choose From the Following: Pre-Op 1st Trimester Abortion 2nd Trimester Abortion After Your Procedure Payment Information Minor Court Guidelines Patient Comments Map & Direction...
10 pages found, 1 links found, 539 score
Women's Medical Center of NW Houston, Texas - Abortion Clinics OnLine...
Women's Medical Center of NW Houston 17070 Red Oak, Suite 505 Houston, Texas 77090 (Near Houston Northwest Medical Center Hospital) 281-440-1796 800-233-0608 (Toll-Free Texas Only) Number of Visito...
5 pages found, 0 links found, 1178 score
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Last updated by Andrew
Lopez, RN on January 13, 2023 |