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An Alarming History of Famous and Difficult Patients : Amusing Medical Anecdotes from Typhoid Mary to FDR,


Please see individual Department Specialty & Individual Nurse Listings by State, Nursing Jobs Directory, pages for more links and Alternative Therapy.


By Advance Practice Degree or License or Status:


By Body System:


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, Direct Patient Care Resources,

Abuse, Direct Patient Care Resources,

Acute Poisoning, Drug Overdose, Direct Patient Care Resources

Adjustment Disorder, Symptoms,

AIDS & HIV, Direct Patient Care Resources

Autism, Autistic Children, Developmental Disorders, Neurological Resources

Alzheimer's Disease, Direct Patient Care Resources

Anesthesia & Sedation, Direct Patient Care Resources

Aneurysms, Arterial Vascular Malformations, Direct Patient Care Resources

Anxiety, Direct Patient Care Resources

Bee, Wasp Stings, Insect Bites, Direct Patient Care Resources:"Although many different types of insects in the United States are able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting (meaning they are venomous), the insects most likely to cause medical problems are bees (including the domestic honey bee, its Africanized "killer bee" race, and the bumble bee), wasps (including paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and ants (including the fire ant). These insects are all in the Hymenoptera order, and thus stings from them are occasionally called Hymenoptera stings."


Bleeding (Rectal), Hematochezia, Symptoms, Directory, Health, Medical,

Blood Transfusion, Direct Patient Care Resources

Bone Marrow Aspiration, Direct Patient Care Resources

Broken Rib, Fractures of Ribs, Chest Trauma, Thoracic Injuries:"Simple rib fractures are the most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma, accounting for more than half of thoracic injuries from nonpenetrating trauma. Approximately 10% of all patients admitted after blunt chest trauma have one or more rib fractures. These fractures are rarely life-threatening in themselves but can be an external marker of more severe visceral injury inside the abdomen and the chest."

Cancer, Direct Patient Care Resources

Cardiac Arrhythmias, Direct Patient Care Resources

Caregivers, Direct Patient Care Resources

Cardiac Catheterization, Direct Patient Care Resources

Charting & Documentation-Nurses Notes, Direct Patient Care Resources

Chest Trauma, Broken Rib, Fractures of Ribs, Thoracic Injuries:"Simple rib fractures are the most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma, accounting for more than half of thoracic injuries from nonpenetrating trauma. Approximately 10% of all patients admitted after blunt chest trauma have one or more rib fractures. These fractures are rarely life-threatening in themselves but can be an external marker of more severe visceral injury inside the abdomen and the chest."

Circumcision, Circumcised Babies, Pediatrics, Children, Kids

Clinical Trials, AIDS & Cancer, Etc, Direct Patient Care Resources

Congestive Heart Failure, Direct Patient Care Resources

Constipation, Direct Patient Care Resources

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), Direct Patient Care Resources

Conscious Sedation, Direct Patient Care Resources

Cystic Fibrosis

Decubiti Ulcers, Direct Patient Care Resources

Dehydration, Direct Patient Care Resources

Developmental Disorders, Autism, Autistic Children, Neurological Resources

Diabetes, Endocrine Disorders, Direct Patient Care Resources

Eating Disorders, Direct Patient Care Resources

Echocardiography, Direct Patient Care Resources

Endocrine Disorders, Diabetes, Direct Patient Care Resources

Enteral Tube Feedings, Direct Patient Care Resources

Fingernails & What They Say About Your Health

Foley Catheterization, Direct Patient Care Resources

Epilepsy, Epilectic Seizure, Convulsions

Categories: Fractures & Broken Bones, Traumatic Injuries, Direct Patient Care

Fractures of Ribs, Broken Rib, Chest Trauma, Thoracic Injuries:"Simple rib fractures are the most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma, accounting for more than half of thoracic injuries from nonpenetrating trauma. Approximately 10% of all patients admitted after blunt chest trauma have one or more rib fractures. These fractures are rarely life-threatening in themselves but can be an external marker of more severe visceral injury inside the abdomen and the chest."

Gastric, Peptic, Duodenal Ulcers, Ulceration, Direct Patient Care Resources

Gynecology, Menstruation, Menstrual Cycles, Periods, Womens Health, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Head Injuries, Direct Patient Care Resources

Hematochezia, Rectal Bleeding, Symptoms, Directory, Health, Medical,

Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol), Direct Patient Care Resources

Hypertension, Direct Patient Care Resources

Incontinence, Direct Patient Care Resources

Infection Control, Direct Patient Care Resources

Infertility, Contraception, Fertilization, Direct Patient Care Resources

Insect Bites, Bee, Wasp Stings, Direct Patient Care Resources:"Although many different types of insects in the United States are able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting (meaning they are venomous), the insects most likely to cause medical problems are bees (including the domestic honey bee, its Africanized "killer bee" race, and the bumble bee), wasps (including paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and ants (including the fire ant). These insects are all in the Hymenoptera order, and thus stings from them are occasionally called Hymenoptera stings."

Intravenous Therapy, Direct Patient Care Resources

Larsons Syndrome (Larsens)

Latex Allergy, Direct Patient Care Resources

Mechanical, Physical Restraints, Direct Patient Care Links,

Mechanical Ventilation, Direct Patient Care Resources

Medications, Direct Patient Care Resources

Menstrual Cycles, Periods, Menses, Menstruation, Womens Health, Gynecology, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Menstruation, Menstrual Cycles, Periods, Womens Health, Gynecology, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, Direct Patient Care Resources

Necrotizing Fasciitis, Direct Patient Care Resources

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, Psychiatric & Mental Health Links, Direct (Bedside Nursing) Patient Care:"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called "rituals," however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them markedly increases anxiety."

Patient Noncompliance, Direct Patient Care Resources

Periods, Menstruation, Menstrual Cycles, Womens Health, Gynecology, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Physical and Mechanical Restraints, Direct Patient Care Links,

Pulmonary Emboli, Direct Patient Care Resources

Pulse Oximetry, Direct Patient Care Resources

Rectal Bleeding, Hematochezia, Symptoms, Directory, Health, Medical,

Reproductive Health, Menstruation, Menstrual Cycles, Periods, Womens Health, Gynecology, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Restless Legs Syndrome RLS, Diseases, Conditions Medical Disorders, Neurological

Restraint Use, Physical, Mechanical, Direct Patient Care Resources

Rib Fractures, Broken Rib, Chest Trauma, Thoracic Injuries:"Simple rib fractures are the most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma, accounting for more than half of thoracic injuries from nonpenetrating trauma. Approximately 10% of all patients admitted after blunt chest trauma have one or more rib fractures. These fractures are rarely life-threatening in themselves but can be an external marker of more severe visceral injury inside the abdomen and the chest."

Skin Conditions, Dermatology Issues, Dermatologists, Direct Patient Care Resources

Sexual Health, Social Health, Direct Patient Care Links

Sleep Medicine, Sleeping Disorders, Snoring Disorders

Sleeping Disorders, Sleep Medicine, Snoring Disorders


Snoring Disorders, Sleep Medicine, Sleeping Disorders

Social Health, Sexual Health, Direct Patient Care Links

Speech Disorders, Direct Patient Care Resources

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Sponge Counts, Direct Patient Care Resources

Stress, Direct Patient Care Resources

Thoracic Injuries, Chest Trauma, Broken Rib, Fractures of Ribs:"Simple rib fractures are the most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma, accounting for more than half of thoracic injuries from nonpenetrating trauma. Approximately 10% of all patients admitted after blunt chest trauma have one or more rib fractures. These fractures are rarely life-threatening in themselves but can be an external marker of more severe visceral injury inside the abdomen and the chest."

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)

Ultrasound, Sonograms, Radiology, Diagnostic, Medical Imaging,

Urinary Tract Infections, UTIs, Urological, Gynecology, Genitourinary

Violence & Violent Patients, Direct (Bedside Nursing) Patient Care

Vulnerable Adults Acts

Wasp Stings, Insect Bites, Bee, Direct Patient Care Resources:"Although many different types of insects in the United States are able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting (meaning they are venomous), the insects most likely to cause medical problems are bees (including the domestic honey bee, its Africanized "killer bee" race, and the bumble bee), wasps (including paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and ants (including the fire ant). These insects are all in the Hymenoptera order, and thus stings from them are occasionally called Hymenoptera stings."


Wasting, Weight Loss, Direct Patient Care Resources

Women's Health, Direct Patient Care Resources

Womens Health, Menstruation, Menstrual Cycles, Periods, Gynecology, Direct Patient Care:"Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing. Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle, making the process seem even more mysterious."

Woundcare, Direct Patient Care Resources

See also:

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD):"The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a 501(c)3 organization, is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service."
National Organization for Rare Disorders
55 Kenosia Avenue
PO Box 1968
Danbury, CT 06813-1968
Phone Number: (203) 744-0100
Tollfree: (800) 999-6673 (voicemail only)
TDD Number: (203) 797-9590
Fax Number: (203)798-2291 E-mail Contact:



By Facility:Hospitals, Nursing Home

Legal Resources: Courtrooms, Disability, Discrimination, Employment, Expert Witnesses, Informed Consent, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Practice Acts, Nursing Professional Liability, Malpractice Insurance, Pensions, Physician's Illegible Handwriting, Search Engines, Torts and Personal Injury, Unemployment, Violence & Violent Patients, Workers Compensation, Workplace Safety:


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Created on June 13, 1998

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on January 13, 2023

This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health Directories

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38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617

This website Is © Copyright 1997- 2023, Andrew Lopez, RN, Nursefriendly, Inc. Please contact us for permission to reproduce.
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