ALA Currents is a subscription-based management news service provided exclusively for members of the Association of Legal Administrators. Delivered to you via two media, e-mail or either of two Web-ba...
5 pages found, 0 links found, 526 score
Alert Publications, Inc. publishes reliable and essential newsletters for legal and business librarians, information specialists,attorneys, and researchers which evaluate publications, products, resea...
26 pages found, 2 links found, 8648 score
American Law Review: Legal news and analysis, online columns and special reports, plus The Republican Law Journal....
40 pages found, 151 links found, 6321 score
We partner with organizations and municipalities of all sizes to help solve problems, save time and money and improve the level of service they provide. Find out how we helped... ...Dallas, TX create...
13 pages found, 0 links found, 254 score
National and state-specific legal publications, criminal justice professionals or students and law school textbooks authored prestigious national legal scholars....
17 pages found, 0 links found, 3520 score
Articles About Legal Intranets, Extranets, Web Sites, and Practice Systems by John Hokkanen...
25 pages found, 5 links found, 5268 score carries over 3,000 legal study aid titles and law books, all at the lowest price anywhere. Widest selection, lowest Prices and FREE fast Shipping- that's why we're Your Online Law S...
35 pages found, 0 links found, 32216 score
Brief Reporter is a legal research service which publishes legal briefs from previously litigated cases in all jurisdictions. We are an online brief bank, with links to the attorneys of record....
185 pages found, 3 links found, 6697 score
Legal publications designed by Corporate Counsel for Corporate Counsel. Covers a wide variety of Corporate Legal Issues. Business Laws, Inc. is located in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio....
146 pages found, 189 links found, 2141 score
Butterworths of New Zealand Ltd For a free trial of our online service, please call 0800 800 986. Proud supporter of the New Zealand Law Society Continuing Legal Education programme in 2001. ...
12 pages found, 1 links found, 1751 score
Our website brings together a comprehensive listing of our Canadian looseleaf services, textbooks, newsletters and journals, law reports and electronic products, as well as relevant titles from other ...
81 pages found, 45 links found, 3870 score
Welcome to the Cavendish Publishing website. We aim to provide the definitive online web resource for legal publications...
46 pages found, 1 links found, 13654 score
Welcome to the Chicago-Kent Law Review Web Site! Click on the following links to obtain more information about a specific topic: Would You Like to Order a Copy of Our Second Amendment Symposium? Mas...
51 pages found, 0 links found, 440 score
I challenge international law scholars to write about the unpopular, the weird, the old, the outside, the unexpected, the obscurities buried in ancient tomes, and the unsafe topics that do not make h...
12 pages found, 1 links found, 624 score
We offer the largest inventory of U.S. Government Books outside of the U.S. Government Printing Office (including many titles no longer available at the GPO). ...
265 pages found, 2 links found, 111 score
Home Editors Staff Articles Links State Bar Computer Section Law School SMU Intranet What's New The General Editorial Guidelines have been updated. Please email Shannon Jamison, Editor-in-Chi...
31 pages found, 53 links found, 1096 score
The jury verdict and settlement reporter relied upon by Southern California attorneys and insurance carriers for 35 years....
13 pages found, 0 links found, 14838 score
is a monthly business publication whose primary audience includes general counsel and other in-house counsel. Corporate Legal Times is the oldest monthly magazine published specifically for in...
20 pages found, 5 links found, 3056 score
Legal experts providing in-house counsel resources including surveys, research directory, job bank, and discussion boards. A community where in-house counsel can share ideas, research careers and ...
35 pages found, 119 links found, 1911 score
A proposed class action has been filed against Chicago-based FMC Corporation and Asahi Kasei Corporation of Japan for allegedly dividing up the market for a widely-used food and drug additive and fi...
29 pages found, 6 links found, 328 score
February 17, 2001weekly newsletter Federal Court Ousts School Anti-Bias PolicyA federal appeals panel rules that a Pennsylvania school's anti-harassment policy is an unconstitutional infringement o...
55 pages found, 2 links found, 159 score
Let our experience assist you in meeting your legal information needs. Dewey Publications is a small publishing company located in Arlington, Virginia. Our materials cover federal civil servi...
17 pages found, 0 links found, 803 score
Welcome to the Law Page of... THE FINE PRINT PRESS, LTD. Aloha! and thanks for stopping by our cyber-address here at The Fine Print Press, a tiny new publisher out here (in the real world) in sunny H...
17 pages found, 1 links found, 51393 score
comprehensive free legal information for the common person featuring an active legal community with expertise in such areas as health and injuries, family law, the system, work, criminal law, money an...
575 pages found, 4 links found, 6701 score
University of Colorado Law Review General Information Attention Transfer students entering CU Law School as a second-year student in August 2000: If you would like to "Write-On" to the University of ...
63 pages found, 3 links found, 804 score
University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal University of Baltimore School of Law 1420 North Charles Street · Baltimore, MD · 21201-5779 Telephone - (410) 837-4372 Facsimile - (410) 8...
23 pages found, 15 links found, 958 score
Popular Links New!! Past Issues of the IELR are now available on-line through Lexis-Nexis and Compliance International. This page designed by Sand Graphics ...
10 pages found, 59 links found, 432 score
Welcome to the IJCLP Now in its fifth issue, the International Journal of Communications Law and Policy is an innovative electronic law journal. Its focus on bringing authors' copyrighted leading edg...
12 pages found, 5 links found, 773 score
The best source for practice-oriented law books and magazines. Our products are loaded with forms, practice tips, checklists, samples, and case summaries - and are always reasonably priced....
94 pages found, 4 links found, 2046 score
The University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes scholarly articles regarding contemporary legal and social issues facing public policy decisio...
13 pages found, 4 links found, 1572 score
JOURNAL OF PRISONERS ON PRISONS ISSN 0838-164X Current Issue The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) is a prisoner written, academically-oriented journal based on the tradition of the Penal Press. ...
19 pages found, 4 links found, 458 score
With a list of over 2,000 books, journals, loose-leaves, and electronic products in 53 different areas of law, Kluwer Law International aims to provide a comprehensive information service to the inte...
21 pages found, 1 links found, 1188 score
NEW York City's American Lawyer Media Inc. has launched, a new Web site for job seekers, employers and recruiters in the legal profession. It offers tools and services to help users find, ...
65 pages found, 12 links found, 2711 score
New York Law Journal features today's top legal stories, decisions, court rules, links to 2,000+ legal web sites, and info about NY's top law firms...
163 pages found, 214 links found, 2226 score
When is infringing on intellectual property rights a federal crime? This important new treatise by a former prosecutor will bring you up-to-speed on the criminalizing of intellectual property theft an...
109 pages found, 27 links found, 7237 score is designed especially for legal professionals. It contains the most comprehensive experts listings found anywhere, representing a broad range of specialties from across the c...
5 pages found, 13 links found, 17784 score
Get legal news, court opinions, and hard-to-find resources from Lawyers Weekly USA, the only national newspaper for small-firm lawyers....
73 pages found, 23 links found, 8007 score
Get legal news, court opinions, and hard-to-find resources from Lawyers Weekly USA, the only national newspaper for small-firm lawyers....
63 pages found, 67 links found, 8492 score
Get legal news, court opinions, and hard-to-find resources from Lawyers Weekly USA, the only national newspaper for small-firm lawyers....
32 pages found, 17 links found, 24154 score is designed especially for legal professionals by Lawyers Weekly. It contains hundreds of listings of attorneys who want to help other attorneys, representing a broad range ...
3 pages found, 11 links found, 12483 score
Formerly LEXIS Law PublishingClick here for more info Keywords Search Browse by State Area Attention Law Professors and Students:Click here for information about our Legal Education Series Bo...
4 pages found, 10 links found, 5666 score is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet legal research and technology-related issues....
21 pages found, 4 links found, 1782 score
Maine Lawyers Review is the premiere publication for Maine's law community, attorneys and courts....
18 pages found, 40 links found, 3579 score
Meyer Boswell Books, Inc. is an antiquarian bookshop specializing in rare, scholarly and antiquarian law books exclusively, including trials and international and constitutional law...
15 pages found, 3 links found, 2438 score
Your state on Find links to specific legal state sites and other legal services from National Law Journal affiliate • 50 states Practice Central • Litigation Center • Employ...
14 pages found, 8 links found, 1571 score
Title Keyword Search NCJ Number Search OVC Publications Resource Guide, 2001 Edition presents a catalog of available Office for Victims of Crime publications and other resources such as video...
18 pages found, 1 links found, 158 score
Asian judge goes public for a bench nomination By Evelyn Apgar A Passaic County judge has done what few sitting jurists in New Jersey would do - forcefully and publicly urge groups to rally behind ...
22 pages found, 4 links found, 2168 score
The New York Legal Publishing Corporation Website is a searchable, up-to-date resource for the New York City Charter and Code and New York City Rules and Regulations. It also provides The New York Re...
2 pages found, 1 links found, 270 score
North Carolina Lawyers Weekly is the leader in legal news for North Carolina attorneys, providing vital news, opinions, verdicts and settlements, analysis and more....
27 pages found, 19 links found, 34033 score
Ordinance Codification Services and Legal Publishing - Codification of Municipal and County Codes of Ordinances...
10 pages found, 0 links found, 535 score
Professional website and portal design for law firms, lawyers, and other legal professionals...
13 pages found, 11 links found, 2152 score
60+ Years and Counting Pike & Fischer, Inc. a subsidiary of BNA, Inc., has been publishing authoritative legal and business information services since 1939. Our products — news periodicals, reference...
49 pages found, 3 links found, 1912 score
The Prison Legal News is a monthly journal edited by Washington State prisoner Paul Wright. The PLN has been regularly published since May of 1990. PLN covers prison-related news and analysis from ac...
13 pages found, 0 links found, 1663 score
The Queen's Law Journal is a student-run publication committed to a system of peer review. The editorial board consists of 5 senior editors and 12 associate editors. There are also approximately 20 e...
21 pages found, 1 links found, 5704 score
Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly is the leader in legal news for Rhode Island attorneys, providing vital news, opinions, verdicts and settlements, analysis and more....
30 pages found, 16 links found, 4568 score
"The First Exclusively Online Law Review" The Current Issue is Volume VII, Issue 2, Fall 2000 We will host a Symposium on the future of software licensing in Virginia on March 2, 2000 - ...
22 pages found, 5 links found, 1915 score
The Rutgers LawRecord is the first general-subject, exclusively online law journal in theUnited States. It is edited by the students and faculty of the RutgersSchool of Law at Newark....
136 pages found, 54 links found, 760 score
Home page for the Student Press Law Center, a nonprofit group provides free legal help and information to the student news media and journalism educators....
50 pages found, 3 links found, 4267 score
Press Room includes background on the company, biographies of the Sweet & Maxwell Board and an archive of press releases covering all our launch and sponsorship activities. Customer Services, sales a...
29 pages found, 3 links found, 1605 score
The Sydney Law Review, established in 1953, is a refereed, peer review journal of high repute, with a wide readership both in Australia and internationally. It is published quarterly by LBC Informatio...
13 pages found, 7 links found, 1606 score
Tech Law Journal News, records, and analysis of legislation, litigation, and regulation affecting the computer and Internet industry Home | Antitrust | Broadband | Censorship | Education | Employment...
282 pages found, 8 links found, 396 score
Welcome to the Texas Journal of Women and the Law, an innovative student edited legal journal that explores cultural, racial, and socio-economic issues concerning women and the law....
7 pages found, 2 links found, 1417 score
Texas Lawyer Press is a division of Texas Lawyer, a subsidiary of American Lawyer Media. Although we are a part of a national corporation, our day-to-day operations are Texas-based and Texas-focused. ...
16 pages found, 1 links found, 3845 score
The TEXAS REVIEW OF LAW & POLITICS publishes thoughtful and intellectually rigorous conservative articles--articles that traditional law reviews often fail to publish--that can serve as blueprints for...
26 pages found, 22 links found, 2557 score
The Texas Wesleyan Law Review was formed during the 1994 academic year and publishes 2 issues per year. From our humble beginnings, the Law Review and Texas Wesleyan School of Law have grown in quali...
8 pages found, 0 links found, 3030 score
Special Report: Pro Bono Pro bono steps out of the courtroom At long last, pro bono is coming out of the courtroom. Business lawyers are in demand, and they're happy to comply when they can use ...
9 pages found, 4 links found, 2039 score
A Student Publication of the University of FloridaLevin College of LawJournal of Technology Law & Policy115K Holland HallGainesville, FL 32611 Voice: (352) 392-6237 Fax: (352) 392-9641 e-mail: tech...
27 pages found, 48 links found, 4061 score
A Student Publication of the University of FloridaLevin College of LawJournal of Technology Law & Policy115K Holland HallGainesville, FL 32611 Voice: (352) 392-6237 Fax: (352) 392-9641 e-mail: tech...
8 pages found, 8 links found, 375 score
The Legal Forum is the topical law journal of the University of Chicago Law School. Volumes are published annually. Each volume selects a current legal issue and examines it in depth. In addition, ...
2 pages found, 3 links found, 4704 score
Welcome To The Rutgers Race & The Law Review About The Journal Editorial Staff News Publications Subscription Submission Contact Us ...
16 pages found, 0 links found, 1892 score
Over 50 journals, presenting original research from international scholars in the social sciences, humanities, education, biological and medical sciences, and physical sciences....
126 pages found, 15 links found, 239 score
Trials Digest provides comprehensive and timely civil trial result information for all types of civil litigation....
34 pages found, 1 links found, 9060 score
The University of Chicago Law Review First appearing in 1933, The University of Chicago Law Review is published four times a year by The University of Chicago Law School. The Law Review publishe...
44 pages found, 2 links found, 496 score
Virginia Journal of Law and Technology Association 580 Massie Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Phone: 434-924-7090 · E-mail:, Terms and Cond...
31 pages found, 34 links found, 4253 score
The Journal provides a forum for examining contending legal, judicial and political perspectives relating to the interaction of law and social policy....
9 pages found, 2 links found, 1622 score
Virginia Lawyers Weekly is the leader in legal news for Virginia attorneys, providing vital news, opinions, verdicts and settlements, analysis and more....
28 pages found, 16 links found, 23585 score
WASHINGTON AND LEE LAW REVIEW GENERAL INFORMATION Information Regarding the Law Review An Invitation to Authors Subscription and Back Issue Information Permission to Copy Articles Current Law Review ...
99 pages found, 7 links found, 789 score
Welcome to, where you can purchase all the Gilbert products that you have come to trust Gilbert outlines, Legalines, Law School Legends audio tapes, Casebriefs software, and much...
42 pages found, 4 links found, 1451 score
CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW Volume 33 Editor-in-Chief Christopher R. PerryManaging Editor John B. Gaffney Administrative Editor Christopher V. Beckman Commentary Editor Christine Theroux Symposium Editors...
2 pages found, 2 links found, 656 score
Products and services for the attorney, law librarian, judge, paralegal, law student and consumer....
20 pages found, 10 links found, 9757 score
Hello and welcome to the West Virginia Journal of Law and Technology. There have been a few changes to say the least. The Journal is now under new management and a new constitution. We hope these cha...
11 pages found, 8 links found, 2682 score
Your Nation's Courts Series™, now in its 26th year, consists of print and online references covering the nation's federal, state, and county courts. Our material is relied on by attorneys, librarians...
9 pages found, 0 links found, 1540 score
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