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See also: Pennsylvania Nurses
Dixon School of Nursing Ste. 200, 2500 Maryland Rd. Willow Grove, PA 19090-1284 Phone: (215) 0481-5500 or Fax: (215) 481-5499 E-mail: ******************************************************
Allegheny Valley Hospital / Citizens School
of Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"Applicants who meet admission criteria will
be admitted to the School of Nursing. A class
of regular students starts in August of each
year. Advanced Placement LPN students begin
the Bridge Course during Term I." ******************************************************
Alvernia College / Nursing Department (BSN,
RN to BSN):"The Alvernia College Nursing Programs offer
students the opportunity to learn in an academic
environment which promotes development of
knowledge, professionalism, collaboration
and moral integrity. Since its inception
in 1977, the program has set a standard of
excellence which has been reflected in each
of its graduates. Alvernia College Nursing
graduates are successfully employed in a
wide variety of health care agencies and
community settings.Alvernia College offers
both BSN and RN-BSN Completion Programs."
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania / Department
of Nursing (BSN):"Recognized as one of the leading four-year
undergraduate nursing programs statewide,
Bloomsburg prepares students for a wide range
of careers in home care, occupational health,
rehabilitation, trauma, clinical specialties,
informatics and case management and additionally
offers the increasingly valuable path toward
a master of science in nursing through its
related graduate study program." ******************************************************
Brandywine Hospital School of Nursing (Diploma
Nursing):"The Brandywine School of Nursing has been
dedicated to providing a quality professional
nursing education program since its founding
in 1917. The School has achieved the highest
accreditation from the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission and is approved
by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing.
The School is affiliated with Brandywine
Hospital." ******************************************************
Bucks County Community College / Department
of Nursing (ADN):"The Program in Nursing offered at Bucks County
Community College can be completed in two
years, if the student chooses to be a full-time
student, or it can be completed on a part-time
basis, and leads to an Associate of Arts
Degree. Graduates of the Program are eligible
to take The National Council Licensure Examination
fro Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Further,
the Nursing Program prepares graduates to
function as beginning graduate nurses, and
to assume entry level positions as registered
Nurses in acute care, long term care, homes,
clinics physicians' offices, or other agencies
established to meet health care needs." ******************************************************
Bucks County Technical School / Practical
Nursing Program (LPN):"Bucks County Technical High School began
in spirit in 1955 when seven school districts
voted to support an area Technical School.
The seven districts were Bensalem Township,
Bristol Township, Falls Township, Lower Makefield
Township, Yardley Borough, Tullytown Borough
and Morrisville Borough. Shortly thereafter,
a 47 acre site was chosen on Wistar Road
in Fairless Hills, PA." ******************************************************
Butler County Community College / Nursing
Program (ADN):"The Nursing Program at Butler County Community
College is a two-year academically-based
program that prepares the graduate to provide
and manage direct care to individual clients
and their families, and to function as an
effective member of the health care team.
The program prepares the graduate for employment
in the role of registered nurse. The graduate
is also educated to be a contributing member
of the discipline of nursing, committed to
professional growth, continuous learning,
and self-development. Graduates are eligible
to take the licensing examination for registered
nurse (RN)." ******************************************************
California University of Pennsylvania / Nursing
Program (BSN):"California University offers an upper-division
program, which leads to a Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (BSN) for graduates of associate
degree and diploma programs. The program
is designed exclusively for registered nurses,
and builds on the knowledge and competencies
gained in entry level nursing programs. The
nursing curriculum combines general education
courses with nine required upper-division
nursing courses. The curriculum is planned
to build upon basic nursing skills and to
develop practitioners with a strong sense
of leadership and professionalism, as well
as competencies in research utilization,
communication, and critical thinking." ******************************************************
Career Technology Center / School of Practical
Nursing (LPN):"The Practical Nursing Program is a 52-week
course of study extended over 15 months,
on a 5 days a week basis (Monday-Friday).
Appx. 40% of the time is spent the classroom
and 60% in the clinical experience. Supervised
concurrent or sequential clinical experience
is given at Community Medical Center, Moses
Taylor Hospital and Mountain View Care Center.
Students are under the supervision and guidance
of Career Technology Center Practical Nursing
Program." ******************************************************
Carlow College / Nursing Program(BSN, RN
to BSN):"Carlow maintains a rich history of innovations
in nursing education since the founding of
the School of Nursing in 1953. This tradition
continues today as the School of Nursing
consistently responds to community needs.
In 1981, the pioneering weekend RN-BSN program
began, allowing self-motivated working RNs
to come to campus eight times over a semester
to facilitate a balance between school, work,
and personal responsibilities. This program
was followed by the Carlow Accelerated Program
(CAP) for RN students wanting an accelerated
evening program.Today, Carlow offers programs
such as these in Greensburg and Cranberry
as well as at our main campus in Oakland
for RN-BSN and graduate nursing students.
Our undergraduate traditional BSN program
is also a strong presence on our Oakland
campus." ******************************************************
Cedar Crest College / Nursing Department
(BSN):"Upon graduation from the Nursing Program
at Cedar Crest College, our students will
have achieved the following goals set out
for them at the beginning of their studies
and which are consistent with the liberal
arts mission of the College." ******************************************************
Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science
& Technology (LPN):"The Practical Nursing Program is a one (1)
year adult education program approved by
the Pennsylvania Department of Education,
Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and accredited
by the National League of Nursing. Theory
and clinical experiences are interfaced to
prepare students for the state licensing
examination and working in the health field."
Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit / LPN
Career Center:"The LPN Center is celebrating over 30 years
of service to the Susquehanna Valley. Since
1967, our program's experienced nursing instructors
have guided many men and women to careers
in health care as Licensed Practical Nurses.
Many graduates have continued their education
and become Registered nurses. Our graduates
are making a difference in the health care
delivery system and the lives of those they
serve." ******************************************************
Chester County Intermediate Unit / Practical
Nursing Program:"A post-secondary program that prepares students
to pass the Licensed Practical Nurse licensing
exam and enter the nursing profession or
to continue their education.The Practical
Nursing Program is accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
and approved by the Pennsylvania State Board
of Nursing." ******************************************************
Clarion County Career Center / Practical
Nursing Program:"The program is a post-secondary educational
service of the Clarion County Career Center
completed in one calendar year for the full-time
classes, and two calendar years for the part-time
class. One class per year is accepted, beginning
every September; and one part-time class
every other year in November. It is designed
to prepare a student to function as a practical
nurse upon graduation." ******************************************************
Clarion University of Pennsylvania / School
of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"Thank you for visiting Clarion University's
School of Nursing and Allied Health web page.
We are proud of our undergraduate and graduate
nursing programs at Clarion University. The
School's Associate of Science in Nursing
(ASN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN),
and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs
are accredited by the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). In
addition to the nursing programs, the school
offers an Associate of Science in Allied
Health, a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic
Technology. The School of Nursing and Allied
Health is located at the Oil City campus
in Venango County. The RN-BSN Completion
Program is now available on-line. The Master
of Science in Nursing Program offers classes
through the web and interactive television
at a variety of sites." ******************************************************
Clearfield County Career and Technology Center
/ Nursing Program (LPN):"Licensed practical nurses care for the sick,
injured, convalescent and disabled under
the direction of physicians and registered
nurses. Most provide basic bedside care,
including monitoring the patient and performing
routine tasks such as taking vital signs,
giving injections, applying dressings, administering
medications, etc.Course Length: One year."
College Misericordia / Nursing Department
(ADN, BSN, MSN):"The Nursing Department at College Misericordia
is part of the Health Sciences Division.
We offer programs for beginning undergraduates;
diploma or associate’s degree graduates with
an R.N. license; second degree students;
graduate students interested in advanced
practice, and those who already have a master’s
degree in nursing who are interested in post-master’s
certification. The degree programs lead to
the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
and/or the Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)."
Community College of Allegheny County / Nursing
Program (ADN):"According to the U.S. Department of Education,
CCAC produces more nursing graduates than
any other two-year college in the United
States. Offering a comprehensive, classical
nursing Associate's Degree program, CCAC
serves patients and healthcare organizations
throughout western Pennsylvania by training
highly skilled nursing professionals for
careers in hospital, agency and home healthcare
settings. Graduates are well-prepared to
obtain an entry-level job immediately after
graduation or for transfer to a four-year
institution for a continued study toward
a Bachelor's Degree, an option today's Nursing
students are strongly encouraged to pursue."
Community College of Beaver County / Nursing
Department (ADN, PN):"CCBC's Nursing program offers two levels
of education to match nursing students' professional
goals. All selected applicants enter the
program through one door, as nursing students.
At the end of the first year, students select
their preferred career path from two options:
Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) to become
a Registered Nurse, or Practical Nursing
(PN) to become a Licensed Practical Nurse."
Community College of Philadelphia / Department
of Nursing (ADN):"The Nursing curriculum prepares students
for beginning staff nurse positions in acute,
long-term care and community-based facilities.
Staff nurses plan, provide and evaluate nursing
care for individual health maintenance or
health promotion needs. Upon successful completion
of the curriculum, students receive an Associate
in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and are
eligible to sit for the state licensure examination
to become a registered nurse (R.N.)." ******************************************************
Crawford County Area Vocational -Technical
School / Nursing Program (LPN):"The Crawford County Area Vocational-Technical
School of Practical Nursing originated in
1968. A class begins every July and concludes
in June. The Practical Nursing Program consists
of twelve months of classroom/clinical instruction,
or 48 weeks, exclusive of vacation. The program
is divided into three trimesters, each 16
weeks in length. The program runs Monday
through Friday, with classroom days running
approximately 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and clinical
days running approximately 7 a.m. to 3 p.m."
Delaware County Community College / Nursing
Program (ADN):"The mission of the DCCC associate degree
nursing program is to provide a curriculum
where students, committed to the value of
caring, can develop competencies essential
to safe, effective nursing practice in a
variety of health care settings within the
community. The nursing curriculum prepares
students for positions as beginning staff
nurses in a variety of settings; i.e. acute-
and long-term/transitional care facilities
and community settings. Upon successful completion
of the curriculum, students receive an associate
in applied science (AAS) degree and are eligible
to sit for the state licensure examination
to become registered nurses (NCLEX-RN)."
***************************************************** ******************************************************
Eastern Center for Arts & Technology
/ Nursing Program (LPN):"The Practical Nursing Program is approved
by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing,
and accredited by the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). The
Eastern Center for Arts and Technology is
accredited by Middle States Association of
Schools and Colleges.The program is designed
to prepare qualified, selected individuals
for a vocation in Practical Nursing. Upon
completion of the program, the graduate is
eligible to sit for the State Board Licensing
Examination." ******************************************************
Eastern University / Department of Nursing
(BSN):"We the faculty of the BSN Program at Eastern
University are in agreement with the Mission
Statement of Eastern University and affirm
our commitment to: Scholarship/ Teaching,
Scripture, the Church, Evangelism, Justice,
the World, and Community. We also affirm
our commitment to the Doctrinal Statement
of Eastern University. Students in the BSN
Program are given an opportunity for a life
of service as a professional nurse through
careful and enthusiastic scholarship. The
Christian worldview serves as a framework
for the program and the integration of personal
faith and learning is encouraged." ******************************************************
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania / Department
of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"Programs Offered:BS - Nursing for first-time
students, BS - Nursing for RNs, BS - Nursing
for LPNs, BSN - Innovative Nursing (15-month
program), MSN - Nursing/Family Nurse Practitioner." ******************************************************
Fayette County Area Vocational-Technical
School / Practical Nursing (LPN):"A Practical Nursing Program was established
in Fayette County in May 1966. The first,
fourteen-member class graduated in May of
1967. Since that first graduating class,
more then 1000 men and women have graduated
from the Fayette County Area Vocational-Technical
School Practical Nursing Program. The school
of Practical Nursing was first located in
Hopwood, PA. In July of 1976 the Practical
Nursing Program moved to its present location
at the Fayette County Area Vocational-Technical
School in Fairchance, PA. The continued success
for the Practical Nursing Program allowed
for construction of a nursing suite, annexed
to the North Wing of the Fayette County Area
Vocational-Technical School. The Practical Nursing Program has occupied the present facilities since February of
1983." ******************************************************
Frank J. Tornetta School of Anesthesia /
Montgomery Hospital Medical Center:"The Frank J. Tornetta School of Anesthesia
was founded in 1951 to prepare CRNAs. To
date, more than 350 graduates of the School
are in practice around the country. Prospective
students are nurses who have completed a
BSN and who hold a current R.N. license in
Pennsylvania and who have a minimum of one
year nursing experience in an acute care
setting. The 45 credit course of study takes
approximately 30 months to complete and is
offered in cooperation with La Salle University
School of Nursing." ******************************************************
Frankford Hospital School of Nursing (ADN):"Since its early days, the Frankford Hospital
School of Nursing has regarded nursing as
more than just a job. It is a highly respected
and successful career that provides endless
opportunity. As the Frankford Hospital School
of Nursing celebrates its 100-year anniversary
it continues to carry on the long tradition
of educating caring and responsible nurses
who will become a vital part of the healthcare
community and the community in which they
live." ******************************************************
Gannon University / Villa Maria School of
Nursing (BSN, MSN):"Gannon also offers an RN to BSN completion
option, a School Nurse Certificate option
and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
degree with concentrations in administration,
nurse anesthesia, medical-surgical and family
nurse practitioner. A Post-Bachelor's Certificate
in School Nursing is available for registered
nurses. Gannon’s Nursing programs have held
approval from the Pennsylvania State Board
of Examiners since 1953 and have maintained
consistent accreditation since 1965."
Gwynedd-Mercy College / School of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"Gwynedd-Mercy is perhaps the most notable
for being the first Junior College in Pennsylvania,
and the first in the United States under
Catholic auspices, to offer an articulated
nursing degree program. Evolving from two
Mercy hospital-based nursing programs (Fitzgerald
Mercy Hospital and Misericordia Hospital),
the College admitted its first nursing students
in the Fall of 1959." ******************************************************
Hanover Public School District / Nursing
Program (LPN):"The Hanover Public School District operates
a Practical Nursing Program which qualifies
graduates for the Practical Nursing Licensure
Examination. The one year program is approved
by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nurse
Examiners and is accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission.
The program is located at the Hanover High
Harcum College / Nursing Program (ADN):"Harcum College offers a two-year Nursing
Program. Graduates are awarded an Associate
of Science in Nursing degree (A.S.N.). The
Nursing Program offers a traditional day
schedule. Applications are currently being
accepted. The traditional day track follows
the academic calendar." ******************************************************
Harrisburg Area Community College / Nursing
Program (ADN):"The nursing program is 72 credits in length,
to include 4 semesters of clinicals, with
the awarding of an associate of arts degree
upon successful completion. Completion time
can vary depending on a candidate's background
and need for identified preparatory skills
and coursework and the student's rate of
study." ******************************************************
Holy Family University / School of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"Our accredited undergraduate programs are
ideal for recent high school graduates, experienced
nurses seeking additional training, and working
adults who want to start an entirely new
career. Our School of Nursing and Allied
Health Professions provides a variety of
degrees and study options for full- and part-time
students. These include a traditional four-year
bachelor of science in nursing, associate’s
and bachelor’s programs in radiologic science,
an accelerated RN to BSN nursing degree option,
and a part-time evening program for nursing
students who work full time during the day." ******************************************************
Immaculata College / Nursing Program (BSN,
MSN, PhD):"The mission of Immaculate University embraces
a commitment to provide undergraduate and
graduate education both to men and women
by offering programs at the associate, bachelor's,
master’s and doctoral levels. These programs
seek to prepare individuals for professional
careers focused on service and the fulfillment
of human potential. Immaculate’s programs
at the graduate level in the areas of education,
nutrition education, psychology, organization
leadership and healthcare, music therapy
and cultural and linguistic diversity reflect
the commitment to service professions and
cultural sensitivity." ******************************************************
Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Nursing
Program (BSN, MSN):"The College of Health and Human Services
offers a curriculum leading to the Bachelor
of Science degree in Nursing. Students are
admitted to the nursing major as freshmen.
Transfer students and those with a previous
degree may also be admitted. Upon completion
of the program, the graduate is prepared
to write the examination for licensure as
a Registered Nurse in Pennsylvania and all
other states. The program is accredited by
the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education." ******************************************************
Jameson Health System / Jameson Hospital
School of Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"Jameson Memorial Hospital School of Nursing
is a 2 year diploma program (with a summer
break), which is accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
and approved by the Pennsylvania State Board
of Nursing. In conjunction with Penn State
University, students earn college credits
that can be applied to a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Nursing.In 19 months, the Jameson
Memorial Hospital School of Nursing prepares
graduates to sit for their RN licensure exam."
Jefferson County-DuBois AVTS / Nursing Program
(LPN):"The educational program is designed to prepare
qualified applicants to perform selective
nursing acts in the care of the ill, injured,
or infirmed under the direction of a licensed
professional nurse, physician, or dentist.
The program is approved by the Pennsylvania
Department of Education, the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing, and the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission.
These documents may be reviewed during normal
business hours. Upon successful completion
of the program, graduates are eligible to
write the state licensing examination." ******************************************************
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania / Department
of Nursing (RN to BSN):"Kutztown University offers an upper division
program, accredited by the National League
for Nursing, which is designed especially
for registered nurses who are graduates of
diploma or associated degree nursing programs,
and who are seeking a Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (BSN) degree. This nursing curriculum
combines a unique opportunity to pursue a
professional degree with a strong liberal
arts and sciences curriculum and to practice
as a nurse. The program can be completed
on a full-time or part-time basis and is
structured so that class and clinical are
on the same day. This structure facilitates
development of a feasible work/school schedule
to lessen conflicts that might occur for
the student who works full time."
La Roche College / Nursing Program (ADN,
BSN, RN to BSN, MSN):"Department of Nursing Announces New Nursing
Program: The College’s Department of Nursing
is now offering an Associate of Science in
Nursing program (ASN). This two-year program
is designed to provide a pathway for entry
into registered nursing practice. The beauty
of this program is that it allows the graduate
to work as a nurse and continue in the BSN
completion program at an accelerated pace.
The ASN program will add another dimension
to the already highly regarded nursing program
offered by the college." ******************************************************
Lancaster General Hospital / College of Nursing
(ADN):"The Lancaster Institute for Health Education
School of Nursing offers a two year program
of study, designed to provide the student
with the principles and skills necessary
to assume a beginning professional nurse
position in hospitals and related institutions.
Established in 1903, the School of Nursing
has graduated over 3000 professional nurses.
Today over 180 students study with a competent
faculty who is expert in their specialty
area. The major clinical facility, Lancaster
General Hospital, enriches the learning environment
for students, providing hands-on learning
in real-life settings. Lancaster General
is one of the five busiest hospitals in Pennsylvania
with the capability of providing highly technical
and specialized care to the most severely
injured and seriously ill patients." ******************************************************
La Salle University / School of Nursing (BSN,
MSN):"Since the 90's, there has been an emerging
revolution in health care. Our nation is
continually demanding more economical health
care that requires technically skilled and
compassionate nurse practice. We recognize
these changes and formed our nursing curriculum
to meet the challenging leadership roles
required in clinical practice." ******************************************************
Lawrence County Vocational Technical School
/ Practical Nursing Program (LPN):"Come see what all the excitement is about the Premiere School of Practical Nursing
in Western Pennsylvania." ******************************************************
Lehigh Carbon Community College / Nursing
Program (LPN, ADN):"The associate degree nursing program prepares
graduates to deliver quality care to promote,
and/or maintain and restore health and well
being. Emphasis of this program will be educating
persons to perform holistic nursing health
care in hospitals and other health agencies.
In addition to classroom instruction, students
will receive clinical instruction. Persons
who earn an Associate in Applied Science
degree in Nursing are eligible to sit for
the National Council Licensing Examination
(NCLEX-RN). Success on this examination qualifies
nurses to practice as a registered/licensed
nurse." ******************************************************
Lenape School of Practical Nursing (LPN):"Lenape School of Practical Nursing offers
two programs to enable successful students
to pursue careers in the field of nursing.
Full time, twelve month programs are offered
twice a year for students who wish to complete
their education in one year. A part-time
evening/weekend program is also available
which allows students to complete their education
in two years (24 months) while working at
a full or part time job. This brochure describes
the school, curriculum and important facets
of the practical nursing education program." ******************************************************
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania / Nursing
Department (ADN):"Based on a strong, clinically oriented curriculum,
students rotate through quality health care
facilities - all within a reasonable driving
distance from the campus. Working directly
with patients, nurses, physicians and other
health care professionals, students receive
hands-on experience in specialty areas such
as obstetrics, pediatrics and medical/surgical
units. Completion of the two-year program
prepares students to take the national licensure
for registered nurses. Students can continue
their nursing education through a collaborative
agreement with Clarion University of Pennsylvania,
which allows students to take bachelor's
degree courses at the Clearfield Campus."
Luzerne County Community College / Department
of Nursing (ADN):"The Nursing curriculum is designed to prepare
competent associate degree nurses who are
eligible to meet licensing requirements for
registered nurses and are able to function
effectively, under supervision, in beginning
nursing positions in hospitals, homes, clinics,
physician's offices, or other agencies established
to meet the health needs of individuals.
The nursing program is approved by the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing and is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission, 350 Hudson St., New York City,
NY 10014." ******************************************************
Manor College / Nursing Program (Pre-Nursing):"Manor’s A.S. Degree in the pre-nursing concentration
is designed to allow a student to gain a
strong foundation in the sciences and liberal
arts, which allows development in interpersonal
and critical thinking skills. The student
then transfers to a four-year institution
in order to complete a bachelor’s degree
in nursing and sit for a licensing exam in
order to become a registered nurse." ******************************************************
Mansfield University / Nursing Program (BSN,
MSN):"Mansfield University's M. S. in Nursing is
designed to meet a statewide and national
need for nurse educators.The master's in
nursing program will prepare experienced
baccalaureate nurses to be nurse educators.
Graduates will be prepared to teach in baccalaureate
and associate degree nursing programs or
provide staff development in health care
settings. Upon completion of the program,
graduates will be able to design curricula
based on current knowledge of nursing, teaching,
learning, and evaluation." ******************************************************
Marywood University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"The baccalaureate program in nursing prepares
the graduate to be competent in using knowledge
and skills to carry out the professional
responsibilities of a beginning nurse in
a variety of settings. The graduate is prepared
for advanced study in nursing. The program
also prepares the graduate for continuing
personal and professional development." ******************************************************
Mercyhurst College - Northeast / Nursing
Program (LPN, ADN):"The responsibilities of a registered nurse
include assessment, planning, intervention,
and evaluation. The nurse must communicate
effectively with clients and members of the
interdisciplinary team. Upon completion of
the program, graduates are eligible to write
the National Council Licensure Examination-RN
(NCLEX-RN) for licensure as a professional
registered nurse. Graduates will be prepared
to work in various health care settings such
as acute care hospitals, long-term care centers,
ambulatory clinics, and home health care." ******************************************************
Messiah College / Department of Nursing (BSN):"The mission of the Department of Nursing
at Messiah College is to prepare the beginning
professional nurse by providing basic professional
education from a Christian worldview and
within the context of a liberal education." ******************************************************
Millersville University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN, NP):"Millersville University's Department of Nursing
is proud to announce the NLNAC reaccreditation
of its BSN and MSN programs for the full
8 years.*** NLNAC-accredited baccalaureate
degree in nursing program (BSN) designed
for the Registered Nurse student. School
Nurse Certificate program approved by the
Pennsylvania Department of Education, which
prepares certified school nurses. Master
of Science in Nursing degree programs (MSN),
approved by the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing,
and accredited by the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission. Family nurse
practitioner, Case management." ******************************************************
Montgomery County Community College / Nursing
Program (LPN to RN, ADN):"The Nursing Program leads to an Associate
in Applied Science degree in Nursing and
offers full-time and part-time study. After
completion of the Sequence 1 prerequisite
courses, students can complete the Nursing
Program in 4 semesters. The program is designed
to prepare caring professional nurses who
employ critical thinking skills and the nursing
process in meeting the human needs of clients
in a variety of health care settings. Students
develop competence in the art and science
of nursing within an integrated curriculum
which incorporates seminar, classroom, Nursing
Campus Laboratory, and clinical experiences.
Graduates are prepared to take the National
Council Licensing Examination for Registered
Nursing (NCLEX-RN), seek licensure in any
state in our nation, and transfer credits
to degree programs beyond the A.A.S. degree
in Nursing." ******************************************************
Moravian College / Nursing Program (BSN):"Founded in 1872, St. Luke’s Hospital and
Health Network in Bethlehem is a vital part
of Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. An integral,
regional health care network, St. Luke’s
offers a full range of medical and surgical
services, maternal-child care, and psychiatric
services. St. Luke's Hospital and Health
Network was recently ranked by Solucient
for the second time - for its excellence
in quality of care, efficiency of operations
and sustainability of overall performance."
Mount Aloysius College / Division of Nursing
(ADN, BSN, Telenursing Program):"The RN to BSN program at Mount Aloysius is
designed to provide opportunities for graduates
from associate degree and diploma programs
to achieve a bachelor of science degree in
nursing. The purpose of the program is to
prepare a nurse-generalist for professional
nursing practice. Upon completion of the
RN to BSN program, graduates will be prepared
to give professional nursing care in a variety
of health care settings, apply for master
degree level study in nursing, and serve
as leaders in society." ******************************************************
Nazareth Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesiology:"The mission of the School of Nurse Anesthesiology
of Nazareth Hospital is to educate baccalaureate
nurses in the provision of safe, competent
anesthesia to all patients and make them
eligible to take their qualifying certification
examination given by the Council of Certification
of Nurse Anesthetists."
Neumann College / Division of Nursing (BSN,
MSN):"Franciscan values and tradition infuse the
strong liberal arts and professional education
which is basic in developing the professional
nurse within contemporary society. Nursing
is seen as a professional service performed
for members of the human family who reflect
the image of their Creator." ******************************************************
Northampton Community College / Nursing Department
(ADN. LPN):"The RN program requires a minimum of four
academic semesters to complete. Students
are admitted into the RN program twice a
year (August/January). Students may choose
to enter either the day or evening/weekend
programs. The evening/weekend program option
allows students to complete nursing courses
during the evening while attending clinical
every other weekend and occasional evenings
throughout the semester." ******************************************************
Northeastern Hospital / School of Nursing
(Diploma Nursing):"Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing (NEHSON),
located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is
an integral part of the Northeastern Hospital. The
School has evolved into a distinguished coeducational
institution providing each student with a
comprehensive learning experience in professional
nursing.Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing
offers a program of study leading to a Diploma
in Nursing from Northeastern Hospital and
qualifies the student to take NCLEX, the
examination for registered nurse licensure.
Students take science courses and general
college courses through Community College
of Philadelphia, (CCP)." ******************************************************
Northern Tier Career Center / Nursing Program
(LPN):"The Practical Nursing Program is a post-secondary
educational extension of the Northern Tier
Career Center. The program is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission and approved by the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing. Graduates meet the
educational requirements to sit for the National
Council Licensure Examination for Practical
Ohio Valley General Hospital / School of
Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"The Ohio Valley General Hospital School of
Nursing accepted its first student in 1901
with its first graduation taking place in
1904. From this time on, The School of Nursing
has grown and advanced with the Hospital
toward a mutual goal of excellence in health
care and nursing education. The School of
Nursing has maintained programs of affiliation
with other hospitals prominent in their respective
fields to provide students with opportunities
for experience in all areas of nursing care."
Pennsylvania College of Technology / Nursing
Program (BSN):"This unique BSN completion major offered
by the Nursing Department within the School
of Health Sciences is specifically designed
for the registered nurse who wishes to earn
a degree on a full or part time basis. The
baccalaureate curriculum builds on the knowledge
and skills possessed by R.N.s who have graduated
from diploma and associate degree nursing
programs. The standard curriculum plan, directly
applicable to Penn College A.D. Nursing graduates,
is designed to be completed in four semesters.
Other curriculum plan options are available,
depending on the number of transfer credits
accorded for previous college work." ******************************************************
Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia:"The University Of Pennsylvania School Of
Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia Program prepares
registered nurses for entry into anesthesia
practice. Graduates are prepared to administer
a full range of anesthetics to a wide variety
of patients across the lifespan. Through
an integrated program of classroom and clinical
instruction, students develop the didactic
knowledge base and clinical skills necessary
for safe and effective practice." ******************************************************
Pennsylvania State University / School of
Nursing (ADN, BSN, MSN, PhD):"Our Associate Degree programs continue to
thrive and prepare entry-level nurses who
serve their local communities. The Baccalaureate
Degree program has two options for study:
the Basic Option for those students who are
entering the four-year program of study for
an initial professional degree, and the Advanced
Standing Option for RN’s who wish to complete
the BS degree. Our Master’s programs provide
options for advanced practice roles as a
Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner.
The interdisciplinary PhD program in nursing
is to develop clinical scholars, faculty,
and researchers who can teach and provide
leadership through scientific inquiry and
innovative practice."
***************************************************** ******************************************************
Pottsville Hospital and Warne Clinic / Pottsville
Hospital School of Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"The School of Nursing was established in
1895 with the incorporation of the Pottsville
Hospital which later became the Pottsville
Hospital and Warne Clinic. The School has
graduated well over 2000 graduates and continues
to be a primary educator of registered nurses
for Schuylkill and surrounding counties."
Reading Area Community College / Nursing
Program (LPN, ADN):"The Associate Degree Nursing Program prepares
students for positions as beginning staff
level nurses in acute and long term care
facilities. Upon successful completion of
the program, students will receive an Associate
in Applied Science (AAS) degree. The graduate
will be eligible to sit for the state licensure
examination (NCLEX-RN) to become a registered
nurse. Nursing students attend classes on
the college campus. Selected clinical learning
experiences are provided at a variety of
health care agencies with direct guidance
of the nursing faculty. The purpose of these
experiences is to provide the student with
the opportunity to apply classroom learning
in direct patient care situations." ******************************************************
Reading Hospital and Medical Center / School
of Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"The Reading Hospital School of Nursing offers
a Registered Nurse diploma program and admits
new classes in late August of each year.For
more than 100 years, the School of Nursing
has educated women and men who have gone
on to serve in a variety of fields in nursing,
both here at The Reading Hospital and in
locations around the globe. The School of
Nursing is located on the main campus of
The Reading Hospital in West Reading, Pennsylvania."
Robert Morris University / Department of
Nursing (BSN, MSN):"The nursing program at RMU builds on the
natural and behavioral sciences, integrating
liberal arts and professional courses into
a cohesive program. You will develop strong
technical skills, as well as the clinical
judgment and critical thinking necessary
to succeed in today's rapidly changing health
care system. You will learn to care for those
who are well or at risk for illness as well
as those who are sick and dying. Your clinical
experiences will involve working with clients
in community and hospital settings." ******************************************************
Roxborough Memorial Hospital / School of
Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"The School of Nursing was founded in 1898
and graduated five women in 1901. Since that
time, the school has graduated over 1,000
men and women. Many of our graduates hold
distinguished positions in Nursing Education,
varied areas of Nursing and health related
services. The School of Nursing is a 21 month
hospital-based program providing a unique
blend of nursing theory and a strong clinical
component which is supplemented with college
courses in the sciences and humanities. We
continue to provide quality health care service
to the community by promoting health, preventing
disease and treating illness. The school
is accredited by The National League for
Nursing and approved by the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing." ******************************************************
Saint Francis University / Department of
Nursing (BSN, MSN):"The College of Nursing and Allied Health
offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree,
a Master of Science in Nursing, a Master
of Science in Physician Assistant Studies,
and a bachelor of science in four allied
health areas. The College's mission is the
education of the student as a whole person
who can function as an accountable practitioner
of nursing or an allied health field who
has high ethical standards and a respect
for human life. The program builds upon and
integrates knowledge and values from general
education courses in the liberal arts and
sciences. The Franciscan values of respect,
compassion, service and integrity, provide
direction for carrying out the mission." ******************************************************
Saint Luke's Hospital / School of Nursing
(BSN):"Saint Luke's College offers a Bachelor of
Science in Nursing Degree program that prepares
graduates to become registered nurses. It
is a intensive, professional four-year program
of study that includes two years of general
education course requirements taken at a
college of the student's choice and two years
of nursing courses at Saint Luke's. Saint
Luke's has a 100-year history of quality
nursing education, and our graduates are
highly sought after in the medical community."
Schuylkill Intermediate Unit #29 / Schuylkill
Technology Centers (LPN):"The Practical Nursing Program is available
on a full-time basis during week days and
part-time in the evening/week-end division.
The day division covers a 12 month period
with enrollment beginning in August and March
of each calendar year. The part-time division
covers a 24 month period with enrollment
occurring in August. Employment opportunities
for LPN’s are constantly expanding in hospitals,
clinics, public health agencies, doctors
offices, extended care facilities and private
homes. LPN’s can also continue their education
to enter professional nursing and other health
care fields. Upon successful completion of
the program, graduates will be eligible to
take the Pennsylvania State Licensure Exam
for Practical Nurses." ******************************************************
Sewickley Valley Hospital / School of Nursing
(Diploma Nursing):"We have a heritage of quality nursing education,
an expert faculty, a supportive environment
and state-of-the-art educational facilities. Our
graduates are IN DEMAND! Our program is fully
approved by the State Board of Nursing of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission (NLNAC), 61 Broadway, New York,
NY 10006, (212)363-5555." ******************************************************
Sharon Regional Health System / School of
Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"The Sharon Regional Health System School
of Nursing, located on the System's main
campus at 740 E. State St., Sharon, Pennsylvania,
has been educating registered professional
nurses since 1899. Following the centennial
anniversary in 1999, the School of Nursing
curriculum was revised and streamlined to
accommodate students in the 21st century."
Slippery Rock University / School of Nursing
(Online RN to BSN, MSN):"Using web-based distance education, Slippery
Rock University makes it possible for RNs
to obtain a BSN at the same time they are
managing busy work and home schedules. All
nursing and support courses in the nursing
program are offered entirely by web-based
distance education. Students do their work
from anywhere they have Internet access.
An up-to-date curriculum reflects the impact
of managed care and the leadership roles
nurses now play in health care. Building
on the previous education of the RN, an academically
and clinically qualified faculty works with
each student to plan a program of studies."
St. Francis Medical Center / Alvernia School
of Practical Nursing (BSN, MSN, RN to BSN):"Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
continues the history of nursing education
started by The Sisters of the Third Order
of St. Francis, Peoria, Illinois, whose mission
is to provide healthcare to the sick, injured,
and poor and education for healthcare providers
to the community of Peoria and surrounding
areas. St. Francis Hospital School of Nursing
was organized in 1905, for Sisters only.
The school's diploma program was approved
by the State of Illinois in 1915, and opened
to lay students in 1918. The School maintained
continuous State approval of the diploma
program. In 1950, the School received accreditation
of the diploma program from the National
League for Nursing (NLN) which continued
through graduation of the last class in 1987.
Throughout its existence the School of Nursing
contributed significantly to the profession
of nursing through its graduates. From 1905
through 1987, approximately 3400 students
graduated from the diploma program." ******************************************************
St. Luke's School of Nursing:"The St. Luke's School of Nursing has a long and rich history of nursing education that extends over 124 years. The Diploma in Nursing was the premiere preparation for nurses when our profession began. After years of providing the best in hospital-based, diploma nursing education, the School is preparing for the 21st century."
Temple University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, RN to BSN, MSN):"Temple University offers several nursing
programs:Bachelor of Science in Nursing,
RN-BSN Completion Program and a Master of
Science in Nursing degree and Post-Masters
Certificate." ******************************************************
Temple University Hospital--Episcopal Campus
/Episcopal School of Nursing (LPN, Diploma
Nursing):"The PART-TIME EVENING/WEEKEND Registered
Nurse (R.N.) program leads to a Diploma in
Nursing and prepares graduates to take the
National Council Licensing Examination for
Registered Nursing (NCLEX-RN).The FULL-TIME
DAY Practical Nurse (L.P.N.) program leads
to a certificate in Practical Nursing and
prepares graduates to take the National Council
Licensing Examination for Practical Nursing
(NCLEX-PN)." ******************************************************
The University of Scranton / Department of
Nursing (BSN, MSN, NP):"Since 2000, 94 percent of nursing graduates
passed the National Council of Licensing
Examinations (NCLEX) on their first attempt,
compared to 85 percent nationwide. Students
may further their nursing education at The
University of Scranton by pursuing a master’s
degree in family nurse practitioner, adult
health and nurse anesthesia. We offer individual
academic assessment and planning to satisfy
the adult learner's needs in returning to
school." ******************************************************
Thomas Jefferson University / Department
of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"For over 100 years we have been educating
men and women for the nursing profession.
We are student centered at Jefferson. Undergraduate
and graduate students have the opportunity
to collaborate with faculty in defining,
refining, and meeting career goals. Our renowned
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and
the Jefferson Health System facilities offer
state-of-the-art clinical experiences in
a wide variety of specialty areas. Jefferson
nursing students develop positive relationships
with other health care providers through
interdisciplinary classroom and clinical
experiences. Since Jefferson is a major research
center, our students can participate in the
conduct of research and apply research findings
in their clinical experiences." ******************************************************
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
(SBSN, MSN, PhD):"Penn Nursing combines the resources and opportunities
of a large Ivy League University with the
intimacy and personal attention of a small
college. The School traces its roots back
to 1935 and has grown to its current size
of 48 full-time doctoral-prepared faculty
and 82 associated, clinical, adjunct, and
research faculty who teach its 700 Undergraduate,
Masters, PhD, and BSN/MSN students." ******************************************************
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford / Department
of Nursing (ADN, BSN, MSN):"The opportunity to prepare for a rewarding
career in nursing is available to you at
the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.
A four-year undergraduate college of the
University of Pittsburgh, Pitt-Bradford offers
the Associate of Science degree in nursing
to prepare professional nurses for entry
into practice. ASN Nursing graduates are
required to take the national examination
for registered nurse licensure. Advanced
preparation in clinical skills, leadership,
and managment is available for the Registered
Nurse at the more advanced baccalaureate
level of practice through Pitt-Bradford’s
RN-BSN completion program. Pitt-Bradford's
A.S.N. degree is fully approved by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing
(BSN, MSN, PhD):"The University of Pittsburgh prepares nurses
at a variety of levels. We have both a traditional
program, which admits persons with a high
school degree, as well a program for registered
nurses who have received their entry-level
education in community colleges or hospital
programs. We are working on the design of
a second-degree program for individuals who
have already received a baccalaureate degree
in another field. Our master of science programs
are designed to prepare expert practitioners,
either as nurse practitioners, nurse clinicians,
or nurse anesthetists, as well as, to prepare
individuals as expert practitioners in either
nursing education, nursing administration,
informatics, or research management. Our
PhD program is also well respected. It prepares
nurses for academic positions, as well as
for positions as clinical investigators and/or
leaders in the profession." ******************************************************
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Shadyside / School of Nursing (BSN,
MSN, PhD):"Our undergraduate program combines the latest
in clinical theory with traditional nursing
values that emphasize holistic patient care.
The distinct advantage of a four-year program
is that it gives students the opportunity
to combine a strong theoretical base of biological
and behavioral sciences with a foundation
in the liberal arts. RN to BSN and RN to
MSN options provide a quality, affordable
way for registered nurses to earn their degrees.
Courses are individually tailored to meet
the specific needs of RNs and are consistent
with adult learning principles. Each course
focuses on specific knowledge and skills
needed in the workplace to keep pace with
rapid changes in health care." ******************************************************
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center St. Margaret Memorial Hospital / School
of Nursing (LPN, Diploma Nursing):"Founded in 1910, the School of Nursing offers
a 76-week diploma nursing program enabling
a graduate to take the Pennsylvania licensure
examination to become a registered nurse.The
school provides an educational program that
assists its graduates to acquire the competencies
needed for the practice of professional nursing."
Villanova University College of Nursing (BSN,
MSN, PhD):"The College of Nursing is a tangible expression
of Villanova University's mission, tradition,
and commitment to human service. As a major
school of nursing under Catholic auspices,
it carries responsibility for the education
of nurses within the framework of Christian
beliefs and values and the heritage of the
Order of St. Augustine. The academic programs
in the College of Nursing are directed to
interpretation of nursing asa healing ministry
emanated by love and demonstrated through
service and the care of others."
***************************************************** ******************************************************
Waynesburg College / Department of Nursing
(BSN):"Waynesburg College has offered the BSN degree
since 1984. The nursing program is fully
approved by the Pennsylvania State Board
of Nursing and is accredited by the National
League for Nursing. Graduates of the professional
nursing program at Waynesburg College are
prepared to care for multi-cultural clients
experiencing diverse health concerns in a
variety of health care settings." ******************************************************
West Chester University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN, Parish Nursing):"The West Chester University College of Health
Sciences Department of Nursing welcomes you
to explore our web site. For men and women
interested in becoming nurses we offer the
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. For
Registered Nurses we offer a specially designed
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for
the RN, a Masters of Nursing in Community
Health degree, and Certificate programs in
School Nursing and Parish Nursing." ******************************************************
Western Pennsylvania Hospital / School of
Nursing (Diploma Nursing):"West Penn Hospital's School of Nursing, founded
in 1892, was the first nursing school in
the nation to admit male students and one
of the first to receive accreditation from
the National League for Nursing. Dedicated
to academic excellence, the School recently
redesigned its curriculum to ensure continued
leadership in preparing professional nurses
to meet the challenges of patient care today
and in the future. College courses in West
Penn Hospital's 22-month professional nursing
program are taught by Clarion University
faculty at West Penn and may be used to fulfill
Clarion University requirements toward a
bachelor of science in nursing degree." ******************************************************
Widener University School of Nursing (BSN,
MSN, PhD):"Recognized locally and regionally as one
of the leading nursing programs in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, Widener prepares professional
nurses for a variety of careers in health
care and education. The undergraduate baccalaureate
program prepares high school, transfer, and
second degree students for the licensure
examination (NCLEX-RN) and rewarding careers
as nurses. A part-time program for registered
nurses returning to earn the baccalaureate
degree is taught in a weekend format. At
the graduate level, Master in Science in
Nursing degrees and post-master's certificates
are offered in emergency/critical care, community-based
nursing, adult health nursing, psychiatric-mental
health nursing, education, and family nurse
practitioner. Another option for nurse practitioners
who wish to become family nurse practitioners
is also available. The school proudly offers
a Doctor of Nursing Science for individuals
who choose to pursue the doctorate in either
an academic year or summer only programs." ******************************************************
Wilkes University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"Wilkes' Nursing Program enjoys the distinction
of being one of the few programs in Pennsylvania
to receive accreditation for a 10-year term
by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
(CCNE). Wilkes offers a quality, comprehensive
curriculum of undergraduate and graduate
nursing programs that will best prepare you
for a career in nursing." ******************************************************
York College of Pennsylvania / Department
of Nursing (BSN):"York College's NLNAC accredited Baccalaureate
Nursing Degree program combines the education
and practical experience needed to meet the
demands of this profession. York College
provides a solid educational background to
prepare nursing graduates to take the State
Board Examination for Licensure as a Registered
Professional Nurse." ******************************************************
York County School of Technology / Adult
Nursing Education (LPN):"The York County School of Technology is dedicated
to providing a program of high quality, cutting-edge
technical training integrated with a strong
academic education and an emphasis on critical
thinking, problem-solving, decision-making,
and team-building skills. This one-year program
provides both the academic background and
clinical experience necessary for a career
as a Licensed Practical Nurse." *****************************************************
****************************************************** Is your nursing school listed here? If not Add It!!!! Please select from the following:
Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing A to Z Index:
By State, Country: International Nursing Schools (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland) Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut Nursing Schools, Delaware, District of Columbia (Washington), Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia, Wisconsin See also: Mandatory BSN to practice nursing being considered:"Surely some of you have heard that New York is considering making a BSN degree mandatory in order to practice in that state. Given the nursing shortage and shortage of RN grads of any type what do you think about their plans?
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Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS):"Welcome to the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). Throughout this website, we are pleased to share with you some of the exciting and rewarding opportunities that await you at CGFNS. We hold strong to the values of excellence, which have sustained CGFNS for almost a quarter of a century.
As we enter the new millennium, this is a critical time for the nation, for health professionals and for our organization and its divisions, the International Commission on Healthcare Professions (ICHP), the International Consulting and Educational Service (ICE), and the International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD). We are privileged to be in the public policy arena, helping to ensure that United States immigration policy is objective and effective." ******************************************************
The Nursing School Adviser, Paying for Your Nursing Education,"The expense of attending college is considerable and is increasing each year at a rate faster than most other products and services. In fact, the cost of a nursing education at a public four-year college can be more than $14,000 per year, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. The cost at a private college or university, at either the graduate or the undergraduate level, can be more than $30,000 per year." ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Were you looking for:
****************************************************** Useful Tips & Advice on: Applying To College See also
Nursing Faculty Salaries Post Continued Increases, AACN Survey Shows: Mostly Modest Gains, However, Come As Many Schools Work to Stem Faculty Shortages, includes chart "Average Salaries and Percentage Change for All Full-Time Nurse Faculty 1997-98 to 1998-99." ******************************************************
University of Salford School of Nursing (UK):"The School of Nursing is proud of its roots in the local health service and today retains close links with local NHS Trusts. The School works closely with clinicians from these Trusts and NHS purchasers of training in the planning, implementation and evaluation of sound educational and training programmes and provides an extensive mix of clinical experiences for students within general hospital, community, and specialist units in both the NHS and private sector organisations.
The main purpose of the School of Nursing is to offer a range of high quality education and training programmes for nurses which will enable them to promote healthy living and to maintain and develop quality care for their patients and clients. A fundamental objective is to produce nurses who are capable of adopting a reflective approach to practice, question orthodoxy and develop and evaluate new approaches to care to provide a cost-effective quality service to be able to cope with rapid technical, managerial, social and professional change.
University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, UK. TELEPHONE +44 (0)161 295 5000 ****************************************************** ******************************************************
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Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ****************************************************** Created on April 23, 1999 |
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