DrugSense works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news and many free E-mail subscription services....
71 pages found, 53 links found, 153 score
The National Drug Strategy Network is working for effective approaches to address the world's many drug problems by sharing accurate information about drug control strategies. NDSN is made up of indi...
23 pages found, 24 links found, 324 score
NORML is a nonprofit lobbying organization working to end marijuana prohibition and stop arrests of smokers. The NORML Foundation sponsors educational, research, and legal programs about the ...
56 pages found, 10 links found, 2539 score
The November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots organization who are educating the public about the destructive increase in prison population in the United States due to our current drug laws. We a...
81 pages found, 14 links found, 239 score
The UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention web site provides information on drug control and crime prevention. Specific topics include drug abuse and demand reduction; drug supply reduction; ...
53 pages found, 4 links found, 854 score
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood." -- UN Universal Declaration...
53 pages found, 46 links found, 432 score
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