How do you feel Babyboomers entering the healthcare system, and nurses (Babyboomers themselves) retiring in droves, will affect patient care?
This is a complex issue with both positive and negative aspects. Baby boomers will lead to an increased demand on the healthcare system which can in turn lead to longer wait times, increased workload for healthcare providers, and gaps in care for select patient populations.
However as more Baby Boomer nurses retire it will create opportunity for new nurses to step up into leadership opportunities.
Chris McDermott, Intercoastal Consulting, Life Care Planning:"Intercoastal Consulting & Life Care Planning (ICLCP) provides services of life care planning, life care plan rebuttals, life care plan critiques, and expert witness testimony related to life care planning, standards of care and professional standards to Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys for catastrophic and non-catastrophic injury cases.
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This page was created on Wednesday, March 23, 2017
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