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9-1-1 Magazine Home Page...
Serving law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, search & rescue, and disaster management, 9-1-1 Magazine provides valuable information to readers in all aspects of the public safety communi...
9-11.com - Resources for Medical and Public Safety Professionals...
9-11.com is a Complete Search Research Tool for the Emergency Professional. We specialize in EMS, Firefighter, Police,Nursing,Doctors,medical....
Alaska State, Interior Region Emergency Medical Services Council, (IREMSC)...
Interior Region Emergency Medical Services Council, Incorporated (IREMSC) is a private non-profit corporation located in Fairbanks, Alaska. We are dedicated to improving emergency medical care in Int...
Alaska, North Star Fire Service Area North Star Volunteer Fire Department...
North Star Fire Service Area North Star Volunteer Fire Department, North Pole Alaska Safety Info Home Page is one of the largest combination fire, rescue and EMS departments in the State of Alaska....
Alaska, Southern Region Emergency Medical Services Council...
The Southern Region EMS Council acts to support, strengthen, promote the quality of the EMS system, and to improve the quality and availability of emergency patient care, health education, and injur...
Alliance Medical - Where Emergency Services 'click'!...
Online catalog and Auction, Medical Supplies and Uniforms for Emergency Services, Fire, Law Enforcement and Nursing professions...
American Safety & Health Institute...
American Safety and Health Institute provides safety and health training programs for EMS, educational facilities, safety departments and health Agencies. Our programs include Basic First Aid, CPR, Bl...
An Ambulance Manufacturer - Wheeled Coach Industries - Ambulance - Ambulanc...
Wheeled Coach - Ambulance Manufacturer - World's Largest Manufacturer of ambulances and emergency service vehicles. Ambulance specifications, used ambulances, EMS supplies....
Big Medicine: the only online EMS news digest with global content and daily...
Click anywhere on the image above to enter the pages of Big Medicine: the only online EMS news digest with global content and daily updates. ...
CAMTS: The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems...
Professionals involved with air medical services and ground interfacility transport services strive to provide the highest possible quality to their constituents. The Commission on Accreditation of Me...
Canada, British Columbia, Paramedic Academy of the Justice Institute of BC...
The Paramedic Academy is an international centre for excellence in training, research and development for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)....
Chain of Survival Home Page...
The Chain of Survival is a series of four critical steps necessary for saving the life of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victim. SCA is one of the nation's leading medical emergencies, claiming the li...
Criti Care EMS Inc....
Criti Care EMS Inc. "I've taken many EMS training programs, and Criti Care's has been the most comprehensive by far. I use the skills every day in my career as a professional Firefighter Paramedic." ...
DC, Washington, National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) ...
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is a non-profit membership association representing the interests of the volunteer fire, EMS and rescue services....
Emergency Medical Services...
2001 PreConference Date - 22 March 2001 (Session Titles) 2001 Conference Dates - 23 & 24 March 2001 Tentative Faculty for the Conference Tentative Topics for the Conference Emergency Medical Dispa...
EMS - Emergency Medical Services site and more...
A kinda, sorta, site map of the Valerie DeFrance sites. EMS House of DeFrance where it all began and 4000 or so visit each week (heaven only knows why) The EMS House also contains links to it b...
EMS Advantage: Creators of The Pedi-Wheel®....
Pedi-Wheel and Pedi-Wheel First Responder. Emergency medical equipment and supplies. Corporate and industrial CPR, first aid, defibrillator, fire extinguisher, and safety training....
EMS Institute...
The EMS Institute, a department in The Stamford Hospital, provides emergency medical service (EMS) and critical care training education to EMT-Bs, EMT-Intermediates, Paramedics, Physicians, Registered...
EMS Magazine - The Journal of Emergency Care, Rescue, and Transportation...
EMS EXPO 2001 May 30 – June 2 NEW ORLEANS LA This Month’s Issue Sample CEU Review Classified Ads Articles Subscribe Now Calendar Bookstore Award Programs Mall Advertising Information State and Prov...
EMS Village, an online interactive community for the EMT, Parame...
Welcome to EMS Village, an online interactive community for the EMT, Paramedic or other EMS professional that has daily news, an EMS web directory, articles, political action center, training, ...
EMSBooks.com: Emergency Training Associates home page...
HOME | BOOKSTORE | AUTHORS | ASSOCIATES | PRICELIST | SPECIALS | SEARCH FOR: MAIN MENU Bookstore Authors Specials Web Masters Price List Security Shipping Contact us Registered Programs These trainin...
Search EMSGuide Your online guide to Emergency Medical Services Welcome to EMSGuide.com, your guide to all things EMS online. In February we have opened up our NEWEST section, "Real Life EMS Stories ...
EMSJobs - Home Page...
The place for Emergency Medical Service Professionals to find their future!...
Are you tired of expensive EMS pants falling apart at the seams, zippers, snaps, and hook closures breaking, and having that old, worn out look after just a few washes? Then try the ALL NEW, AllMed® E...
EMSPerspective - EMS Education Solutions...
EMS Perspective is for EMS providers, educators, administrators, and others who want to improve emergency medical services professionalism. The streets are becoming tougher everyday and it is going ...
Firehouse.Com - The Web's Most Popular & Comprehensive Community and Resour...
Firehouse.Com is the leading interactive news and information web site for the fire, rescue and EMS community with links, breaking news, resources, forums and much more...
Florida Association of EMS Educators (FAEMSE)...
The Florida Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators is a goal oriented membership organized to provide resources to individuals and organizations that will foster excellence in EMS educati...
Florida, Orlando Seaox Air-Medical ...
The official web site of Seaox Air-Medical - the world's first cyber air-medical transport service. Seaox is located in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A....
Global Finder...
Laerdal - the leading supplier of basic and advanced life support training products and emergency medical equipment....
Holdsworth Pelton - We Help People and Organizations Improve...
Holdsworth, Pelton & Associates: consulting specializing in emergency medical services (EMS), fire departments, healthcare, critical incident stress management, teambuilding, leadership, ambulance...
International Survival Systems (ISS)...
International Survival Systems (ISS) offers various seminars for fire, EMS and rescue personnel....
Ireland, First Aid...
Crisis telephone numbers in Ireland....
Ireland, Irish, Ambulance Services Homepage ...
This is an index of Irish Ambulance Services and related topics,It includes a history of the ambulance service and their emblems.There's a EMS crewforum and chat room....
jems.com -- The Online Emergency Services Resource...
Original articles, news stories, job listings, and interactive features from Jems Communications, home of EMS Today, the Journal of Emergency Medical Services and FireRescue Magazine....
Kentucky EMS Connection...
Kentucky EMS Connection...
Kentucky, Louisville, Welcome to STATCARE...
A New Generation of Care Bowman Field 2807 Taylorsville Road Louisville, Kentucky 40205-3166 Emergency Communications: 1 (888) 729-9111 (United States) (502) 479-9111 (local) Business Office: (502)...
Maryland State Firemen's Association...
Representing the Volunteer Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel of Maryland Past Presidents Newsletter - Volume 56 - March 2001 NEW Emergency Medical Systems Operations Fund Repo...
Massachusetts, Western Emergency Medical Services Region One Council...
Western Massachusetts Emergency Medical Services serving the counties of Hampshire, Franklin,Berkshire and Hampden as a resource for EMS, ambulance, fire departments and first responder agencies....
Medic37's EMS Website - A Paramedic's Page...
Paramedic's personal website devoted to EMS personnel. Interactive forum for exchange of ideas among Paramedics,EMT's and other medical professionals. Includes EMS stories, scene photos, EMS and Param...
Medical Plastics Laboratory: Quality Skeletons, Anatomical Reproductions...
Manufactures and distributes quality skeletons, anatomical reproductions, and patient simulators for EMS, nursing, and CPR ...
Michigan Association of Air Medical Services...
MAAMS Michigan Association of Air Medical Services Aeromed, Inc. Flightcare Kitty Hawk Medflight Marlin Air, Inc. Midwest Medflight North Flight, Inc. Survival Flight West Michigan Air Care New! Se...
Michigan E.M.S. Instructor Coordinators, Society of, SMEMSIC Links to EMS...
The Society of Michigan EMS Instructor Coordinators has been around almost as long as EMS. Formed originally under the name Society of Michigan EMT Instructor Coordinators, the Society changed to the...
Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board...
EMS Events January Bulletin Training Reimbursement Application Bulletins CISM Directions EMS Lists Factsheets Links Meeting Minutes Rules Statutes Questions? Click on one of the following categories ...
Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board...
EMS Events January Bulletin Training Reimbursement Application Bulletins CISM Directions EMS Lists Factsheets Links Meeting Minutes Rules Statutes Questions? Click on one of the following categories ...
Minnesota State, St. Paul, Metro EMS...
Next EMS EventMetro EMS Committee2 14 01 12:00PM Metro Region EMS Program Metropolitan 911 Board 2099 West University Ave St Paul, MN 55014-3431 (651) 603-0105 FAX (651) 603-0101 Providers Ambulanc...
Minnesota, ALF Ambulance...
Welcome To the ALF Ambulance Web Site. ALF Ambulance is a municipal based advanced life support ambulance service operating under a Joint Powers Agreement and serving the cities of Apple Valley, ...
Minnesota, North Central EMS Cooperative...
P.O. Box 2286 St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302 320.420.9617 or 888.603.4426 320.251.8154 (fax) Contact Us NCEMSC Welcome Join Board Feedback Search NCEMSI EMS Funding NCEMSC is Featured in December 2000 ...
Minnesota, Southeastern Emergency Medical Services...
Welcome To Southeastern Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regional Office Education Happenings EMS Promo Items Medical Director's Consortium CISM Group Buys Polls Links PULSE Newsletter ...
NAEMD: National Academy of Emergency Medical Dispatch...
NAEMD was formed in 1988 as a standard-setting organization for all aspects of Emergency Medical Dispatch. NAEMD is an academic Academy of top experts. The Academy has become the authoritative voice o...
National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP)...
The National Association of EMS Physicians is an organization of physicians and other professionals who provide leadership and foster excellence in out-of-hospital emergency medical services. ...
National Council of State EMS Training Coordinators Resources Page...
Purpose of the Council The purpose of the Council shall be to promote the training of Emergency Medical Services personnel based on sound educational principles, current medical knowledge and practic...
National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC)...
The National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC) MISSION: The mission of NEDARC is to help Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies and Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) projec...
New York State, Midstate EMS Regional EMS Council of Oneida, Herkimer ...
Midstate EMS Regional Emergency Medical Services Council Oneida, Herkimer & Madison Counties Upstate New York Midstate EMS & Faxton-St. Lukes Presents...
New York, Central E.M.S....
Central New York Emergency Medical Services Program Director Greg Procopio Medical Director Michael S. Jastremski, M.D. The Central New York E.M.S. Program serve...
NGFATOS: National Guidelines for First Aid Training in Occupational Setting...
National Guidelines for First Aid Training in Occupational Settings is a course development guideline containing the essential elements of what can be considered safe, helpful and effective first aid ...
North Carolina Office of EMS (NC OEMS)...
Drexdal R. Pratt, Chief of OEMS Events HappeningsNurse LiaisonsOEMS StaffPatch CollectionPreMISRecallsReciprocity Certification ChallengeReferenceRulesTr...
North Carolina State, Parkwood Volunteer Fire Department ...
It shall be the mission of Parkwood Volunteer Fire Department to provide and maintain personnel, apparatus and equipment that will resolve emergencies that threaten lives or property in our service ...
North Carolina, Fayetteville, EMS 2000...
The pre-hospital emergency care providers have long needed and deserved their own uniform ranking insignia. The EMS system is very specialized and unique. In 1981 Mr. Ed Woodard Jr., Deputy Director ...
North Carolina, Winston, Forsyth County Emergency Medical Services (FCEMS)...
Forsyth County EMS will provide care and meet the needs of our customers above all else - providing appropriate, timely and courteous care through a comprehensive and cost effective system. We will ...
North Carolina,NC Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc...
North Carolina Association of Rescueand Emergency Medical Services, Incorporated Contact info: Association office Officers and area directors Association Benefits Updated November 27, 2000 NC EMS Cal...
Ohio State Firefighters Association Home Page...
Ohio State Firefighters' Association 3275 Crestview S.E. Warren, Ohio 44484 (800) 825-OSFA (6732) VOLUNTEER CORNER Volunteer News National Volunteer Fire Council IAFC Volunteer Chief Officers ADMIN...
Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services ...
City of Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services Medical CommandMedical Command for the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of EMS is provided by physicians from the Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pen...
Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh,The Fraternal Association of Professionl Paramedic...
Local 1 Pittsburgh EMS Local 2 Valley Ambulance Authority Local 3 Prism Health Services Local 4 McKeesport Ambulance Rescue Service Local 5 Washington Ambulance & Chair Local 6 Medical Rescue Team...
Porter's EMS Protocols...
Why you should move to flow chart EMS protocols. A List of EMS Protocols from Abdominal Pain to V. Tachycardia. EMS protocols for the Basic EMT, Intermediate EMT, and the Paramedic. Visio® flow chart...
Related Sites...
The NC Office of EMS is proposing legislative changes that will effect all EMS providers in North Carolina. Read the proposed changes and make comments by following the link below. Mission Statement ...
RESCUE - Training Resource and Guide...
For people interested in rescue activities who need help with training. Helpful and useful for preparing and planning rescue training within your organization....
Rescue Engineering Institute...
Rescue Engineering Institute Book StoreTrainingCalendarPress ReleasesTestimonialsFacultyMerchandiseSponsorsPhoto GalleryUSWeatherLinks Welcome to Rescue Engineering Institute, a rescue and emerge...
Ricky McCrory's EMS Cardiology Page...
The Leads Less Traveled Learn EKG's In A Flash I am a Paramedic RN with 19yrs EMS experience and I have a love of EMS Cardiology. I teach basic and advanced EKG...
RURAL MEDICS-FACING THE CHALLENGE- a site for those who do emergency medica...
First Responder, EMT or Paramedic, Rural Medics face challenges unknown to most medics. Join us in seeking resources, information, and discussing issues that face our particular breed of medic. ...
Ryder Trauma Center - Home Page...
Our Online Monthly Newsletter Virtual Tour of the Ryder Trauma Center Information about the Ryder Trauma Center Education Resource...
Safety Alert...
Mike's EMS Homepage - a refreshing look at ems, we have it all, links, chat and Kenora Service Information to mention a fiew, drop by any time all are welcome....
Simulaids - Training Aids for Emergency, Medical, and Rescue Personnel...
Simulaids, Inc. is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of simulation training aids for healthcare and rescue workers. Products include simulation manikins for CPR, rescue, obstetrical gynecologica...
Skyaid Org. will save 100,000 lives per year...
Skyaid will save at least 100,000 lives per year....
South Carolina (EMS) Emergency Medical Services...
Welcome to SCEMS.COM A combined effort of SC EMS Association AND SC EMS Educators' Association Join our mailing list! Enter your email address below, then click the 'Join List' button: Powered by Lis...
Texas State, Houston Fire Department...Seeking Opportunities To Serve...
Houston Fire Department Online! The official website of the Houston Fire Department, Houston, Texas, U.S.A....
Vermont, Newport Ambulance Service Online...
Newport Ambulance Service, Inc. is a non-profit, primarily volunteer ambulance service based in Newport, Vermont USA. NAS provides 24-hour emergency medical services coverage to the northern Vermont ...
Wilderness Emergency Medical Services Institute...
WEMSI provides medical care to patients in the specialized prehospital situations of wilderness, backcountry, and other delayed and prolonged transportation contexts such as catastrophic disasters (re...
Wyoming, Riverton, Fire Academy The Official Site...
Located in Riverton, Wyoming. A training complex dealing with all branches of emergency services....
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