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Certification and Regulation of Advanced Practice Nurses:"Position Statement: The nursing profession must develop a standardized national advanced practice nursing certification process by the year 2000. Advanced Practice Nurse is an umbrella term appropriate for a licensed registered nurse prepared at the graduate degree level as either a Clinical Specialist, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse-Midwife, or Nurse Practitioner. Advanced Practice Nurses are professionals with specialized knowledge and skills that are applied within a broad range of patient populations in a variety of practice settings (see Attachment A). All Advanced Practice Nurses should hold a graduate degree in nursing and be certified. Each existing and future professional nursing specialty certifying entity must meet uniform national standards when certifying nurses for advanced practice. Those standards would be developed and administered by a separate organization such as the American Board of Nursing Specialties. Professional certification validates and standardizes the qualifications and practice competencies of the Advanced Practice Nurse and is the appropriate mechanism by which the public's health and safety can be protected. There are nurses prepared at the advanced level who have roles as administrators and educators. This position statement does not address those individuals. Rather, it focuses on nurses prepared for roles as direct care providers." Advanced Practice Nurses, APNs, ******************************************************
General Information and Options for Recertifying, AACN Certification Corporation:"CCRN Certification is conferred for a period of three years. A certification period begins with the first day of the month in which the CCRN examination is passed and ends on the last day of the month three years later. At renewal time, you may seek certification renewal through one of two options, or you may choose Inactive Status, Alumnus CCRN Status, or CCRN Retired Status. Do NOT apply for more than one option. It is NOT permissible to take the exam early and, if you fail, renew by CERPs." ******************************************************
Recertification Requirements, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA):"45 states and the District of Columbia require recertification.
Four states and Puerto Rico do not refer to recertification requirements.
One state and the Virgin Islands are ambiguous regarding recertification requirements."
Certification Contact Information, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program:"The National Certification Examinations given by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program are competency-based examinations for adult and family nurse practitioners reflective of nurse practitioner knowledge and expertise for each of these specialties. The content areas of the examinations are health promotion, disease prevention and diagnosis and management of acute and chronic diseases by family and adult nurse practitioners.
The examinations have been developed in cooperation with the Professional Examination Service, a not-for-profit organization with over 50 years of experience in the development and administration of national licensing and certification examinations specializing in health-related fields. The tests are administered by the Professional Examination Service." ******************************************************
American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc.'s (ABPANC):" Currently, nearly 6000 registered nurses hold the CPAN (Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse) and CAPA (Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse) certification credentials granted by ABPANC.
The CPAN and CAPA credentials are registered service marks. Registered Nurses who have not achieved CPAN and/or CAPA certification status are not authorized to use these credentials.
To ensure that certified nurses possess the most up to date knowledge and have recent and current experience, the CPAN and CAPA certification credentials are awarded for three years and must be renewed." ******************************************************
Recertification Handbook, Certifying Board of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.:"The Certifying Board of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. is a volunteer non-profit organization. Its purpose is to maintain and improve the knowledge, understanding and skill of nurses in the fields of gastroenterology and gastroenterology endoscopy by developing and administering a certification program.
Certification is a voluntary process by which a non-governmental agency, such as CBGNA, validates an individual’s qualifications and knowledge in a specific area of professional practice based on a set of pre-determined standards. In the case of CBGNA certification the certifying board is validating your qualifications and knowledge as a nurse in the field of gastroenterology." ******************************************************
Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI)
(Certification Board Perioperative Nursing):"In pursuit of our Mission and Vision statements, we commit to actively:
Enhance and promote the value of the credentials.
Develop and maintain collaborative endeavors and relationships with those who support our mission.
Utilize innovative and dynamic approaches in the decision-making process.
Engage in evidence-based quality improvement for all our products and services.
Solicit broad-based and diverse constituent input"
Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI) 2170 South Parker Road, Suite 295 Denver, CO 80231 888-257-2667 303-695-8464 fax
CRNFA certification (Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI)):"Welcome to CRNFA certification. To successfully complete this process, you must familiarize yourself with all the information contained in this section. CRNFA credentialing represents a level of professional achievement and a demonstrated knowledge of clinical competence and practice standards. Just as important, it demonstrates proficiency in support of quality patient care and sets a standard of commitment to the profession of operating room nursing."
HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board, HANCB:"HANCB has developed protocols for re-certification requirements to ensure ACRNs have continued to maintain competence and/or expand their HIV/AIDS knowledge base within the four (4) year certification/re-certification period. There are two (2) ways a nurse may re-certify as an ACRN. The first is by re-examination. The second is by continuing education credits. Re-certification protocols will be reviewed by the Re-Certification Committee at least once a year to determine if the requirements are complete and meet the goals of maintaining competence and/or enhancing HIV/AIDS nursing practice." ******************************************************
National Board for Certification of School Nurses, Inc.:"Professional Certification provides an ongoing, quality credentialing process for eligible school nurses. Certification assures a national standard of preparation, knowledge, and practice.
The National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) endorses the concept of voluntary certification by examination for all school nurses. Professional certification in school nursing provides an ongoing, quality credentialing process for eligible school nurses. Certification represents a national standard of preparation, knowledge, and practice. To assist with this recognition, the NBCSN provides the opportunity for school nurses to set the standards for their specialty area through voluntary professional certification.
" ******************************************************
National Certifying Board for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses:"The National Certifying Board for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses is an independently incorporated organization supported by the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses for the purpose of developing and implementing the certifying process for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses.
Why Certification for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses?
To promote delivery of safe and effective care in ophthalmic registered nursing practice through the certification of qualified Ophthalmic Registered Nurses." ******************************************************
Requirements, Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC):"To qualify, the candidate must be a certified dialysis nurse (CDN) and meet all of the eligibility requirements.
Candidate must hold a current, full and unrestricted registered nurse license to practice in the United States or its territories;
Candidate must have at least two (2) year’s experience in nephrology nursing as a registered nurse during the last three (3) years;
Fifty percent (50%) of employment hours must be in nephrology nursing.
Candidates pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing or Master’s degree in nursing and wishing to waive the employment eligibility requirement must verify full-time student status. Documentation must on letterhead, signed by a school official verifying matriculation must submitted with the recertification application and accompanied by an official transcript." ******************************************************
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB):"The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB) is a nonprofit organization established in 1975 for the purpose of fostering the delivery of quality health care to children and their families through provision of certification exams and continuing education certification maintenance programs that validate mastery of specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities in pediatric nursing practice.
Through interdisciplinary collaboration, pediatricians, pediatric nurse and pediatric nurse practitioner educators and clinicians design and evaluate the unique certification and maintenance activities of the PNCB. The Board of Directors of the PNCB appoints pediatric nurse practitioners, pediatric nurses, pediatricians and educators known for their knowledge, expertise and skill in pediatric health care to serve on the various exam committees of the PNCB. The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) has granted recognition of the validity of the PNCB and its certification process through national NCCA accreditation." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted): Twitter! Blogger: Facebook: Linked In: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business, ******************************************************
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