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Disability Law, Legal Resources

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Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC, Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR):"Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR) provides medical-legal Litigation Support Services for Legal Professionals that include Legal Nurse Consulting, Paralegal Litigation Support, a Medical Information Service called Virtual Legal Nurse and Medical Expert Referral Service for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Hospital Risk Managers, Government, and Claims Management. MLR MLR's Paralegal Staff and Legal Nurse work together as a team to assist our legal clients with comprehensive medical-legal litigation issues and are committed to serve clients by offering our extensive experience and expertise to provide specialized high quality medical-legal litigation support services. By utilizing Medical-Legal Remedies Inc Paralegal/Legal Nurse Team allows the litigator to control costs and increase revenues while securing the competitive advantage with superior work products. So whether your firm or company needs a Paralegal, a Legal Nurse, or both - MLR will assist your firm or company with any medical-legal litigation case project."
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC
14286-19 Beach Blvd. #248
Jacksonville, FL 32250
(904) 223-3969 or


Donna M. Post, RN, BSN, MBA / HCM, CLNC, LNCP-C , Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Legal Nurse Consultants:"Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting has over 24 years of experience clinically and administratively, in cardiac, adult and pediatric critical care, and dialysis. Our experience extends to both the inpatient and outpatient settings. MVLNC provides effective identification of practice standards, regulatory standards, adherence and/or deviations to these standards. Our background provides our clients the added benefit of understanding healthcare infrastructure, budgets, and healthcare labor issues. This extensive experience allows for identification of medical and nursing issues in any case that involves health, illness and injury. The clients we serve are attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities and others. At Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with cost-effective, efficient, review and analysis – providing you with winning services while critically defending your bottom-line.
2491 Alluvial #7
Clovis, Ca 93611
Phone: 559-294-7580 or 877-532-5676



Sheri R. Abrams, P.C:"Sheri R. Abrams is a sole practitioner emphasizing Social Security Disability Law, and the preparation of Wills, Living Wills, Durable Financial Powers of Attorney and Health Care Powers of Attorney (Health Care Proxies). Ms. Abrams serves clients in Virginia, DC and Maryland. Her legal experience is multi-faceted- including all aspects of Social Security Disability Law."
Sheri R. Abrams, P.C.
Attorney at Law
3915 Old Lee Highway Suite 22-A
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 934-5450


Arizona Center for Disability Law:"The Arizona Center for Disability Law (the Center) is a federally-designated Protection and Advocacy System for the State of Arizona. Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) throughout the United States assure that the human and civil rights of persons with disabilities are protected. In creating Protection and Advocacy Systems, Congress gave them unique authorities and responsibilities, including the power to investigate reports of abuse and neglect and violations of the rights of persons with disabilities. P&As are also authorized to pursue appropriate legal and administrative remedies on behalf of persons with disabilities to insure the enforcement of their constitutional and statutory rights."
3839 N. Third St., Suite 209 Phoenix, AZ 85012
(602) 274-6287 (voice/tty) (800) 927-2260 (voice/tty)
Fax: (602) 274-6779


Center for Disability Law & Policy (CDLP):"The Center for Disability Law & Policy (CDLP) provides advocacy to individuals with disabilities throughout Pennsylvania. This includes assisting such individuals pursue administrative, legal and other remedies to ensure the protection of their rights under the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act. CDLP also focuses on vocational rehabilitation and employment public policy and systemic issues impacting persons with disabilities at the state and federal levels. CDLP administers the Pennsylvania Client Assistance Program and in this capacity has served as the state-wide advocate for persons with disabilities seeking or receiving services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 since 1981."
Philadelphia Office
1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite. 800 Philadelphia, PA. 19103
Voice/TDD: (215) 557-7112 Fax: (215) 557-7602 Toll Free: (888) 745-CDLP


Disability Law Center (Utah):"The Disability Law Center is a private non-profit organization designated by the Governor to protect the rights of people with disabilities in Utah. Our Mission: To enforce and strengthen the laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities in Utah through legal advocacy. Our Vision: We envision a society where abilities, rather than disabilities are emphasized; all people have an equal opportunity to participate; and all people are treated with equity, dignity and respect for their expressed choices."
Disability Law Center at the Community Legal Center
205 North 400 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
1-800-662-9080 (Voice) or 1-800-550-4182 (TTY)
801-363-1437 (Fax)


The Disability Law Center (Massachusetts):"The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for Massachusetts. DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities. DLC receives federal, state and private funding but is not part of the state or federal government."
Boston Office:
11 Beacon Street, Suite 925 Boston, Massachusetts, 02108
(617) 723-8455 Voice (800) 872-9992 Voice
(617) 227-9464 TTY (800) 381-0577 TTY
(617) 723-9125 Fax


Disabilities Law Project (DLP):"The Disabilities Law Project (DLP) is a non-profit Pennsylvania law firm that provides free legal assistance to people with disabilities, their families, and their organizations. DLP's main purpose is to advocate for the civil rights of persons with mental and physical disabilities, especially their right to live as integral parts of their communities. DLP works to ensure that people with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to employment, transportation, public accommodations, and government services; to enforce their rights to vocational, habilitative, post-secondary educational, health, and other services; and to protect them from abuse and neglect."
1414 North Cameron Street, Suite C Harrisburg, PA 17103
1-800-692-7443 [Voice] 1-877-375-7139 [TDD]
(717) 236-8110 [Voice] (717)-346-0293 [TDD]


Disability Law, Legal Information Institute:"Disability law is largely regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This Act prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, housing, education, and access to public services."


Medical Resource NetworkSM:"The Medical Resource NetworkSM offers specialized expertise in the analysis of complex medical issues to assist with expeditious claims resolution and loss prevention. Standard of care reviews, damage evaluations, assistance with reserve estimates, coordination of independent medical examinations, and a broad array of educational and program development offerings are also available. The Medical Resource NetworkSM provides medical case management for injured workers. We are often hired by employers or workers' compensation carriers to assist in maximizing health outcomes and speeding return to work. We are available to assist employers in designing and implementing early return to work programs as well."
10725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97219
PHONE: (503) 452-1748 FAX: (503) 452-0079 TOLL-FREE: (888) 899-1406 E-MAIL:


Workplace Fairness:"Workplace Fairness is a non-profit organization that provides information, education and assistance to individual workers and their advocates nationwide and promotes public policies that advance employee rights."
Workplace Fairness
44 Montgomery Street, Suite 2080
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 362-7373
Fax: (415) 677-9445


See also: Medical, Legal Nurse Consultants, Clinical Nursing Case of the Week, Clinical Charting and Documentation, Nurses Notes, Courtrooms, Disability, Discrimination, Employment, Expert Witnesses, Informed Consent, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Practice Acts, Pensions, Search Engines, Torts and Personal Injury Unemployment, Workers Compensation, Workplace Safety:

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet Street Address of this page is

Send comments and mail to Andrew Lopez, RN

Created on June 7, 1999

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health Directories

We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617, E-mail, ICQ#6116137 (

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Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders, and are not owned or affiliated with Nursefriendly, Inc. or any of it's affiliated companies.

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