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Louise Cardillo, R.N. B.S., Cardillo Consultants:"Legal Nurse Consulting firm for ten years. I am a strong liason between attorney's, clients and experts. The strength of all cases is in meticulous attention to detail of medical records and choosing the appropriate expert. This aspect of consulting will bring your cases to closure with damages often above expectation. Experience in this field is critical to the success of working with a Legal Nurse Consultant. In addition, the nurse must have a strong clinical foundation and education.
1190 Honeoye Falls 5 Points Rd.
Honeoye Falls, New York 14472


Andra DeCarlo, RN, Summit Medical Litigation Consulting, Inc.:"Andra DeCarlo, owner of Summit Medical Litigation Consulting and her team of nurses provide Legal Nurse Consulting for both defense and plaintiff attorneys looking for a clear explanation of what actually happened with the client. Is there a case? Is there a defense? We specialize in looking outside-the-box to help find the key to the case. Nursing home neglegance, PI, Medical Malpractice and more."
1586 El Tair Trail
Clearwater, FL, 33765
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AcademyHealth - Advancing Research, Policy and Practice:"AcademyHealth is the professional home for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and a leading, non-partisan resource for the best in health research and policy. AcademyHealth promotes interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives, learn from each other, and strengthen their working relationships."
1801 K St., NW, Suite 701-L • Washington, DC 20006
tel: 202.292.6700 • fax: 202.292.6800


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ):"AHRQ, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of healthcare, reduce its cost, improve patient safety, decrease medical errors, and broaden access to essential services. AHRQ sponsors and conducts research that provides evidence-based information on healthcare outcomes; quality; and cost, use, and access. The information helps healthcare decisionmakers—patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers—make more informed decisions and improve the quality of healthcare services."
2101 E. Jefferson St., Suite 501 Rockville, MD 20852 Telephone: (301) 594-1364,


American Academy of Nursing:"The Academy serves the public and the nursing profession by advancing health policy and practice through the generation, synthesis, and dissemination of nursing knowledge. Every day across America, the Academy and its members create and execute knowledge-driven and policy-related initiatives to drive reform of America's health care system. AAN's 1,500 members - known as Fellows - are nursing's most accomplished leaders in education, management, practice and research. They have been recognized for their extraordinary nursing careers and are among the nation's most highly-educated citizens; more than 80 percent hold doctoral degrees, and the rest have completed masters programs. Sixty-four percent of the Fellowship work in academic settings, 30 percent work in service and practice settings, and about 3 percent work in state and federal government agencies."
American Academy of Nursing
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 910
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 777-1170
Fax: (202) 777-0107


Georgetown University Institute for Health Care Research and Policy:"The Georgetown University Institute for Health Care Research and Policy is a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and staff dedicated to conducting research on key issues in health policy and health services research. The Institute is home to several research centers and projects including: Center on an Aging Society Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth Consumer Health Care Education Project Ethical Issues in Smoking Cessation and Genetics Health Privacy Project Kaiser Project on Incremental Health Reform."


State of Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing:"This Internet site is provided as a resource for policy-makers, health care consumers, providers, and all citizens of Colorado. As the state agency responsible for the administration of the Medicaid program, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing faces many challenges. In a time of fiscal constraints and increasing health care access problems, the Department is finding more efficient and effective ways to provide health care for low-income Coloradans. As one of the largest purchasers of health care in the State of Colorado, the Department's purchasing methods affect the overall health care market. The Department’s purchasing methods are designed to improve access to care and the quality of health services delivered to clients, to offer consumers choice of providers and health plans, and to encourage providers and plans to compete with one another based on price, quality, and accessibility."
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Karen K. Reinertson, Executive Director
1575 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203-1714
Voice: (303) 866-2993 Fax: (303) 866-4411 TDD: (303) 866-3883


Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School:"The goal of the Department of Health Care Policy is to serve the nation as a leading source for scientific knowledge about our health care system. As an interdisciplinary team of health care researchers, we strive to guide the development of policies for health care financing and delivery so as to improve continually the effectiveness and value of care. We do this with concern for patients, providers, health plans, and purchasers so that the delivery system can better translate the spectacular advances of medical science into the best patient care."
Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
180 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-432-3333, Fax: 617-432-0173, Email:


Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers University:"The principal mission is research, but education and training programs in health and mental health research are provided for postdoctoral trainees and graduate and undergraduate students. The Institute draws on its rich faculty resources in the social and behavioral sciences, public policy, health services research, public health, nursing, social work, medicine, law, business, pharmacy, operations research and actuarial science. The research focuses on important and persistent health care issues that are informed by the sophisticated theory and methods that characterize university research. This strong academic foundation is combined with applied policy analyses. The Institute disseminates relevant research information to policymakers, advocates and consumers and involves these groups in ongoing research. The Institute also performs a convening function by bringing together state policymakers and administrators and representatives of the private and nonprofit sectors to discuss shared concerns. Together these strategies help to build a more integrated and effective health research and policy community."
30 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1293
(732) 932-8413


Center for Health Care Policy and Evaluation:"The Center's mission is to generate objective information that will contribute to improving health care delivery, advancing the health of the public, and better informing public policymakers, health care organizations and government agencies. The Center for Health Care Policy and Evaluation was created over a decade ago to generate timely, useable, and objective research to help improve the health system and to advance the health of the public. The Center's connection to UnitedHealth Group provides a link to over 40 affiliated health care plans and their managers. This resource of operational knowledge, innovation, and experience gives the Center's research a real-world practicality. It also provides access to an enormous array of medical management information data reflecting a broad cross section of the population. As a result, researchers at the Center and their collaborators have unique research opportunities to take an objective look at what works and what doesn't in health care delivery."
UnitedHealth Group, Center for Health Care Policy and Evaluation
MR#MN008-W109 PO Box 1459 Minnetonka, MN 55440-1459
Phone Number 952-936-1728, Fax Number 952-936-7270


Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida:"The Institute for Child Health Policy, a state-wide unit of the State University System of Florida, was established in October 1986. The Institute is headquartered at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, with an office in St. Petersburg, FL and has affiliations with other Florida Universities, including the University of South Florida and Nova Southeastern University. Given the continual changes in both the financing and organization of child health care, the Institute for Child Health Policy has focused its attention on issues of access, utilization, cost, quality and family involvement in both our policy and program development and health services research."
Gainesville Office, Institute for Child Health Policy
5700 SW 34th Street, Suite 323 Gainesville, Florida 32608-5367
Phone: (352) 392-5904 Toll Free: 888-433-1851 Fax: (352) 392-8822


The Lewin Group:"The Lewin Group is a premier national health and human services consulting firm with more than 30 years of experience finding answers and solving problems for leading organizations in the public, non-profit and private sectors. Lewin's strategic and analytical services aim to help clients: Improve policy and expand knowledge of health and human services systems Enact, operate, and evaluate programs to enhance delivery and financing of health and welfare programs Deal with shifts in health care practice, technology, and regulation Optimize performance, quality, coverage, and health outcomes Create strategies for institutions, communities, governments and people to make health and human services systems more effective."
The Lewin Group
3130 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 800 Falls Church, VA 22042
ph 703.269.5500 fax 703.269.5501


National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC):"Welcome! You are connected to the National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC), a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. NGC is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research) in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans. Click on About NGC to learn more about us."


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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

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