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Central Maine Community College / Nursing
Program (LPN, ASN):"The Nursing program at Central Maine is designed
as a multiple entry/exit curriculum, preparing
individuals at both the Practical Nurse and
the Registered Nurse levels. Year one of
the curriculum serves a dual purpose;; by
itself it meets the educational criteria
for practical nursing but also serves as
the first year of the two year Associate
in Science (RN) degree program. Upon application,
the student chooses to pursue the goal of
either the Diploma (PN) or the Associate
Degree (RN)." *****************************************************
Central Maine Medical Center / School of
Nursing (ADN):"The Central Maine Medical Center School of
Nursing was founded in 1891 and was incorporated
at Lewiston, Maine, on January 29, 1977,
as a non-sectarian, private educational institution,
offering to qualified men and women a curriculum
at the Associate Degree level..." *****************************************************
Eastern Maine Technical College / Nursing
Program (AAS):"The Nursing Program, with its newly-revised
curriculum, offers students two credential
options: a Diploma in Practical Nursing (after
completing the first year of study) and an
Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing
(after completing the second year of the
Program). Note: All students entering the
second level (Advanced Standing) must have
completed course requirements comparable
to those outlined for first and second semester
nursing students.Graduates of Approved Practical
Nursing Programs from out-of-state are required
to achieve a raw score of 75% in the NLN
Comprehensive Examination." *****************************************************
Husson College/Eastern Maine Medical College
/ School of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"Nursing at Husson is built around the baccalaureate
degree in Nursing. The school partners with
the region's tertiary care health center,
Eastern Maine Medical Center and has affiliations
with an array of other community health organizations.
Credentialed faculty combine classroom theory
and exceptional clinical opportunity with
practice, research, and professional leadership.
The RN to BSN program provides the opportunity
for Associate-degree graduates to pursue
the baccalaureate degree. These students
may also choose to move forward to the masters'
degree program. The Family Nurse Practitioner
Program provides a Masters' degree, enabling
graduates to take active roles in primary
health care." *****************************************************
Kennebec Valley Community College / Nursing
Department (ADN):"The Nursing Program prepares women and men
for entry-level positions in the nursing
profession. Successful completion of the
ADN program of study qualifies graduates
to receive an Associate in Science Degree
in Nursing. The ADN qualifies the graduate
for the National Council Licensure Examination
(NCLEX-RN) and application for state licensure
as a registered nurse (RN) in the state of
Maine. The program is approved by the Maine
State Board of Nursing (MSBN) and accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission (NLNAC)." *****************************************************
Northern Maine Community College / Nursing
Department (ADN):"The multiple entry/multiple exit nursing
program is designed to offer individuals
the opportunity to enter nursing or to advance
in nursing by entering or exiting at different
levels of the curriculum. Students will have
the opportunity to exit at the end of the
first year (Level I) and assume the role
of practical nurse, or progress through the
second year (Level II) and assume the role
of associate degree nurse. Candidates who
are graduates of approved practical nursing
programs are provided an opportunity for
advanced standing in the nursing curriculum."
Saint Joseph's College / Department of Nursing
(BSN):"The Department of Nursing at Saint Joseph’s
College is accredited by the Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education. Accreditation
is an indication of public approbation, attesting
to the quality of the educational program
and the continued commitment of Saint Joseph’s
to support the program. The Maine State Board
of Nursing also has approved the baccalaureate
program at the College." *****************************************************
Southern Maine Technical College / Nursing
Department (ADN):"This program prepares men and women to become
nurses at the associate degree level. They
are then eligible to take the NCLEX Registered
Nurse (R.N.) licensure examination upon completion
of the program. The nursing program is approved
by the Maine State Board of Nursing, 24 Stone
Street, 158 State House Station, Augusta,
Maine 04333-0158, 287-1133 and accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accreditation
Commission (NLNAC) 61 Broadway, NY, NY, 10006,
212-363-5555, ext. 153. The curriculum offers
general education courses concurrently with
nursing courses to provide a sound theoretical
base for nursing practice." *****************************************************
University of Maine / School of Nursing (BSN,
MSN):"The School of Nursing was established in
the fall of 1958 at the University of Maine.
Both undergraduate and graduate programs
are fully accreditated by Commission on Collegiate
Nursing Education (CCNE). The School was
the first in Maine to offer a four-year baccalaureate
nursing degree. The Bachelor of Science in
Nursing degree is built on a firm foundation
of liberal arts and physical and social sciences.
The nursing undergraduate curriculum is uniquely
combined with the liberal arts necessary
to enhance the quality of each student's
life. As a designated Professional Nursing
Education (PNE) school, UMaine is now one
of the only 42 universities across the nation
that can guarantee Four and Three Year ROTC
Scholarships to nurses. The faculty in the
School of Nursing emphasize teaching, working
closely with each student to ensure the best
possible learning experience. All faculty
are involved in disciplinary and interdisciplinary
research activities. The School of Nursing
is philosophically consistent with the University
of Maine's mission to be the state's center
for learning, discovery, and service to the
public. Simultaneously, the faculty and students
of the School serve as a vital resource to
the people of Maine. Graduates of the School's
Rural Family Nurse Practitioner Program receive
a Master of Science degree." *****************************************************
University of Maine at Augusta / Division
of Nursing Education (ASN):"The Associate of Science in Nursing major
is designed to prepare graduates to function
in a structured health care setting. For
more information on career opportunities
in Nursing see From College to Career in
Nursing. Upon completion of the program,
graduates are eligible to take the N-CLEX-RN
exam for licensure as a registered nurse.
This program is approved by the Maine State
Board of Nursing and is fully accredited
by the National League of Nursing." *****************************************************
University of Maine at Fort Kent / Division
of Nursing (BSN):"The University of Maine at Fort Kent recognizes
the need and desirability for registered
nurses to attain a baccalaureate degree.
For students who have earned their RN licenses,
an RN-upgrade Studies Option is offered.
Students qualifying for this option must
complete the Prerequisite Courses for the
Nursing Major as well as the courses under
the RN Studies Option. For those students
who completed an ADN program from a regionally
accredited and state board of nursing approved
school of nursing within the past ten years,
a block of 29 basic nursing credits is awarded
to replace the clinical courses in the Nursing
Major." *****************************************************
University of New England / Department of
Nursing (BSN, MSN in Nurse Anesthesia):"In keeping with current trends in professional
nursing, the University of New England's
Nursing Program offers several educational
options to provide a continuum of nursing
education to better meet varying student
career aspirations. The 2 + 2 baccalaureate
in nursing is a fully articulated program
consisting of technical nursing courses in
the first two years and upper level nursing
courses in the third and fourth years. The
Nurse Anesthesia Program at UNE is designed
for registered nurses who currently have
a baccalaureate degree. Nurses with at least
one year of clinical experience in acute
care may continue their educational progress
toward a master's degree as a nurse anesthetist." *****************************************************
University of Southern Maine / College of
Nursing (BSN, MSN):"Ideally located in the southern end of the
beautiful state of Maine, the University
of Southern Maine (USM) College of Nursing
and Health Professions boasts excellent faculty
and programs, with unique and rich community
partnerships. The College's full-time faculty
are committed to providing exemplary educational
programs, scholarship, and community and
professional service which is responsive
to the needs of the citizens of Maine and
in the global community." *****************************************************
****************************************************** Is your nursing school listed here? If not Add It!!!! Please select from the following: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut Nursing Schools, Delaware, District of Columbia (Washington), Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia, Wisconsin Mandatory BSN to practice nursing being considered:"Surely some of you have heard that New York is considering making a BSN degree mandatory in order to practice in that state. Given the nursing shortage and shortage of RN grads of any type what do you think about their plans?
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Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS):"Welcome to the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS). Throughout this website, we are pleased to share with you some of the exciting and rewarding opportunities that await you at CGFNS. We hold strong to the values of excellence, which have sustained CGFNS for almost a quarter of a century.
As we enter the new millennium, this is a critical time for the nation, for health professionals and for our organization and its divisions, the International Commission on Healthcare Professions (ICHP), the International Consulting and Educational Service (ICE), and the International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD). We are privileged to be in the public policy arena, helping to ensure that United States immigration policy is objective and effective." *****************************************************
The Nursing School Adviser, Paying for Your Nursing Education,"The expense of attending college is considerable and is increasing each year at a rate faster than most other products and services. In fact, the cost of a nursing education at a public four-year college can be more than $14,000 per year, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. The cost at a private college or university, at either the graduate or the undergraduate level, can be more than $30,000 per year." ***************************************************** *****************************************************
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***************************************************** Useful Tips & Advice on: Applying To College See also
Virtual Nursing College: "The Virtual Nursing College (VNC). The VNC is a virtual learning and teaching environment that is dedicated to the education and professional development of nurses everywhere." *****************************************************
Nursing Faculty Salaries Post Continued Increases, AACN Survey Shows: Mostly Modest Gains, However, Come As Many Schools Work to Stem Faculty Shortages, includes chart "Average Salaries and Percentage Change for All Full-Time Nurse Faculty 1997-98 to 1998-99." *****************************************************
University of Salford School of Nursing (UK):"The School of Nursing is proud of its roots in the local health service and today retains close links with local NHS Trusts. The School works closely with clinicians from these Trusts and NHS purchasers of training in the planning, implementation and evaluation of sound educational and training programmes and provides an extensive mix of clinical experiences for students within general hospital, community, and specialist units in both the NHS and private sector organisations.
The main purpose of the School of Nursing is to offer a range of high quality education and training programmes for nurses which will enable them to promote healthy living and to maintain and develop quality care for their patients and clients. A fundamental objective is to produce nurses who are capable of adopting a reflective approach to practice, question orthodoxy and develop and evaluate new approaches to care to provide a cost-effective quality service to be able to cope with rapid technical, managerial, social and professional change.
University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, UK. TELEPHONE +44 (0)161 295 5000 ***************************************************** ******************************************************
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