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New:Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The most pressing concern is the increased demand on health care providers in an environment when reimbursement is shrinking.
Chris McDermott, Intercoastal Consulting, Life Care Planning:"Intercoastal Consulting & Life Care Planning (ICLCP) provides services of life care planning, life care plan rebuttals, life care plan critiques, and expert witness testimony related to life care planning, standards of care and professional standards to Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys for catastrophic and non-catastrophic injury cases.
Our services are offered by a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) and a practicing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with Autonomous Practice in Florida (APRN-IP). ICLCP is based out in Jacksonville Florida and is available to provide services throughout the United States." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The healthcare industry and government health agencies are unfortunately heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, and this is leading to poor health outcomes, lack of emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle and use non evidence based medications and procedures.
Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:"For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses" E-mail Address: Blogs: Social Media Accounts: Facebook: Functional Medicine for Nurses fb group Instagram: ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Burnout, moral injury, lack of critical thinking, nursing shortage, mandate, decreased advocacy for patients and medical freedom, and lack of involvement at a local level.
Heather Willems, RN, BSN, The Work At Home Nurse:"After starting a family of my own, I began my search for other options away from the bedside and started my work at home nurse role over nine years ago. ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The loss of logic replaced with processes and policies that prevent the right care from being given and restrict nurses from being able to do their best to help patients.
E-mail Address:
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The need for more contemporary solutions using mobile and advanced analytics to leverage the EHR in ways that support better nurse-patient relationships and higher quality care overall.
Nightingale Apps LLC PO Box 990515 Boston MA 02199
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Nurse-Patient Ratios, Nurse-Bullying, Working Hours, Nurse Health, Reimbursement, Nursing Unit Quota Expectations, Nurse Training, And The allowance of patient care techs becoming a "RN" with very little actual training or education.
Shannon Garrett, BS, RN, CHLC, Shannon Garrett Wellness, @AutoimmuneRN, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs, Health Coaches:"I provide holistic health, wellness, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching for women who struggle with the many complexities of living with autoimmune or other chronic health issues. I have a 12 week program I work them through to help them reach their goals and I provide a NANDA wellness care plan for them. I personally have three autoimmune issues and know what these women go through. Medication nor diet are stand-alone treatments. Lifestyle issues are an integral part of healing and I help them work through challenges." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Education, independent practice, and work environments.
Daniel P. Gracie, DNP, RN-BC, Nursing Informatics Institute, South Carolina Nurse Entrepreneurs:"The Nursing Informatics Institute is a provider of healthcare and nursing informatics. We offer courses on-site in topics such as project management, basics of nursing informatics, and nursing informatics review courses. Additionally we offer online study questions and are working on some books and online learning opportunities for the future." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That bedside nurses are not being supported by administration to do their job well.
Nancy Banfield Johnson, MSN, RN, ANP, Nurse Mentor Nancy, @NurseMentorNanc:"On my blog and in my presentations, I give strategies to bedside nurses gain confidence, respect and prevent burnout. I published my first book 10/2012, "Catching Critical Changes, Six Essential Steps for Effective Nursing Assessment." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My biggest fear is that nursing will not continue to attract "the next generation". Reports say that the current generation is seeking jobs with more autonomy, flexibility, and better pay. Nursing requires dedication, and often involves odd shifts, heavy workloads, and less than optimal pay scales. I hope and pray the profession realizes the future is now, and continues to address the issues and work on them in the interest of future healthcare.
Maureen Sullivan RN, BSN, CEN, CDE, Florida Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Registered Nurse x 30 years, with a focus on ER/Trauma. I have worked in a variety of roles, including ER Manager, Stroke Program Manager, Trauma Coordinator, and Director of Education. I just published my first book (!) on my nursing career ("Never Again"). It is a compilation of stories of patients I've cared for during my career. All true stories!" Twitter: Linkedin: Facebook:!/maureen.sullivan.1441 ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Errors
Patricia Ann Bemis, RN CEN LHRM, Past President & CEO, National Nurses in Business Association:"Love your work? Hate your job? Want more independence? Want more respect? Want more money? Join the NNBA and learn how to be self-employed or start a full or part-time business and love your job! Get more independence, respect, and money! I like to share information with other healthcare professionals. I am president of the National Nurses in Business Association, president of the Space Coast Emergency Nurse Association. I work as a online manager, course author and instructor with the University of Florida Professional Development Unit. Click here for Job Options in Nursing Utilizing Your Current Skills and Degrees!" ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The shortcuts that are taken which put patients in jeopardy
Patricia Iyer MSN RN LNCC, Patricia Iyer Associates, Med League Support Services, Inc.:"Patricia Iyer Associates provides legal nurse consultants with the critical information they need to succeed in their roles.
Med League Support Services, Inc. assists attorneys with the medical issues of their cases. We specialize in medical malpractice and personal injury cases, and supply expert witnesses and medical analysis in the form of timelines, chronologies and medical summaries." Social Media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc) Connect with me ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Nursing is a culture of the oppressed, nurses need to join hands and claim their right to be partners in healthcare. Healthcare is becomig more and more fragmented, we do not provide total care, fail to address important psycho, social, emotional and spiitual issues that affect a person's ability to make informed and wise decisions. It also hinders a patients ability to recoup, because the stress of unmet need decreases their bodys' ability to repond positively to treatment
Shahina Lakhani, RN, MSN,, @ShahinaLakhani, Georgia Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Personal empowerment coaching for people going through major life change and serious illness. Support and coaching for caregivers and terminally ill. Personal empowerment/self help book: The forbidden love. Speaker on Personal empowerment, issues in nursing, hospice and palliative care and how to provide holistic care for the sick and the dying. Working on books on End of life care."
http://www.ThroughLifeAnd ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That nurses are not precieved in the publics eye as professionals, We are looked at as assistants to doctors who don't do much outside of bedside nursing. View previous responses:
Tina Lanciault, RN,, Delaware Nurse Entrepreneurs, @tinalancio:"I provide nursing career advice and business ideas through my writing on both of my sites for new nursing grads and nurses wanting to make a change especially those nurses who are burnout and want to leave the bedside. There are options such as nurse entrepreneurship, Holistic nursing and Nursing Informatics, available to all nurses including LPN/LVNs. Lots of nursing resources, tips on finding a job or creating your own job plus many other tips and information just for nurses."
Social Media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc) ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The increasing stress on the nurses' license and their responsibility without any job security or pay that they are worth. Lori 'Minky' Radcliffe, RN, BS, CFNC, CFPC, Founder of Certified Fitness Nurse™ Academy, @loriminkyrad:"At we are not personal trainers who happen to be nurses. We show nurses how to stay in the health care industry and promote exercise within a 'not-so-healthy' pre-diabetic population;and NOT try to be a nurse in the fitness 'percieved healthy' industry. Just as waist reduction is 20% exercise and 80% diet; Certified Fitness Nurse™ Coaches are 20% fitness and 80% nursing in our practice. We teach a physical-environmental-financial-social-emotional model... like a nursing assessment.
We offer a 23-hour certification course for nurses who are fitness enthusiasts, who want to help pre-diabetics, with a specifically designed program for them, that will improve their health and reduce their waists in a sustainable manner. This is done through a 12-week group coaching course
via the computer, video and telephone. We also teach you how to get started with only a few clients working part-time, from home and making full time money in a scalable business model. The physician and other health care professionals are actually where we get our clients and we utilize a fitness nursing assessment to determine the right minimum effective dose (M.E.D.) of diet, exercise and supplementation, the right client and the right time, which are the 3 Rights of a Certified Fitness Nurse™ Coach."
Homepage Address: ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I think the current system of transferring patients from critical access hospitals is archaic, broken and recent studies show it is killing people
Ryan Heck RN, CEN, CFRN, Stat Coordinations LLC , Arizona Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Stat Coordinations is dedicated to acute care coordinations. Our first product will reformat patient care. This site is dedicated to eliminating
transfer delays. It will provide a single way to screen multiple hospitals for capacity and capability. Patient transport services can be arranged at the
time of transfer decision. Time stamped electronic communications ensure data
integrity and promote efficiency. Our database consists of over 4,500 hospitals." E-mail Address: Twitter:, LinkedIn:, Facebook: Homepage Address: ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most pressing concerns about the profession are the continuing nursing shortage, the shortage of nursing professors, nursing burnout, the erroneous portrayal of nurses by the media, poor morale among nurses, and a culture within the nursing profession that needs to change, grow and expand to include new ideas and approaches. Nursing is also a profession that does not necessarily always support and mentor its newest members like it should. My most pressing concerns about healthcare are the continued influence of insurance companies on medical decision-making, the number of uninsured and underinsured Americans, the lack of movement towards single-payer health care in the US, and the inordinate power wielded by organizations like the AMA.
Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, Nurse Keith Coaching, New Mexico Nurse Entrepeneurs, Nurse Coaches:" Nurse Keith Coaching provides professional coaching services for nurses and nursing students. My services include health and wellness coaching, work-life balance, burnout prevention, burnout recovery, career coaching, and life coaching. The majority of my coaching sessions are conducted via telephone and Skype, although some face-to-face sessions are possible for clients living in Northern New Mexico. The development of workshops and webinars is currently in process. During the course of 2014, I became a Board Certified Nurse Coach (NC-BC) under the auspices of the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation. My coaching services now also include "soulful social media coaching" and coaching in authentic networking skills, including the optimal way to maximize your use of Linked In.
I also offer custom Santa Fe-based coaching retreats for nurses and healthcare professionals who want to have a vacation AND do some coaching with me in my beautiful new office facing the Santa Fe Mountains."
Blogs:Digital Doorway: ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Lack of knowledge given in Nursing schools on both theory and practice. Lack of surgical experience and sterile technique. There appears to be a lack of followup. Too many hours spent studying on non medical/nursing subjects. I am also concerned about the changes in health care eliminating time in hospitals etc.
Karon White Gibson RN, CCM, AmericaNurse, Ltd, Illinois Nursing Entrepreneurs:"AmericaNurse now provides consulting to major motion pictures and commercials. We also produce educational television shows on health, safety, alternative
medicine and healthy innovate products and positive solutions in health care. We previously provided staffing and home care and occupational health." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I feel we have disconnected our healthcare professionals from their patients and colleagues by denying them quality continuing education that would empower them, expand their knowledge base, and connect them with others who share their vision. We need quality education and support for healthcare professionals and consumers!!!
Gwenn Dalton, RN, CEO/Educator, Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC, Texas Nurse Entrepreneurs, Hospice Educators:"Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC understands that care is more than tending to the physical end of life; it is a way of caring for the patient, their family, and
support group. Through our community outreach programs, mentorship programs, and continuing education workshops, we empower those care givers and end of life professionals with the ability to advance quality of life and to accept the gift of providing a compassionate end of life for their patient or loved one. Above all, Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC is dedicated to providing training and support for those Hospice Heroes and Healthcare Warriors who continue to fight for end of life rights! ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The "spreading thin" of nurses.
Anna Morrison, BA, BSN, RN, CLNC, The EntrepreNurse Group, LLC, Florida Nurse-Entrepreneurs:"Speaker, Keynotes, Seminars, Nursing Career Coach & Strategist, Blogger, Author, Soon to be Radio Show Host" E-mail Address:
Social Media Accounts: ****************************************************** I see the most pressing concern in the nursing profession and healthcare is the assurance that the consumer is getting what they are not only paying for, but what they deserve as they put their trust in others to care for them with utmost skill.
Judi S. Brantley, RN BSN MEd. Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Charleston Medical Legal Consultants, South Carolina Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses:Charleston Medical Legal Consultants, LLC provides Case Analysis for Medical Malpractice cases. This includes, but not limited to: ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The Healthcare crisis in the US with the costs way out of control.
Larry Snyder, BA, RN, DBA, RN.ORG, SA, Nursing Continuing Education Providers:"Larry Snyder, RN is the Founder and President of RN.ORG®, SA. As a licensed healthcare professional with over 15 years of experience in nursing as well as a computer authority with in-excess of 20 years of experience, he is knowledgeable with the integration of healthcare and computers and sees a strong need for licensed professionals to maintain their license in an easy, convenient, comfortable no stress environment. Larry has worked in various aspects of nursing in many states in both large and small hospitals and has the experience and background to make healthcare and nursing education friendly. Larry also functioned as a consulant at large corporations in various aspects of IT management including CBS Sports,,, Universal Studios, Nickelodeon, Viacom, Flexsys and Monsanto. Larry also has served as an expert witness on several high profile cases throughout the United States sharing his valuable input as an experienced Emergency Room nurse." Categories: Emergency Department Nursing, Nursing Continuing Education, Nursing Education Nursing Educators, Nursing/Healthcare Informatics ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Burn out, low-self esteem, nurses do not realize how powerful they are View previous responses:
Annette Tersigni RN, Yoga Nursing®, @theyoganurse:"I am the founder of YogaNurse Medical Yoga and Stress Management and am the YogaNurse® Model of Care and YogaNursing. YogaNursing is the union of modern nursing science with the ancient science of yoga. My programs are endorsed by doctors and health care providers as a safe therapy to decrease pain and suffering and help improve patient care. I have dedicated the past years educating nurses and everyday people around the world on leading healthier, spiritual lifestyles. We offer online courses and live trainings via our website.
I am a heart felt, passionate speaker, coach, teacher and writer, featured extensively in the media including in the Associated Press and on NBC, CBS, Fox News affiliates and have been interviewed on national TV by Arielle Ford as one of America’s Experts. I am producing, writing, and acting in several DVD documentary/educational projects: training and coaching other nurses, yoga teachers and health professionals throughout the USA and Canada to be Certified YogaNurses.
YogaNurse Mission Statement: To create a global army of modern nightingales, YogaNurses to uplift our ailing health care system; to relieve pain and suffering and increase quality of life for nurses and all whom they serve worldwide." Categories: Cancer, Oncology Nurses, Cardiovascular Nurses, Nurse Educators, Hospice Nurse Consultants, Consulting, North Carolina Nursing Entrepreneurs, North Carolina Nurses, Nursing Resources, Orthopedic Nursing, Orthopedics Nurses, Ortho, Speakers Bureaus, Conference Keynotes, Motivational, Inspirational, Humorists ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Concerns about the profession include:
P.O. Box 555 Conyers, Georgia 30012 Phone number: 770-602-4531 ****************************************************** "Changing roles of RN, LPN, HMO, managed care, ANA and how much politics is enough. Definition of professional nurse. Nursing Legalities."
Specialty Areas: Community Health, Long Term Care
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most pressing concern with the profession is lack of regard I perceive for the Nursing profession. The concern that I have with healthcare is that not everyone has the same access to good healthcare.
Dominique Ann Bernard, RN, BSN, Virginia Nurse Entrepreneurs:"My goal is to work from home.
Currently I am employed in a psychiatric facility and I work part time in a geriatric setting. My interests are varied." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I am most concerned about the pressing issues of Nurses leaving the field, for a variety of issues, in the face of a historical shortage, and the trend of healthcare facilities to make economic decisions that negatively impact patient outcomes.
Sheryl D. Bisson, R.N., CLNC, California Legal Nurse Consultants:"I offer services to aid in the resolution of medical-legal issues. I work for law firms, insurance companies and healthcare facilities. My services include, but are not limited to: medical record review and analysis; identifying applicable Standards of Care and deviations from the Standards; identifying records, policies and procedures and other essential documents for complete case reviews." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The undervaluation of nursing by corporate takeover of healthcare threatens access to care and quality of care/safety for all healthcare consumers.
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That nurses are made to work in dangerous circumstances r/t poor staffing & too much of a patient load with much sicker patients. Patients are not be cared for adequately because of these issues.
Categories: Burn Unit, Critical Care nurse, Emergency Department, Expert Witness, Geriatrics, Homecare, Home Health, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Legal Nurse Consultant, Medical Malpractice, Negligence, Medical Surgical, Nursing Expert, Obstetrics, Operating Room, Surgical, Open Heart (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting), Pediatrics, Recovery Room (PACU), Respiratory Therapy, Sub-Acute
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I am worried re the cutbacks taking place in hospitals as a result of the HMOs and cost-cutting measures. Nurses are asked to do much more with less or unskilled help.
Michelle L. Callan Nurse-Attorney:"Medical-legal consulting and trial assistance to attorneys for Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice cases." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The influence of HMOs on quality of care over the past few years has been appalling. When health care decisions are made using money as a yardstick many patients come out on the short end. Especially those patients who are uneducated about the kind of health care they can expect for specific illnesses. Cutbacks in health care dollars have eliminated education programs ie diabetes and heart disease in my area. I am seeing more and more complications from these two diseases and the patients I see are much sicker then ten years ago.
Specialty Areas: Recovery Room PACU
"Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I am most concerned with the growing trend of RN, CNA staffing and the phasing out of LPNs. Also the continual Medicare cuts and the likelihood that the whole program will be gone by the time this generation needs it. I am also bothered by the effect the cuts are having on our seniors today."
Specialty Area: Home Health
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The most pressing concern with the nursing profession, is the increased risk of liability with the advancements in technology, and not enough authority to effect changes. Nurses today, are making the same assessments and decisions that Physicians were making 30-40 years ago. Physicians are becoming more of administrators of care, navigating the waters of insurances and just giving a final okay on most nursing assessments. It is my hope that someday healthcare will return back to being a profession for healers, and not insurance administrators.
Joseph Caracci, RN, BSN, MBA,, Nursing Agencies, Staffing Software Support, Arizona Nursing Entrepreneurs:"NursingCorp offers serious investors and entrepreneurs the knowledge and assistance needed to enter the nurse staffing industry. We provide assistance establishing health care staffing companies, and development of nursing based software solutions. Our product offerings include a complete Nurse Registry Business Package, Nurse Staffing Software for use by Hospitals and Nurse Registries, Business Consultation, and customized software development. To learn more about how we can assist you. The founder of is a former Co-founder and President of a large Phoenix AZ based Nurse Registry." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare:The cost of healthcare on all of us whether we are covered by a group insurance or a goverment agency continues to spiral out of control. I think what concerns most of us thogh is the patient to staff ratios and the safety of the patients under our care. Staffing problems are a complicated issue that must be corrected before our profession will be attractive to young people choosing a career.
Alyce Clark, RN, Caregiver Scrubs, Nursing Uniforms, Nurse-Owned Businesses, Entrepreneurs:"Sales of scrubs and accessories to medical personnel in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, dental offices, and veterinary clinics." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Understated recognition for the education and knowledge that nurses possess--leading to severe underpayment for our services
Natalie A. Cole, RN, BHSA, CMCN, LNC, West Virginia Legal Nurse Consultants:"I provide medical record reviews and case analyses for attorneys working in medical malpractice, wrongful death, personal injury, and general negligence. My skills and education as a Registered Nurse, in addition to my training as a Legal Nurse
Consultant, eases the burden of other legal team members by allowing them to concentrate on other important areas of a case." ****************************************************** "Healthcare has certainly become big business. So many times in big business the social conscious aspect is lost. Healthcare professionals need to lead from the front on getting issues recognized and changed to benefit all. I am worried that all healthcare professionals are not taught to give back something to their community - something we all need to work harder at doing."
1932 S. Cedar Ave Colorado Springs, Colorado (CO) 80906 Phone number: 866-303-0864 toll free or 719-499-9297 Fax number: 719-495-7100 E-Mail:
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The growing shortage of Nurses in the entire healthcare arena, in every specialty and setting, and the new graduates entering the profession for sometimes different reasons than of those more experienced nurses leaving the profession. Ultimately, nurses use their experience and expertise of the inner workings of the healthcare system to provide quality care to the patients.
Lisa Desimon R.N, D.C, CLNC, Illinois Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Certified Legal Nurse Consultant business, serving as a consulting expert and testifying expert on a variety of medical/legal issues/cases." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: We are still negatively portrayed in the media as hands-maids for doctors. I have never seen a nurse practitioner or forensic nurse portrayed on a T.V. show.
312-316 East 149th street Bronx New York Zip Code: 10452 Phone number: 718-772-6663 Fax number: 718-293-3980
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The failure of hospital administration and insurance companies to recognize the real root of the "nursing shortage" problem. This has been going on for the 25 years I have been an RN, and they just don't get it. Like the other service professions i.e., teacher, firefighters, police, nurses are overworked, underappreciated (until you really need one) and underpaid. From the perspective of a CRNA the answer is blindingly obvious. There is no shortage of nurses wanting to become CRNAs. Why? The median salary for a Graduate Nurse Anesthetist is $113,000. (AANA figure) Start paying nurses what they are worth and there will be no shortage. It's simple supply/demand economics that administrators have ignored for decades.
Patrick Dupont BSN, CRNA, CLNC Alpha Medical-Legal Consulting, Inc.:"25 years as an RN including 22 years as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with extensive experience in anesthesia administration for surgical procedures including general, orthopedic, neurosurgical, cardiothoracic, vascular, ENT, GYN, trauma, plastic and reconstructive, cosmetic, interventional radiology, labor and delivery including administration and monitoring of labor epidurals, invasive line placement and monitoring, emergency airway management, outpatient and ambulatory surgical procedures, regional anesthetics, conscious sedation and post-anesthesia care. ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Too few nurses, the acuity of patients is getting higher, too much interference by managed care organizations, Nurses do not get paid for what they accomplish and do everyday.
Specialty Areas: California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Consulting, Expert Witness, Emergency Department Nursing, Expert Witness (And Locating of Same), Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Workman's Compensation
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare): Staffing ratios, inexperienced and temporary personnel, unlicensed assistive personnel, economic policies and priorities.
Specialty areas: Adult Critical Care, Disability, Legal Nurse Consultant, Medical Malpractice, Oncology, Personal Injury, Renal Dialysis, Social Security Claims Telemetry-Step Down
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Understaffing and inability to meet needs of patients due to pressure.
Specialty Areas: Nurse Tracers,Trackers, Nursing Reunions, Orthopaedics
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The nursing shortage... how can expect anyone to even "want" to be a nurse while we continue to "eat our young" and bicker amongst ourselves? It's a sad state of affairs and the entire nation will suffer for it. I am taking a step back to put it all in perspective, but I hope to somehow help in the end.
Specialty Areas: Cardiac Cathetherization Lab, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Education, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Social Security Disability Claims, Toxic Torts, Workers Compensation
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The amount of people that are joining the profession for the wrong reasons. People know of the nursing shortage, and know that jobs in this profession are plentiful, but some people would make a better dog warden than a nurse.
Angela Halley RN, BSN, CLNC, River View Legal Nurse Consulting:"We specialize in providing legal nurse consulting services to attorneys (plaintiff and defense), insurance companies, workman's compensation firms, and individual institutions for risk management services. Our firm has over 20 years of nursing experience in psychiatric, labor and delivery, pulmonary, neurology, medical/surgical nursing, and many areas of nursing management. River View Legal Nurse Consultants provides a time efficient and cost effective answer to your legal nurse consulting needs." ****************************************************** "Limited care, abuse of the system, inability to "climb ladder of success".
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Lack of self respect I see in other nurses. Long hours, little pay, and lack of respect by MDs have taken a toll on the nursing profession. I believe it is time to take back our autonomy and whip the healthcare system back into shape. It is time to focus on quality of life rather than longivity.
8132 Artie Kemp Road Frederick, Maryland, 21701 Phone number: 301-865-7120, Fax number: 301-865-7129 E-Mail:
My most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare are: 1) Nurses are not respected or paid for
for their knowledge and skills. 2) In healthcare I am concern about Managed Care, HMO, and reimbursement. 3) Nursing trend, patient to nurse ratio, and the use of non professionals in the hospital ******************************************************
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That nurses are just going back to school to be nurse practitioners because they think theyre helping the profession/patients. Yet they are really reacting to third party payer control of health care. And we need to get control back from them--whos qualified to provide or decide health care Insurance companies or health care professionals
Specialty Areas:
Continuing Education (CEU),
Intensive Care Unit (ICU),
Medical Surgical
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most
pressing concern re healthcare is that someone I love dearly may get sick.
It has happened before and it was frightening. Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Lack of adequate staffing to ensure patient safety, inadequate referral processes through managed care organizations/insurance companies, lack of personal professionalism of healthcare staff.
Diane L. Kensler, RN, COHN, CLNC, New Jersey Legal Nurse Consultants:"Legal Nurse Consulting business serving
attorneys, managed care companies, and insurance companies." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The way nurses are treated. They are not treated as the independent thinkers they are and they are not treated with the respect they deserve. I am concerned about how the profession is going to attract young people into the profession.
Categories: Associations for Entrepreneurs, Case Management, Coaching, Education, Home Health Care, Nurse-Owned Business.
"Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: For the profession, the clinical setting has become so difficult that most nurses want to get away from it. I personally am torn that I no longer have direct contact with patients. However, I have no desire to work in a hospital with the twelve hour days, the patient load, difficult doctors. The paperwork is so heavy that time is taken up doing paper work instead of direct patient care. Nurses in the clinical setting are caught between the doctor, the patient and the patient's family, and administration. Clinic jobs are less stressful, but don't pay very well. Healthcare - I believe this county is in desperate need of some type of national healthcare program. It could be an elective program so that people might choose between private insurers or government insurance. I feel that middle class people do not have access to health care - at this point it is more accessible to the very rich or very poor."
Merrie A Kidd, R.N., B.S.N., Medical Records Review, Louisiana Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Medical Records Review produces thorough and comprehensive reviews of medical records to assist attorneys who
are preparing for trial. The final written product includes a chronological timeline corresponding to a tabbed index of the medical
records, an introduction that defines medical terms and procedures, a narrative summary of the medical record, and a discussion of the merits
of the case utilizing the complaint or petition for damages as a reference point. Additional services include preparation of draft
submissions for medical panel review and preparation of interrogatories
for depositions." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Growing lack of interest in a nursing career. Nursing shortages are at crucial levels across this nation. Many nurses have licenses in escrow because they are burnt- out or just tired of the misuse of nursing talents. Respect for nurses has been a long suffered issue that will only change when nurse unite and no longer fear supporting each other. Make your voice known. Join and take active roles in nurse organizations.
7 So. Aurora Ave. Clearwater, Florida 33765-3517 Phone number: 727-448-0455 Fax number: 727-447-8012
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Inability of people to obtain appropriate health care services. Lack of education to prevent disease (focus on disease treatment).
Margie Latrella, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, Heartstrong, LLC, New Jersey Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Heartstrong is an educational and consulting business specializing in cardiovascular disease and prevention. Our services include community and professional seminars, and educational products/publications. Seminar topics include: nutrition, weight loss, exercise/fitness, stress relief, risk factors, diagnosis and management of heart disease/stroke/heart failure in women, alternative therapy in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. We can discuss special requests on other health and wellness topics and will customize programs for individual groups. We Want to Help People Live a Longer Healthier Life!" E-mail Address: Homepage Address: ****************************************************** "Poor healthcare system is turning out poor healthcare to patients."
Specialty Areas:
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: You want me to pick MOST pressing? OY! I am concerned that nurses are expected to maintain rolls of personal and professional integrity and leadership, be aggressive patient advocates, maintain and practice a high level of clinical expertise, complete complex, multitudinous tasks of documentation, meet ever-growing requirements for risk management and privacy and still be low man on the totem-pole in terms of professional prestige, broad-based respect and monetary renumeration. Consider: What gets cut when a hospital's in a financial crunch? Nursing, both in staffing numbers and pay. Auto workers who strike for more money have other unions walk out on sympathy strikes. Nurses who strike for patient safety (and God forbid fair pay) are vilified. Patients are admitted to hospitals for one reason: To receive nursing care. Without nursing, hospitals are just very large, very expensive outpatient clinics. And don't even get me started in healthcare because the internet is just not that big!!!!
Gifts For Nurses, Accessories, Custom Embroidery, Logo items
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The nursing shortage and the weak skills of many of our nursing students (basic math, reading and writing skills). Grade inflation is causing weak students to be admitted and retained. Our "best and brightest" are not interested in nursing as a career. Many students are not coming to the profession from their "hearts" but rather to make money or to work 12 hour shifts. Students with disabilities, with a strong willingness to practice, are often turned away from nursing. Despite passage of the ADA, workplace accommodations for nurses with disabilities remains poor.
Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP,"A resource network for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. We provide links to disability related organizations, mentors, employment opportunities, financial aid, continuing education, books, equipment, legal issues, research, related articles as well as support and career counseling. ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Nurses are required to spend a large amount of time documenting and protecting themselves legally, taking time away from patients. The nursing shortage is a concern both for the heavily burdened nurse providing care and the patient in need of quality care. The overuse of pharmaceuticals and the lack of focus on prevention. The cost of preventing a heart attack versus treating a heart attack. The healthcare system practices an expensive emergency medicine approach to most health care issues. Lack of personal responsibility for our own health in the general population is driving the cost of healthcare up for everyone of us.
5001 Spring Valley Road Dallas, Texas 75088
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare:
Limited views on governing and decision making by administration about the nurses they employ.
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) **************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That nursing profession is too divisive. Nurses should work together to form a major power base to have more influence on healthcare and pay.
Specialty Areas: Medical-Legal Consultants, Military Nursing, Nurse Paralegals
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Increased workload for nurses due to nursing shortage. Increasing risk for errors/lawsuits due to the same. Decline in care for patients due to increased use of unlicensed assistive personnel.
Teddi Nuss, RN, Mid-South Litigation Support Services:"We use our knowledge and experience to help attorneys de-mystify the medical issues in legal cases. We provide screening for merit, medical
record review, interpretation and organization, time line chronologies, case summary, medical literature research, and written reports (on paper
and/or disk). We collaborate with attorneys to develop a cost effective and winning aproach to the medical issues in their cases." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Factors affect our healthcare costs and result in breaches in standards of care that affect our patients.
Donna M. Post, RN, BSN, MBA / HCM, CLNC, LNCP-C , Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Legal Nurse Consultants:"Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting has over 24 years of experience clinically and administratively, in cardiac, adult and pediatric critical care, and dialysis. Our experience extends to both the inpatient and outpatient settings. MVLNC provides effective identification of practice standards, regulatory standards, adherence and/or deviations to these standards. Our background provides our clients the added benefit of understanding healthcare infrastructure, budgets, and healthcare labor issues. This extensive experience allows for identification of medical and nursing issues in any case that involves health, illness and injury. The clients we serve are attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities and others. At Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with cost-effective, efficient, review and analysis – providing you with winning services while critically defending your bottom-line. ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Healthcare in the USA has realy gotten out of hand, very expensive. I see a disturbing trend among hospitals that require more and more from nurses and they require nurses to get it all done in the same 12 hours as before. It seems to be all about moving patients along as fast as possible with little or no care as to what the patient thinks or continuity of care.
Clay Smith, RN, LLC:"We provide a truely unique and patent pending invention to hospitals that stops stretcher sheets from falling." ******************************************************
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: We are
a small community hospital and I worry that with 4 hospitals in the area
that our census will fall. We are the only level 2 neonatal intensive care
hospital in a wide area so that helps.
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Lack of
respect by public other health professional. Lack of moral being seen in
hospitals. Downsizing higher pt to staff ratio more paper work.
Specialty Area: Geriatrics
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Healthcare is expanding and growing exponentially. We, as nurses need to be flexible, skilled, and open to fill unique niches to meet the needs of an ever changing society.
Victoria Pettograsso, LPN, BS, MS, Coastal Care Nursing Associates:"Private nurse Ownership assures our patients of superior nursing care and personalization. Presently, we are expanding our horizons into the nurse registry-consulting field. We would like to help you set up your own nurse registry. Time saved in policy and procedure development can yield earlier profits." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most pressing concern is putting inexperienced nurses in critical care fresh out of college. They lack the experience necessary to work these areas. When we get a trauma in they panic and puts the patient and other nurses at risk. The saying a nurse is a nurse is a nurse is not true. Areas of nursing are to specialized and nurses need adequate training. The shortage of nurses has put the emphasis on filling vacancy's with anyone with a license.
1514 Stacy Lane Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538 608-449-4680
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Would like to improve health care, standards and staffing issues.
Maureen Richards, RN, MS, CCRN, CHPN, CLNC, Florida Legal Nurse Consultants:"Maureen Richards & Associates, Inc. offers Certified Legal Nurse Consulting services to organizations in need of medical records review, interpretation or analysis. We offer services for plaintiff as well as defense. ******************************************************
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I feel that lack of corporate response and support is the greatest concern for the nursing profession. No matter what clinical setting you are in, you are always limited in what you can do by corporate policy and directives. There is little exchange of ideas for the improvement of patient care or employee benefits. Even tiny tokens of appreciation for my staff had to go through corporate, and were often denied due to "budgetary restrictions." (Which is appalling, given their 6 figure incomes!) Nurses and ancillary staff continue to be under paid and overworked. This is not going to change unless those at the top start to listen to us peons!
Angela M Rowe, RN, LNC, GCM, Senior Care Solutions, Alabama Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Senior Care Solutions provides Geriatric Care Management Services to aging adults and their families in Central Alabama. Our goal is to help seniors and disabled individuals to obtain the assistance they need to maintain safety, dignity, and quality of life. Senior Care Solutions provides advocacy, evaluation, education, and support services to seniors in Alabama." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The devaluing of professional nurses by institutions such as hospitals. Also the fragmented tier of types of nurses - lack of uniformity. RE healthcare- cost before quality and safety.
Suzanne Schiltz, RN, BSN, Texas Nurse Entrepreneurs: Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I feel the patients are suffering due to the shortage quality nurses and the demands that are put on us as nurses, we work long hours and most time without taking breaks or lunch, so that our patients needs will be met.
Tirzah Silver, LPN, Essential Staffing, LLC, Nurse Owned Businesses, Nursing, Staffing Agencies:" Providing temporary staffing solutions to the Phoenix Metro area Hospitals and Nursing homes.
Looking for quality RN's, LPN's, and CNA's. ****************************************************** "Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The replacement of RN s with unlicensed people resulting in the compromising of patient s care in order to save money . The main focus and goal is not the safety and care of the patient. the main concern is to MAKE MONEY. It has almost come to the point which forces nurses to make a choice. To remain in hospitals and keep your mouth shut and compromise your own integrity by overlooking the changes that are taking place which do not allow a nurse to practice the patient oriented nursing we are taught and believe in. Or we have to choose to leave the hospital setting and find other areas to practice in."
Trisha RN CCRN LNC, Texas:"Medical-Legal Consultant, Medical Bill Analysis, Testifying Expert."
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: That nurses will leave the health care industry for more of a business career. The idea of being a nurse is not as glamorous as it used to be. We work long hours, short staff, less pay, overtime, take cuts in pay just to keep a float. There are no incentives to continue with CEU's for most facilities no longer pay for them. This is a big issue and does not keep the nurses up to date with healthcare. You have to be on too many committees within your facility in order to get a raise. They don't care about your family and if you get to spend quality time with them, as long as the floor has a warm body to give nursing care.
3034 Ridgetop Ct., St. Peters, Missouri 63376 E-Mail: Homepage Address: Clinical Experience: Home Health, Mother/Baby, well baby, Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, Special Care Nursery, Pediatrics Specialty Areas: Criminal Justice, Legal Nurse Consultants, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Experts, Personal Injury, Standards of Care, Workers Compensation, Toxic Torts, Wrongful Death Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The great demands and stress of understaffing and what that means to patient care outcomes.
Pam Steinacher, RN, LNC, Illinois Legal Nurse Consultants:"Assist plaintiff and defense attorneys with injury-related cases by reviewing for merit, standards of care, duty, breach of duty, causation and damages. Location of appropriate experts, medical literature research, IME's where appropriate, assist with demonstrative evidence, deposition questions and interrogatories. Screen records for missing records or tampering; assist in any way that is deemed necessary and appropriate to win cases." Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Staffing ratio's, pay, retirement, entry level RN knowledge base.
Specialty areas:
Nurse Educator, ******************************************************
Carolyn Strimike RN, MSN, CCRN, APNPC, APN-C, Heartstrong, LLC:"Heartstrong is an educational and consulting business specializing in cardiovascular disease and prevention. Our services include community and professional seminars, and educational products/publications. Seminar topics include: nutrition, weight loss, exercise/fitness, stress relief, risk factors, diagnosis and management of heart disease/stroke/heart failure in women, alternative therapy in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. We can discuss special requests on other health and wellness topics and will customize programs for individual groups. We Want to Help People Live a Longer Healthier Life!" ******************************************************
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: With managed care hospital admissions have decreased greatly and I foresee more nurse being out of jobs. One of my biggest concerns is taking care of AIDS patients because even though I use universal precautions if I accidentally get stuck with a dirty needle Ill probably get the virus and then worry about giving it to my husband. "Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Nursing shortage and the fact that current nurses are discouraging others from becoming a nurse. Also increased paperwork for bedside nurses. It is very difficult to provide full nursing care because of the mounds of paperwork required. New forms arrive frequently."
Specialty Area: Labor & Delivery
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: First I am very concerned that nurses can obtain a license via an online education and then take a State Board via computer center in just a few hours. It escapes me as to how one can expect these graduates to care for patients in a safe environment. I find it truly frightening - especially in today’s' health care environment where inpatients are so much sicker then they were years ago. Second, I am very concerned about nursing ratios. We need to keep ratios so that patients can be provided the care they need and deserve. Not providing enough nursing hours seems to frequently be a theme in the malpractice cases I see. Lastly, I am concerned about the foreign nurses who are being brought to this country, promised a great future and again, are not being properly prepared. I do not believe they really know and understand what they are liable for. I was in a deposition with a foreign ICU nurse - we struggled to do a basic deposition as the nurse could not communicate. We needed an interrupter. To think of her caring for a critically ill patient with everything in English, is beyond scary. I felt very sad for her in that she was found accountable for a horrible patient outcome - and I really do not believe she had any idea of the position she had put herself in.
Tricia West, RN, BSN, MBA/HCM, LNC, P.J. West & Associates, California Legal Nurse Consultants:"PJWA has been doing medical legal consulting since 1980 in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, worker's compensation, product liability, Medicare Fraud, Insurance billing Fraud and Risk Management for both the defense and plaintiff. Our goal is to provide you with ethical, timely and exceptional support services. We can make your job easier by assisting with the evaluation of cases for merit, conduct extensive medical legal research, review medical records and provide expert testimony in all specialty areas of nursing." ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Pressures on nurses who want to care for patients getting caught up in politics, stress, turnover, bed occupancy targets etc = disillusionment and burn-out. Claire Westwood, RGN, RSCN, BA Health Studies (UK) Kenilworth House Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK E-mail Address:
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most pressing concern is the shortage in nursing. I have noticed it in my career thus far and only expect it to get worse. Instead of raising the pay to recruit nurses, hospitals are hiring more assistive type help and accepting lower educated nurses. The patients are the ones who suffer the most and then the nurses get burned out and leave. ****************************************************** Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Future of nursing and quality of patient care in an increasing managed care environment. ************************************************************************************************************ ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted): Twitter! Blogger: Facebook: Linked In: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business, ******************************************************
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Our Phone #: 856-415-9617