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In this section, you can hear from Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, etc, new and old on why they would or would not recommend going into Nursing as a career. Our articles are frank, uncensored and brutally honest. We hope they'll help you make your decision if you're unsure about nursing being for you.It is not our intent to "scare you off" from Nursing, some of our reviews are quite positive. It is our intention to help you go into Nursing with "open eyes" and aware of what you can reasonably expect as students and entry-level nurses.
See also: Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Yes, its a work hard, play hard career.
Chris McDermott, Intercoastal Consulting, Life Care Planning:"Intercoastal Consulting & Life Care Planning (ICLCP) provides services of life care planning, life care plan rebuttals, life care plan critiques, and expert witness testimony related to life care planning, standards of care and professional standards to Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys for catastrophic and non-catastrophic injury cases.
Our services are offered by a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) and a practicing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with Autonomous Practice in Florida (APRN-IP). ICLCP is based out in Jacksonville Florida and is available to provide services throughout the United States." ****************************************************** Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Yes, but I firmly believe that the conventional medical model is not serving patient's or nurses well and we are in need of an alternative healthcare model that focuses on true health and wellness.
Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:"For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses" E-mail Address: Blogs: Social Media Accounts: Facebook: Functional Medicine for Nurses fb group Instagram: ****************************************************** Would you recommend Nursing as a career? For younger nurses, I would tell them that nursing is a great career and your license can open so many doors for other options in the future! However, critical thinking must be encouraged and following the Nightingale Pledge. For women who may want to start a family in the future, I would encourage them to think outside the box of options away from the bedside once they start a family. Working full time with young children is a common struggle to juggle work and family life, and full time bedside nursing can get harder physically and mentally as we get older.
Heather Willems, RN, BSN, The Work At Home Nurse:"After starting a family of my own, I began my search for other options away from the bedside and started my work at home nurse role over nine years ago. ****************************************************** Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Yes, the career is very rewarding and can provide many directions for career development. Additionally, nurses are in the business of saving lives. This is a very remarkable and humbling ability that we are trained to do if and when needed and able.
Nightingale Apps LLC PO Box 990515 Boston MA 02199
Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Absolutely. Nursing is a challenging profession that provides security, flexibility and immediate feedback on the impact you can have on someone's life.
Classes I have taught have provided nurses with continuing education credit include Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Striking a Balance With Stress in Nursing, Breaking the Cycle of Work Place Toxicity, and Creating and Sustaining a Satisfying Career in Nursing. I have presented as a Closing Keynote Speaker with Restore, Rejuvenate and Renew Your Energy: Bringing Balance Into Our Workday with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion.
I tailored a 4 hour workshop for Stanford University Bone Marrow Transplant Nurses called Finding The Balance in The Waves of Caregiving."
Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Absolutely. Nursing provides a great educational background and encourages individuals to develop themselves as a person as well as a professional.
Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, Vibrant Radiant Health, @MasterWellBeing, California Nursing Entrepreneurs:"I work with business owners and professionals to move beyond barriers that keep them stuck, whether that is due to fatigue, negative limited thinking or a lack of clarity around their business idea. My practice is primarily national with a few international clients. Most recently I rebranded myself and want to focus primarily within the nursing community and provide coaching and consulting service for individuals and organizations to build resilience and emotional intelligence for stronger leadership. I have a competency based training program called the Resilient Leader. I have founded the Live Well Community Network and want to build a community of nursepreneurs and nurses (healthcare professionals) who want to move beyond burnout for an exceptionally full life. I have an online membership program and will be holding live events around the country bringing together nursepreneurs with individuals who need their service. This site is The first event is Ocean city MD September 27 2014" ****************************************************** ****************************************************** A New York BSN's Point of View, By Melina Begun, BSN, RN, Clinical Administrative Liaison Nurse:"Nursing is suffering. Thousands of caring people enter into this profession every year only to become disillusioned by its reality. When I first started to study nursing, I immediately felt a connection with its history and our potential to be leaders in the medical community. Excited by all of the knowledge and skills I acquired in my Ivy league nursing program, I was astonished by the harsh reality of nursing in today's hospitals when I started working as a staff nurse. . . ****************************************************** The Beauty of Nursing by Rebekah Hinton, BSN, RN, Virginia Nurses Views of The Nursing Profession:"I have been a caretaker for as long as I can remember. I am the oldest of four daughters and have always been a second Mother to my siblings. Going into nursing seemed to be a logical choice for me. As a student I was eager to learn and worked very hard to get the best education possible. I entered into a Bachelor of Science in nursing program without knowing the difference between a RN program and a BSN program." ****************************************************** Nursing: How Do I Find Out If It's For Me? by Angela Eichenlaub, RN, BSN:"The face of nursing has changed" or "Nursing is not what it used to be" are phrases I often hear from seasoned staff. I wish I knew what nursing "used to be" so I could compare! My own personal advice to anyone considering a career in nursing is to take your reason for entering the profession into account. Some go into nursing for money, some because they have always wanted to and some people go into nursing because they don't know what else to do." ****************************************************** To Be Or Not To Be, by Sharon Jones, RN, Ohio Nurses Views of The Nursing Profession:"To Be…Or Not To Be… was never the question for me. I had always been a caretaker of sorts even at a very young age. The decision to return to work was based more on a career that I could relate to and be employed at. To be it was… and I started school at a local college for a Registered Nurse program. Almost two years into school, all my pre- req. courses completed and a waiting list to get into the nursing classes (a very unbelievable thing looking back- too many students- many had to wait) forced me to change course of action that lead to LPN school." ****************************************************** Twenty Years of Nursing by James E. Meekins, North Carolina Nursing Views:"Thirty years ago I walked into the Navy recruiters office; laid off, without a real skill and signed up to be a Navy Hospital Corpsman (medic). I learned basic patient care---and basic first aid; and learned to work under the direction of a physician or nurse. I enjoyed what I did, the pride of being part of a team; accomplishment of a common goal, first aid in the field with Marines, or care of a patient in the hospital. . . ." ****************************************************** Nursing: Pros and Cons by Christy Picton, RN, BSN, Illinois Nurses' Views of The Nursing Profession:"I struggle when asked whether I would recommend the nursing profession as a career. In the end it comes to down to a weighing of the pros and cons. Let me begin by introducing you to some of my patients, my "pros" so to speak. . . . " ****************************************************** "One of The Lucky Ones" by Christine Cruz, Minnesota Nurses Views of The Nursing Profession:"My name is Chris. I have been an RN for ten-years. I have worked in a wide variety of nursing settings, from home care, long-term care to telephone triage, clinics and nursing management. Upon graduation from nursing school in, May, 1993, I had eagerly anticipated a new RN position at a local hospital, in one of its med-surgical units. . . ." ****************************************************** You Want to Be a Nurse? -- Better Leave Your Heart Behind by Pennye Diane Morgan Shaw R.N., Texas Nurses Views of the Nursing Profession:"So you're thinking about being a nurse? You probably are a person who wants to make a difference, to help others, to be a compassionate healer. Are these are the same reasons I entered the nursing profession about 9 years ago. I had been through the emotional experience of watching my father being diagnosed with colon cancer. I had been by his side though radiation therapy, and though surgery and recovery. I watched as he struggled to cope with the drastic changes to his body as he tried to return to a normal life. . . . " ****************************************************** My Advice for New and Potential Nurses, by Pam Lowry, Illinois Nurses Views of the Nursing Profession:"According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), "The United States is in the midst of a nursing shortage that is projected to intensify as baby boomers age and the need for health care grows." They also state enrollments in nursing colleges are at a six-year decline. According to JAMA there will be a shortage of 400,000 nurses in the U.S. by the year 2020. AACN goes on to state there are declines in nursing faculty leading to limitations on enrollment, the population of R.N.'s is the lowest it has been in 20 years, and vacancy rates at hospitals are high. . . " ****************************************************** An Insight Into Nursing by Leah Stockdale, R.N., B.S.N. Maryland Nurses Views of the Nursing Profession:"Although I am extremely proud of being a nurse, I will have to say that I am not sure if I would choose the profession if I could go back. At the same time, I probably would not choose any career in the health care industry. In my opinion, as far as hospital nursing is concerned, the negatives outweigh the positives. That is why I am currently in the process of applying my nursing skills and education to another field. . . " ****************************************************** A Letter To A Future Nurse by Kristina Rzanca, LPN, Michigan Nurses Views:"Being a Nurse is a career you can be spiritually, emotionally and financially satisfied with. In this day and age this is a unique opportunity, but it is not for everyone. A special person with qualities such as empathy, compassion, intelligence and above all patience should only apply. . . . " ****************************************************** To Be A Nurse Takes A Special Kind Of Person By Vicky Oliver, LPN:"As an LPN for the last ten years I believe I could give some insight on my experience as a nurse. I am the type of person who is always doing something for others instead of me. My experiences in nursing consist of Medical Surgical, Doctors' Office, Emergency Room, Surgery, GI Lab, Urology, Utilization Review, Recovery Room, and the Nursing Home. Anyone that goes into the nursing profession needs to be a very caring person, someone who wants to give to others and someone that is very dedicated. . . " ****************************************************** After Fourteen Years As An RN, I Am Not Sorry For My Choice By Lynn Kash, RN:"Would I recommend the nursing profession? That is a good question that requires a lot of thought. Nursing was not my first choice of careers. I studied accounting in college, and after working in the business world, decided it was not for me. I fell into a job as a nursing assistant and found patient care to my liking. I then started nursing school and the rest is history. . . . ****************************************************** Tips To A Good Start In The Nursing Profession by Diane Hartley:"My name is Diane and I have been in the nursing profession for 12 years. In those years I have seen very many changes with this profession. One of the first changes was in DRG's. This for those of you who do not know what they are is diagnosis related groups. . . " ******************************************************
Nursing, Not For Everyone, Not For Most People by Andrew Lopez, RN ******************************************************
Changing Faces of Nursing, by Evelyn Stankowski, RN:"The year was 1974. I was nineteen years old and beaming from ear to ear as I made that slow walk up to the podium. When the teacher handed me my LPN diploma and shook my hand, I thought I had reached the top of the world." ******************************************************
"Would You Recommend Nursing" by Annette Tersigni RN, The Yoga Nurse :"Nursing is a calling. I am a non-traditional nurse and I recommend non-traditional nursing. I was called when I was 48 years young and graduated at 51. The smartest move I ever made in my life. Becoming a nurse was not what I expected though. The 'eating your young thing.' Yikes! I was and am still a yoga teacher, all about 'expanding consciousness' loving kindness, compassion. Sadly I found that the nurses I first worked with at a big 'law dee da' famous hospital were less than supportive. Then I moved to a small town in North Carolina with a 140-bed hospital. It all changed. The nurses there were awesome and helped me to become a competent cardiac nurse." ******************************************************
See Also: Certified Nursing Assistants, CNAs, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Disabled Nurses, Male Nurses, Men In Nursing, Legal Nurse Consultants, Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses (LPNs/LVNs), Registered Nurses Nurses Views Recommending The Profession, Nurses views Not Recommending The Profession. Male Gender Bias - Entrance to No Mans Land by Nurseman Are you a male and thinking about entering the world of nursing? Have you ever wondered why they're so few men in nursing? If you are young, single ... ******************************************************
I am not sure why I became a nurse. I enjoy the smile on the face of someone I have helped. I worked Emergency and got quick fixes and instant ... ******************************************************
Is your life worth the BIG BUCKS?
by SurgRN911 ******************************************************
It's not all bad!
by LauraRN ****************************************************** Requirement: Have an off-beat sense of humor by clooneyfan A review by of my favorite writers (SurgRN911) about the nursing profession prompted me to write my own review. You can read her original review at ... ******************************************************
Nursing Is In My Blood!
by Dunkjam ******************************************************
Where Are Our Leaders? by Moonflowerck ******************************************************
Nursing: Is It A Career For You? by
Bobstein ******************************************************
10 CONCEPTS TO CONSIDER WHEN DECIDING IF THE NURSING PROFESSION IS FOR YOU ******************************************************
An LPN's Story of Progress by:
NJNurse ******************************************************
The Nursing Shortage: Reasons Nurses Are Leaving The Profession by Rebel5877 ******************************************************
Response to NJ's work in progress
by jt1013 ******************************************************
My Opinion of The Nursing Profession, by emsopinion ******************************************************
Feast or Famine
by lovepepsi ****************************************************** See also:
"Burnout in my 5th year...another nursing statistic","I always knew I would end up in a helping profession. Nursing seemed like the perfect choice. It combined my natural curiosity about health and science with the giving, hands on, human interactions of bedside care. I also knew that nursing offers a great deal of flexability within the profession. You can change specialties, change shifts, and work in a variety of settings.
Before I decided to study nursing, I considered teaching,conservation and journalism. Prior to becoming an RN, I worked in recreation/parks, the foodservice industry, and held a factory/production type job.
I graduated a few years ago with my BS in Nursing. I certainly don't regret having gone that route, but to be honest I feel disenchanted with the health care environment and nursing in general.It certainly is nothing like what I thought it would be.The hospital setting is like a pressure cooker type of environment."
"I am getting out of nursing to become a teacher","Hi. I made the decision to get out of the nursing profession about two years ago. I have been an RN for three years. I have floated in ER, ICU, Med/Surg and Labor and Delivery. In the back of my mind I always thought, "working conditions will get better with the more experience I have". I finally have come to the conclusion that my working conditions are not changing, in fact, are getting worse.
I come home every night with knots in my shoulders from the stress that I go through. I too get physically and mentally strained from being a nurse. Families are so insultive and expect things to happen ASAP. Do they not realize that I am running around with my head cut off trying to keep up with all the requests, duties, and paper work?"
"Unhappy in nursing profession too....10 year RN","I have been an RN for nearly 10 years now and I must agree with many of the others who wrote their stories. I always wanted to be a nurse, because I like people and thought I would really want to work helping them. But, the reality of the job is utterly overwhelming. I've tried long-term care,home health, dialysis nursing, physician office and now in-hospital on a Rehab unit. I have yet to really find anything I loved. We are almost always short-staffed both nurses and aides. We are being pulled to other floors now due to the shortage of nurses. I was pulled to a MICU and I've never done that type of nursing ever!! I was a nervous wreck, these patients were very high aquity, on tele, multiple lines etc. I received no orientation, just here are your 8 patients...go to it. It was nerve-wracking."
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