The Mobile Bar Association exists to meet the needs of the legal community of Mobile, Alabama, and to foster the interaction of the legal community with the community at large. The Mobile Bar Associat...
24 pages found, 0 links found, 3107 score
Upcoming events Oral history project W. M. Keck Award and Lecture Research staff Publication of research Working papers Appointments Fellowship programs Law and Social Inquiry Liaison Research Servic...
37 pages found, 16 links found, 3304 score
Home Page of the American Corporate Counsel Association, the largest In-house Counsel Bar Association...
56 pages found, 157 links found, 1796 score
The Arizona Bar foundation is the charitable non-profit arm of the Arizona State Bar. The Foundation provides funds for legal services to the poor. As well, it funds a comprehensive K-12 education pr...
206 pages found, 2 links found, 1941 score
The Asian Bar Association of Sacramento was formed in 1981 to promote and protect the interests of API attorneys and the API community in the greater Sacramento, California area....
46 pages found, 15 links found, 637 score
The New South Wales Bar Association is a voluntary association of practising barristers. Our aims, as expressed in our Constitution, include: to promote the administration of justice; to promote, main...
50 pages found, 4 links found, 2458 score
The Bar Association of San Francisco is a nonprofit voluntary membership organization of over 9,000 lawyers in the Bay Area....
53 pages found, 25 links found, 3413 score
The Bar Council is the regulatory and representative body for barristers in England and Wales. It deals with the qualification and conduct rules governing barristers and those wishing to become barris...
41 pages found, 1 links found, 2749 score
Please note that the application to take the California Bar Exam and the First-Year Law Students' Exam are not yet available. Welcome to the Office of Admissions' online registration and application ...
4 pages found, 3 links found, 1078 score
September 2000 Dear Members, Well-wishers and Friends: Just a few things as we race into fall. It's still not too late to get into the annual golf tournament on September 15, 2000 which begin...
16 pages found, 10 links found, 2703 score
San Mateo County Bar Association's Website The purpose of this Association shall be to advance jurisprudence; to improve the education and proficiency of its members; to foster the understanding of...
11 pages found, 0 links found, 3136 score
Contra Costa County (California) Bar Association, an association of attorneys, judges, and legal support personnel serving its members and the public...
94 pages found, 49 links found, 1270 score
CBA's Web site home page. Find information about The Chicago Bar Association, legal careers, Chicago law firms, lawyer referrals, CLE, CLE Online, CBA positions, CBA recommendations, general legal in...
51 pages found, 3 links found, 9085 score
Our state and federal constitutions are magnificent documents. The rights protected by these documents are much like muscles. Without criminal defense attorneys to exercise them, they would atrophy. T...
11 pages found, 6 links found, 7348 score
The Colorado Hispanic Bar Association is dedicated to the advancement of Hispanic attorneys in the Colorado legal community. It is also geared toward addressing issues posed to the Hispanic community...
13 pages found, 330 links found, 6526 score
Welcome to BCBA! Providing its members with exceptional educational and social opportunities. The Boulder County Bar, one of the most active in the western United States, has a long tradition of serv...
15 pages found, 2 links found, 4082 score
Connecticut Bar Association Serving Connecticut attorneys and the public since 1875 CBA Members CBA Legal Career Center Join the CBA Law-related Links CL Advertising Opportunities Young Lawyers Event...
106 pages found, 77 links found, 2325 score
The Federal Communications Bar Association is an organization of attorneys and other professionals, including engineers, consultants, economists and government officials, involved in the development, ...
18 pages found, 8 links found, 1486 score
Attorney SearchThis directory, updated on 01 16 2001, lists active, inactive, and retired members of The Florida Bar. This Information, provided by The Florida Bar Membership Records Department, is u...
287 pages found, 2 links found, 3204 score
The Sarasota County Bar Association is a not-for-profit association which Sarasota County members of The Florida Bar join voluntarily. The mission of the SCBA is to be the voice of the legal professio...
15 pages found, 3 links found, 3087 score
I welcome you to the new St. Petersburg Bar Association website. It is our sincere desire that this website will be instrumental in fulfilling our continuing efforts to satisfy the mission of our...
13 pages found, 1 links found, 8855 score
The Jacksonville Bar Association is a voluntary professional association for all lawyers, in all types of practice, in all areas of law. Find out more about the Bar . . . About the JBA Providing an o...
23 pages found, 1 links found, 6108 score
CELEBRATING SEVEN DECADES In 1929, Daytona Beach attorney, Harry A. Horn, became the first President of the Volusia County Bar Association. The Association was incorporated as a non-profit corporatio...
14 pages found, 6 links found, 7272 score
The Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia is a professional organization of Judges, lawyers, law students and legal professionals who support equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered ...
13 pages found, 0 links found, 2776 score
Message from the President | Membership | How to Join Contact Us | The Officers & Directors 2000 Calender of Events- 2000-2001 The Hellenic Bar Association Cordially Invites You To Attend Mid-winter ...
7 pages found, 2 links found, 2640 score
Official On-Line Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association December 16, 2000 Bar News Calendar of Events CLE Seminars Lawyer Referral Bar Briefs Bar Sections Member Benefits Join the ABA About the B...
202 pages found, 1 links found, 446 score
The Champaign County Bar Association (CCBA) is an organization of attorneys that dedicate themselves to continuing their legal education, promoting public awareness of the law, engaging in public serv...
15 pages found, 16 links found, 18736 score
Decatur Bar Association Judge Diamond's Satisfaction of Judgment Forms Word Version Word Perfect Version The Decatur Bar Association has created this Web Site as a service to our members and to the I...
9 pages found, 1 links found, 1522 score
The DuPage County Bar Association has more benefits than ever. From educational seminars, training programs and community service programs to social functions, the DCBA ranks as the heavyweight in ...
47 pages found, 3 links found, 5028 score
The Northwest Suburban Bar Association (NWSBA) is a group of over 650 attorneys who live or practice in the north-northwest area of Cook County. We are one of the largest Bar Associations in Illinois ...
25 pages found, 0 links found, 3817 score
Founded on May 16, l940 by a group of distinguished lawyers and jurists representing forty-four professional organizations and seventeen nations of the western hemisphere, the Inter-American Bar Asso...
33 pages found, 3 links found, 2830 score
The world's leading global organisation of legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. 18,000 members exchange information relating to all international aspects of law....
45 pages found, 42 links found, 11467 score
The Inter-Pacific Bar Association ("IPBA") is an international association of business and commercial lawyers with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Members are either Asia-Pacific residents or have...
38 pages found, 2 links found, 1241 score
X ISBA OfficersYoung Lawyers Division ISBA Board of GovernorsStaff CommitteesCalendar SectionsMember Benefits Center for Law & Civic EducationWEB Advertising Information United States CodeIowa Suprem...
164 pages found, 65 links found, 907 score
The Wichita Bar Association was incorporated in 1915. Since that time it has been dedicated to promoting the highest standards of professionalism within the legal community. The WBA is committed to pr...
26 pages found, 1 links found, 5925 score
Kentucky Bar Association 514 West Main Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-1883 Phone (502)564-3795 - Fax (502)564-3225 Welcome Mission Statement Board of Governors KBA Departments Member Benefits Admis...
242 pages found, 7 links found, 780 score
The L.A. Litigator web site is sponsored by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Litigation Section....
126 pages found, 12 links found, 1311 score
National Italian American Bar Association ..... Message From the President NIABA Winter Meeting Welcome to NIABA NIABA Officers National Italian American Bar Association PMB932 2020 Pennsylvania Aven...
15 pages found, 4 links found, 3132 score
An Emphasis on Professionalism & Ethics The Louisiana Supreme Court continues to address public concerns regarding attorney misconduct. In 1990, Louisiana’s lawyer discipline system became the ...
8 pages found, 6 links found, 2744 score is Louisiana's online legal resource. provides members of Louisiana State Bar Association and the public with legal information and internet resources...
39 pages found, 120 links found, 8474 score is Louisiana's online legal resource. provides members of Louisiana State Bar Association and the public with legal information and internet resources...
135 pages found, 126 links found, 1173 score
"To advance the science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice, uphold the honor of the courts, and of the profession of the law, encourage cordial intercourse among its members and, ...
9 pages found, 69 links found, 19118 score
The Lafayette Parish Bar Association (LPBA) was officially created in 1970 as professional association for the legal community. The association is dedicated to providing high-quality programs and act ...
12 pages found, 2 links found, 2983 score
Welcome to the Maine Bar Foundation Our Mission To increase access to justice for indigent and vulnerable populations, and to support, encourage and implement the legal profession's commitment to l...
13 pages found, 1 links found, 1927 score
The Maryland Hispanic Bar Association Web Site The Maryland Hispanic Bar Association is a seven year old statewide Bar Association whose membership is composed of Hispanic Latino and non-Hispanic Lat...
32 pages found, 6 links found, 3015 score
About Us Join the BAMC For Members Committees & Sections Public Information Lawyer Referral Service Continuing Legal Education Pro Bono New Practitioners Calendar of Events Bar History What's New Pre...
80 pages found, 132 links found, 20626 score
Anne Arundel Bar Association With attorney members throughout Anne Arundel County including: Annapolis, Arnold, Baltimore, Crofton, Crownsville, Davidsonville, Edgewater, Glen Burnie, Hanover, Lint...
14 pages found, 0 links found, 1384 score
Annual Black-tie Banquet, Past President's Dinner, Chairpersons Dinner Meeting, Circuit Court swearing-in, reception, and tour of County Courts Building for new admittees in January and June. BCBA...
39 pages found, 3 links found, 6588 score
The Prince George's County Bar Association, founded in 1902, is a voluntary association for attorneys in and of Prince George's County. The PGCBA's membership is comprised of a wide spectrum of indivi...
27 pages found, 6 links found, 16725 score
Welcome to the homepage for the Michigan State Bar Foundation. Job Openings Thank you for visiting the Michigan State Bar Foundation website. If you have comments or suggestions, email me at:...
19 pages found, 4 links found, 715 score
Welcome to the Oakland County Bar Association. Since 1934, our organization has served the varying and diverse needs of our legal members. Today, the OCBA is an association of more than 3,000 members....
16 pages found, 10 links found, 4344 score
The Judge Advocates Association is a national legal society that was organized in 1943 by a small group of army attorneys in Washington, D.C. ...
36 pages found, 78 links found, 8938 score
Learning that The Mississippi Bar was the first state bar association in the nation, reading about the Bar's accomplishments, obtaining information on membership services and programs for the public, ...
284 pages found, 101 links found, 795 score
The Missouri Bar is located at in Jefferson City, Missouri. Lawyers, educators, journalists, and the public are invited to use this source of legal information....
63 pages found, 6 links found, 9884 score
The Missouri Bar is located at in Jefferson City, Missouri. Lawyers, educators, journalists, and the public are invited to use this source of legal information....
42 pages found, 7 links found, 26565 score
On March 16, 1874, some 100 members of the St. Louis bar and bench convened to organize themselves professionally. Their forum was the Old Courthouse, already known to the law as the place where Dred ...
21 pages found, 0 links found, 1015 score
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association is the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students that strives to be a national network for ...
21 pages found, 31 links found, 2598 score
The National Crime Victim Bar Association is a network of attorneys and allied professionals dedicated to facilitating civil actions brough by crime victims." meta name="keywords" content="Nation...
36 pages found, 2 links found, 8642 score
12 pages found, 5 links found, 799 score
Welcome! The New Jersey State Bar Association's Web site offers easy access to information about programs, events, seminars, meetings and other NJSBA activities. Check the calendar section for a comp...
80 pages found, 2 links found, 319 score
The New Jersey State Bar Foundation provides a wide variety of free law-related education services to the public. Our seminars, publications, and video loan library offer information on many legal to...
1 pages found, 0 links found, 337 score
The New Orleans Bar Association - over 2,500 judges and attorneys leading Louisiana's legal community...
15 pages found, 6 links found, 6609 score
A professional organization for private and government lawyers and judges involved in federal practice in the New Orleans and surrounding areas of Louisiana....
8 pages found, 7 links found, 6886 score
Delaware County Bar Association THE DELAWARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE-DELHI, NEW YORK Thank you for visiting the Delaware County Bar Association's site on the World Wide Web. We're glad to share the followi...
31 pages found, 9 links found, 4215 score
NYCLA is a bar association with a total membership of 10,000 attorneys. NYCLA is devoted to open, non-discriminatory membership, promoting the highest standards of professional integrity and active p...
2 pages found, 1 links found, 4546 score
The Richmond County Bar Association is a nonprofit voluntary membership organization serving the legal needs of the community of Staten Island...
11 pages found, 34 links found, 18839 score
For more than 125 years, the Onondaga County Bar Association (OCBA) has been serving the legal profession and the public in Central New York. With offices in Syracuse, New York, the Association has ...
13 pages found, 3 links found, 4504 score
The Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) is a professional membership organization of Asian Pacific American Attorneys concerned with issues affecting the Asian Pacific community. Inc...
6 pages found, 2 links found, 1727 score
Long-Range Planning Committee Determines Goals, Objectives John Sarratt presents a breakout group's ideas on professionalism and relevancy in the 21st Century. Volunteer leaders from across the sta...
31 pages found, 7 links found, 3374 score
The North Carolina State Bar Online is the official online resource for State Bar information and events....
33 pages found, 13 links found, 23334 score
Since 1872, the Cincinnati Bar Association (CBA) has addressed and served the needs of the Cincinnati community. Today, the CBA stands firm in its belief that the law is for the people. By providing l...
17 pages found, 7 links found, 18210 score
The Lake County Bar Association Serves the greater Cleveland area including, Mentor, Eastlake, Painesville, Wickliffe, Willoughby, Willowick and Mentor-on-the-lake....
57 pages found, 8 links found, 10428 score
153 pages found, 4 links found, 941 score
Founded in 1906, the Multnomah Bar Association (MBA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit, professional association of lawyers and judges, serving the Portland metropolitan area. The MBA Young Lawyers...
9 pages found, 28 links found, 4858 score
Continuing legal education books, courses, tapes, and online products for Pennsylvania lawyers, from the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the CLE arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. Timely, practical,...
58 pages found, 11 links found, 4893 score
@philabar is the Philadelphia Bar Association's home on the World Wide Web. Intended to be a resource for Association members, the site provides an overview of the activities of the Association as we...
128 pages found, 61 links found, 40624 score
The Erie County Bar Association is a non-profit professional organization incorporated in 1875 to serve the lawyers, judges and the public or Erie County, Pennsylvania. The Association and its member...
36 pages found, 38 links found, 56992 score
Homecourt Advantage is an online employment resource for lawyers and law students who are considering Philadelphia law practice....
15 pages found, 27 links found, 30113 score
Home page for the York County Bar Association, 137 East Market Street, York, PA 17401...
11 pages found, 1 links found, 20458 score
@philabar is the Philadelphia Bar Association's home on the World Wide Web. Intended to be a resource for Association members, the site provides an overview of the activities of the Association as we...
115 pages found, 61 links found, 17930 score
Welcome to the new SBA web page. We now have a permanent home on the USF network. Look around and see what we have to offer. Make sure you check out our newly expanded outline section to get the ...
11 pages found, 2 links found, 1932 score
Benefits of Membership Sections & Committees CLE Reference Law Students Member Survey The South Carolina Bar is dedicated to advancing justice, professionalism and understanding of the law. Lawyer Di...
91 pages found, 123 links found, 581 score
The State Bar of Arizona and the Arizona Bar Foundation exist for the purposes of promoting a just society under law and providing the highest levels of service to the members and to the public....
59 pages found, 147 links found, 1101 score
The official website of the State Bar of New Mexico. Dedicated to Professional Excellence and Service to the Public. Features legal specialization, continuing legal education, legal assistants, practi...
48 pages found, 93 links found, 8030 score
In existence since 1874, the Memphis Bar Association is a voluntary association of attorneys and judges whose purposes are:...
22 pages found, 23 links found, 5196 score
Knoxville Bar Association official web site Located in Knoxville TN we have a lawyer referral service find an attorney in your area....
28 pages found, 2 links found, 11289 score
The Texas Bar Foundation solicits charitable contributions and provides funding to enhance the rule of law and the system of justice in Texas, especially for programs that relate to the administration...
8 pages found, 15 links found, 3605 score
DAABA was founded to promote the interests of Asian-American attorneys and the Asian-American community. It is a chapter of the National Asian Pacific-American Bar Association ("NAPABA"). Michele W...
16 pages found, 25 links found, 43413 score
The Denton County Bar Association is a medium-sized association which works collectively and assists its members individually providing high quality legal services to the public, promoting high ethic...
15 pages found, 49 links found, 7405 score
The El Paso Bar Association El Paso, Texas Welcome to the El Paso Bar Association Website. The purpose of this web is to enhance support services we provide to our association members, and to inter...
20 pages found, 6 links found, 2218 score
The object of the Association shall be to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Texas by educating both attorneys and citizens of their legal, civic and ethical responsibilitie...
23 pages found, 0 links found, 4918 score
This Website is developed for three groups. While primarily serving membersof the Section, consumers will find helpful information. Additionally, lawyerswho aren't Section members will find valuable i...
21 pages found, 2 links found, 3033 score
The purpose of the Section shall be to promote the objectives of the State Bar of Texas within the field of taxation, provide leadership in the practice of tax law, create a better understanding and c...
11 pages found, 1 links found, 870 score
General Information What's New? Events Calendar CLE Information Member Benefits Association Publications Executive Committee Sections Committees Resource Links Law Links DSBA Home Page Welcome t...
36 pages found, 25 links found, 691 score
The District of Columbia Bar, created by the D.C. Court of Appeals in 1972, is the official association of lawyers admitted to practice in the District of Columbia. With more than 71,000 members, the ...
63 pages found, 7 links found, 434 score
Full-Site Search Enter search word(s) The 67,624 members of The Florida Bar represent all lawyers licensed to practice in Florida. FLABAR ONLINE is designed to serve those members, the legal pro...
61 pages found, 167 links found, 676 score
The Kansas Bar Association is a voluntary organization for the lawyers of Kansas and surrounding states....
79 pages found, 18 links found, 1017 score
Home page for For more than 100 years, the New York State Bar Association has shaped the development of the law, educated and informed the profession and the public, and responded to the de...
246 pages found, 438 links found, 886 score
What's New The WINTER SECTION EDUCATION INSTITUTEfeaturing more than 50 educational programs offered by the State Bar Sections will be heldJanuary 19-21, 2001 at theCLAREMONT RESORT & SPA, BERKELEYFo...
274 pages found, 10 links found, 559 score
The London Bar Web site hosts the personal homepages and professional profiles of individual barristers based in London. The profiles hosted on this site have been designed by Online Law. An example ...
6 pages found, 2 links found, 884 score
Welcome to the electronic home of the Union Internationale des Avocats, the world’s oldest international association of bars, bar associations, and law societies. This site is intended to provide the ...
4 pages found, 4 links found, 194 score
The Fairfax Bar Association is a voluntary organization representing attorneys practicing within the 19th Judicial Circuit of Virginia. Currently, we have approximately 2,000 members throughout Northe...
20 pages found, 15 links found, 9921 score
The Colorado Bar Association's website is a research and communication tool for the legal community. It is also a legal resource for the public....
47 pages found, 137 links found, 8663 score
Menu Members CLE Information Court Resources Committee Calendar Legal Resources Member Services President's Message RI Bar Foundation RI Links Staff Public Consumer Pamphlets Lawyer Referral Serv...
44 pages found, 296 links found, 562 score
BREAKING NEWS. . . Annual Meeting 2001 Election Results, click HERE Click HERE for our most recent press release. WBA Welcomes Acting Governor Jane Swift to Her Post. Click here to read text of p...
23 pages found, 3 links found, 1357 score
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