Kovacs Consulting provides Internet and World Wide Web Training using Instructor-led, Web-based and Distance Education formats...
28 pages found, 8 links found, 150 score
0ur California Trial Support Services specialize in high quality California Trial Support services including: court, deposition, arbitration, hearing and trial services. We provide videotaped deposit...
25 pages found, 3 links found, 2676 score
An all-inclusive approach to deposition preparation, this video demonstrates eight essential tips for a deponent and practical pointers about documents and discovery....
33 pages found, 2 links found, 369 score
Litigation Support, Court Technology, and Trial Services are areas lead by DOAR. We are experienced in providing litigation support for large, complex projects. We offer advanced court technology syst...
45 pages found, 4 links found, 2196 score
Courtroom Performance, Inc. offers cutting edge trial advocacy training and consulting services. Deliver a powerful opening statement and compelling closing argument, control the courtroom, and lead t...
18 pages found, 1 links found, 16506 score
The Doe Report is an online database containing more than 2000 full color, medical legal exhibits. It covers virtually every type of medical legal exhibit ever produced involving personal injury and m...
57 pages found, 5 links found, 7311 score
JUSTICE SERVED™ is an alliance of court management and justice experts providing management services, consultation and training to courts, justice agencies and their partners in technology. The presid...
21 pages found, 14 links found, 2188 score
When Time, Efficiency and Cost is Important Welcome to MedRecords Web.com We believe at MedRecords Web.com that a patient, attorney or insurance company should not have to face hurdles when it comes ...
9 pages found, 5 links found, 243 score
As you browse our site, we hope you get a feel for why our clients and associates think of us as more than just a leading supplier of technology, products and services. We provide solutions for leg...
26 pages found, 0 links found, 151 score
Experts in traffic accident reconstruction and investigation. Harris Technical Services provides experts in traffic accident reconstruction to attorneys involved in the civil litigation and criminal d...
12 pages found, 3 links found, 2483 score
It is the explicit purpose of this Web Site to: 1. Present a critical forum for ideas and techniques used in the field of traffic accident reconstruction . 2. Promote excellence in the field of traffi...
18 pages found, 2 links found, 144 score
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