Serving law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, search rescue, and disaster management, 9-1-1 Magazine provides valuable information to readers in all aspects of the public safety communic...
14 pages found, 5 links found, 232 score
PASAweb is the virtual home of the Police Association of South Australia (PASA). PASA represents the industrial and professional interests of its members, sworn officers of the South Australia Police...
19 pages found, 2 links found, 261 score
The mission of all employees of the University of California Police Department is to enhance the quality of life by providing a secure and safe environment in which the University community ...
30 pages found, 10 links found, 738 score
was established in 1921 and serves the needs of professional law enforcement through issue exploration, resource development, educational opportunities and legislative advocacy. CPOA has over 4,000 me...
40 pages found, 19 links found, 611 score
The San Jose Police Department is proud of its efforts in working with the community to make San Jose one of the safest cities in the nation. We continue to achieve this standard by educating resident...
29 pages found, 95 links found, 2373 score
The Community Policing Consortium is a partnership of five of the leading police organizations in the United States: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) National Organization of Blac...
16 pages found, 0 links found, 593 score
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc., also known as COPS, is a nationwide non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of survivors of law enforcement ...
31 pages found, 85 links found, 775 score
CopSeek features an extensive directory and search engine of police and law enforcement links...
53 pages found, 7 links found, 566 score
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement provides services to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting citizens...
62 pages found, 101 links found, 1214 score
The Whitfield County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Scott Chitwood We need your help on a case Career Opportunities Convicted Sex Offenders List 01 04 02 Agency Maps 10 Codes Links Media Information WCS...
22 pages found, 80 links found, 1327 score
IIR is a research and training organization specializing in law enforcement, juvenile justice, and criminal justice issues. IIR provides local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies with the han...
23 pages found, 1 links found, 307 score
Illinois Police & Sheriff's News 2615 W Peterson Av Chicago. Il 60659 773-728-2326 (tel) 630-604-4496 (fax) [ Home ] [ Search this site or the world wide web ] [ Welcome ] [ What's New ? ] [ The Mob ...
184 pages found, 45 links found, 1350 score
Welcome to the Official Lake County Sheriff's Web Site. Please feel free to come in and take a tour of your Sheriff's Department. Insid...
25 pages found, 1 links found, 4757 score
Subscribe Renew Current Issue Subscribe Renew Current Issue More about ILCI Contents A compilation of Legal and Law Enforcement Links Contact LELP at phone fax 630 858 6392 421 Ridgewoo...
16 pages found, 21 links found, 3415 score
Contacting Us Crime Prevention Safety Domestic Violence Drug Abuse Mission Statement About Us Jump Start D.A.R.T. Community Programs It's What We Do! Fun Stuff Patch Colle...
37 pages found, 46 links found, 679 score
Message from the Chief Department History Employee Directory Mission Statement Community Policing Parking Information Press Releases Send us your comments Secured Intelligence Web Site Photo Album Li...
18 pages found, 65 links found, 912 score
Home page of the Watertown, MA. Police Department. Resource helps, E-Mail, Station Tour, Statistics, Graphs, and FAQ pages available for your information....
29 pages found, 7 links found, 303 score
Minnesota Law Enforcement Explorer Association Home Page Who We Are Membership Committees Event Calendar Scholarship Related Sites Featured Post Breezy Point Nationals Awards Pictures Explorer Hono...
76 pages found, 1 links found, 555 score
An online catalog of FREE Training avalable for all State and Local Law Enforcement In the United States. ...
19 pages found, 2 links found, 477 score
Crips and Bloods, Hispanic Gangs, East Coast Gangs, Vampires, Gothics, Prosecuting Gangs, Gang Prosecution, Gang Investigation, Gang Prevention and Intervention, Gang Links. ...
11 pages found, 53 links found, 238 score
A Tactical and Negotiator Information and Educational Resource of the NTOA P.O. BOX 797 - DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 - TEL 800.279.9127 - FAX 215.230.7552 - MEMBERSHIP@NTOA.ORG The on...
16 pages found, 9 links found, 308 score
The principal mission of the Monroe Police Department is to serve the community by protecting life and property; by preventing crime; by enforcing laws; and maintaining order for all citizens. We resp...
19 pages found, 11 links found, 931 score
The Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP) is an online memorial for fallen law enforcement officers from the United States and around the world....
46 pages found, 2 links found, 378 score
P.L.E.A., The Park Law Enforcement Association was established in 1984 to improve law enforcement and visitor protection services in park and recreation areas through professional development, thus be...
13 pages found, 33 links found, 399 score
Most Popular Law Enforcement Site in the world: There are few better places to get immersed in cop culture than Police Guide. While most police sites are top-heavy with crime prevention tips, this is ...
41 pages found, 7 links found, 165 score
Originally started as a "how-to" manual for police competitive shooters, The Police Marksman magazine has evolved into the country's most highly-rated law enforcement publication. For over 25 years, o...
22 pages found, 33 links found, 503 score is a comprehensive calendar of law enforcement training classes and events...
74 pages found, 32 links found, 368 score
The South Carolina Troopers Association is a nonprofit organization helping the South Carolina Troopers ......
11 pages found, 20 links found, 556 score
Bureau History TBI Seal TBI Authority Bureau Organization International Accreditation Training Schedules Employment TBI Most Wanted TICIC Sexual Offender Registry Out of State Probation Parole Missin...
39 pages found, 28 links found, 2086 score
Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas, providing support and training to todays county law enforcement...
14 pages found, 14 links found, 681 score
WeTip is a non-profit organization that has been in continual operation since 1972. If you have information on a crime, with WeTip's lines 800-78-CRIME, 800-47-ARSON and 800-US-FRAUD 24 hours a day. Y...
8 pages found, 2 links found, 423 score
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