The American Iatrogenic Association is devoted to publicizing and reducing illness caused by physicians, hospitals, drugs, and medical procedures....
15 pages found, 54 links found, 27084 score
A resource for injured patients considering actions against Managed Care Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, and Nursing Homes....
153 pages found, 176 links found, 4230 score
MDEX Online, Inc. is a national full service medical-legal consulting firm. The company was established to give attorneys easy access to the country's leading medical and disability authorities...
18 pages found, 2 links found, 8349 score
Clyde Bergstresser and Associates, P.C. has over 20 years experience handling catastrophic personal injuries and medical malpractice cases." HEAD HEAD BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0c0772" VLIN...
13 pages found, 1 links found, 8464 score
Welcome to MED-TOX ONLINE! MED-TOX Health Services specializes in several areas of job and ergonomic analysis, occupational and environmental health and safety and medical physical standards developm...
25 pages found, 56 links found, 779 score
The Medical Review Foundation. Find resouces and Experts to help you in cases of medical negligence and malpractice. We provide expert consultation for a wide variety of cases and specialties. Nationw...
7 pages found, 14 links found, 15090 score
The Neurotrauma Law Nexus is a resource for Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury survivors, family members, and all whose lives and experiences are affected by brain injury or spinal cord injury....
11 pages found, 3 links found, 478 score
Shoulder dystocia is diagnosed when, during the delivery of a baby, one or both of the shoulders becomes stuck making delivery difficult. Pulling on the baby's head during shoulder dystocia can stret...
2 pages found, 0 links found, 346 score
Legal information, articles, and resources for victims of medical malpractice in Texas. Free attorney case reviews....
25 pages found, 0 links found, 7153 score
Welcome to the Medical Review Foundation, Inc. Since 1976, our staff has been consulted on and supplied numerous, experienced Board Certified Medical Experts who have reviewed and agreed to testify...
10 pages found, 1 links found, 5590 score
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