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Legal Resources: Courtrooms, Disability, Discrimination, Employment, Expert Witnesses, Informed Consent, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Practice Acts, Pensions, Search Engines, Torts and Personal Injury, Unemployment, Workers Compensation, Workplace Safety: Please select from the following:
Alabama State
Nurses' Association Alaska Nurses
Association Arkansas
Nurses Association California
Colorado Nurses Association
Nurses Association Florida Nurses
Association Georgia Nurses Association:"Founded nearly a century ago for the purpose of uniting our profession, GNA is the state's largest professional nursing association for registered nurses in all practice settings. GNA has provided enormous support to advance the profession as a whole and nurses as individuals. Because the health care arena is in a continuing state of flux, nurses must speak with a collective voice. GNA is positioned to advocate for you while you advocate for your patients. Linked together, we can ensure nursing's agenda is heard in every arena" 3032 Briarcliff Road Atlanta, GA., 30329-2655 Tel.(404) 325-5536 Fax. (404) 325-0407 E-mail:
677 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 301 Honolulu, HI 96813 Phones: Voice: 808.531.1628 Fax: 808.524.2760
Nurses Association Kansas State
Nurses Association
Kansas Nurse Practice Act:
Kentucky Nurses Association
State Nurses Association Maine State
Nurses Association ****************************************************
Massachusetts Nurses Association Michigan
Nurses Association Minnesota Nurses Association
Nurses Association
Nurses Association
Nevada Nurses
New Jersey State Nurses Association
New Mexico
Nurses Association
****************************************************** New Mexico Board of Nursing
New York State Nurses Association
North Carolina
Nurses Association
Ohio Nurses
Nurses Association
Oregon Nurses
Nurses Association
South Carolina
Nurses Association
Tennessee Nurses Association
Texas Nurses Association
Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP):"The Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP), the statewide professional organization for all nurse practitioners (NPs) licensed in Virginia, and is a council of of the Virginia Nurses Association (VNA) Commission on Professional Practice. The organization of NPs in Virginia began a quarter century ago in the regional or local areas of the state. With the growth in the number of NPs throughout the state, Virginia NPs initially organized to become a Professional Practice Group of the VNA. In 1984, the VCNP became a council of the VNA, and as such has continued to grow in membership and in the services provided to its members. Membership now is over 1,300.
Although there are other specialty NP groups, the VCNP offers an advantage for all NPs in Virginia because of its association with the VNA and the American Nurses Association (ANA) with their broad based membership and the resources available through these relationships. ******************************************************
Virginia Nurses Association:"The Virginia Nurses Association is the largest membership organization for nurses in Virginia, and is the constituent member of the American Nurses Association (ANA). The VNA has been representing registered nurses in the Commonwealth since 1901. Mission/Vision: The mission of the VNA is to promote education, advocacy and mentoring for registered nurses to advance professional practice and influence the delivery of quality care. VNA is the nursing association which unites ALL nurses to advance the profession through caring for nurses who care for Virginians." See also: Virginia Nurses ******************************************************
Wisconsin Nurses Association:Online,
they have the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act, Mentoring, Calendar of Events
and more! The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet Street Address
of this page is
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