Nursing & Healthcare Directories on: The Nursefriendly Diabetics & Diabetes, Direct Patient Care
Diabetic Magazines, Diabetes Journals,
Endocrine: Bedside Nursing
Page Sponsor Diabetes Self-Management: Each bimonthly issue brings you clear, lively, fact-filled articles by leading physicians, pharmacists, and educators. You get expert advice and practical solutions to the problems you deal with every day.
Each issue of The Diabetic Newsletter features diabetic recipes, articles, news about treatments, therapy, and medications, diabetes & health trivia, and useful information relating to health and d...
Soluble fiber and chromium
by haroldgj
Pros: natural, safe, proven
Cons: as always...ask your physician first! Mar 15 '00 Very Helpful
Great Help
by mtuairau
Pros: Important information, good nutritional tips, useful articles
Cons: As all magazines, a few too many ads Apr 07 '00 Very Helpful
Wonderful source of information
by taffey34
Pros: Wonderful source of information
Cons: Would love a monthly update. :o) May 29 '00 Very Helpful
Not For Diabetics Only
by tj69662094
Pros: Great magazine for diabetics and their families
Cons: Hard to find Feb 21 '00 Very Helpful
by Thev123
Pros: Cheap, very informative, good reference
Cons: not much information on the insulin pump Jan 29 '00 Very Helpful
If Only I could get it!
by ACherry
Pros: Good material and informative for Diabetes care.
Cons: The service of subscription is below par and I quit trying to straighten it out. Jan 23 '01 Very Helpful
An OK Magazine, but watch your privacy
by sweetsue_98
Pros: Good Information
Cons: Your name gets sold, and too much advertising. Dec 14 '99 Very Helpful
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