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nabumentone (Relafen), Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories, NSAIDS, Pain Killers ******************************************************
Nafarelin Acetate, Synarel, Hormone Therapy, Natural/Synthetic:"Nafarelin is a synthetic protein chemically similar to the natural gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a hormone that regulates the output of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland (a small gland located at the base of the brain). Gonadotropins (FSH and LH) are hormones necessary for estrogen production by the ovaries. When nafarelin (known scientifically as a GnRH analog) is administered continuously to a women in her reproductive years, the pituitary output of FSH and LH, along with the ovary output of estrogen are suppressed. Suppression of estrogen production causes menstruation to stop, resulting in a temporary (but reversible) state of "menopause ". This temporary menopause is important in shrinking endometriosis tissue and in relieving pain of endometriosis." ******************************************************
Nalfon, Fenoprofen Calcium, NSAIDS, Pain Killers, Fever Reducers, Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Naratriptan, Amerge, Migraine Headache Pain Relief, Painkillers, Analgesics, Pain Management, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Naproxen Sodium (Aleve, Naprosyn) Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories, NSAIDS, Pain Killers ******************************************************
Nardil, Phenelzine, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, MAOIs, Antidepressants, Depression Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Natalizumab, Antegren, Interferons, Immune Globulins, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's Disease, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Natrecor, Nesiritide, Cardiac, Cardiotonics, Acute Congestive Heart Failure (CHF):"Natrecor has been approved by the FDA for the intravenous treatment of subjects with acutely decompensated congestive heart failure (CHF) who have shortness of breath at rest or with minimal activity." ******************************************************
Nebcin, Tobramycin Sulfate, TOBI, Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
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Nelfinavir Mesylate (Viracept), Anti Virals, AIDS, HIV Drugs, Prescription Medications, Drug Indexes:"Viracept(nelfinavir mesylate) is an inhibitor of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease." ******************************************************
NeoBon (alendronate sodium), Calcium Resorption, Paget's Disease (Also known as Alend; Bifosa; Eucalen; Fosalan; Fosamax; Indrol; Mavil; NeoBon; Osteovan) ******************************************************
Neomycin Sulfate, Neofradin, Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Neoral, Cyclosporine, Sandimmune, Immunosupressants, Organ Rejection Prophylaxis, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Nesiritide, Natrecor, Cardiac, Cardiotonics, Acute Congestive Heart Failure (CHF):"Natrecor has been approved by the FDA for the intravenous treatment of subjects with acutely decompensated congestive heart failure (CHF) who have shortness of breath at rest or with minimal activity." ******************************************************
Netilmicin Sulfate, Netromycin, Aminioglycoside Antibiotics, Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Neupogen, Filgrastim, Colony Stimulating Factors, Hormones, Cancer, Chemotherapy Prescription Drugs ******************************************************
Neurontin, Gabapentin, Anti Seizure, Anti Epilectics, Diabetic Neuropathy, Epilepsy Medications, Migraines, Pain Killers, Neuropathies ******************************************************
Nevirapine, Viramune, AIDS/HIV Antivirals, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Nicoderm C-Q, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicorette, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicorette DS, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicotine polacrilex, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicotrol, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicotrol Inhaler, Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nicotrol NS, , Nicotine, Nicorette, Polacrix, Smoking Cessation, Drugs To Quit Smoking, Deterrent:"Nicotine chewing gum is used to help people stop smoking cigarettes. It acts as a substitute oral activity and provides a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped." ******************************************************
Nilstat, Nystatin, Mycostatin, Mykinac, Nystex, Antifungal Agents, Antibiotics, Antiinfectives, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines: ******************************************************
Nitroglycerin, Sorbitrate, Isordil, Isosorbide Dinitrate, Cardiac, Coronary Heart Medications:"Isosorbide dinitrate is in a class of drugs called nitrates. Isosorbide dinitrate dilates (widens or relaxes) blood vessels (arteries and veins). When blood vessels are dilated, it is easier for the heart to pump. Also,
more blood, which is rich in oxygen, can flow to the heart. Isosorbide dinitrate is used to treat attacks of angina (sublingual and chewable tablets) and to prevent attacks of angina from occurring (capsules and tablets)." ******************************************************
Nitroquick, Nitrostat, Nitroglycerine, Antianginals, Angina Relief, Prevention, Nitrates Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Nizatadine Capsules, Axid Capsules, Axid AR, Axid, Nizatidine, Histamine H2 Receptor Antagonist, Gastrointestinal, GI, Ulcer Treatment, Prevention, Heartburn, GERD, Indigestion:"Nizatidine (Axid®) is a type of antihistamine that blocks the release of stomach acid. Nizatidine is used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers. It can relieve ulcer pain and discomfort, and the heartburn from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Generic nizatidine capsules are available." ******************************************************
Noctec, Choral Hydrate, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Norco®, Maxidone®, Zydone®, Recovery First:"Maxidone®, Norco® and Zydone® all contain Hydrocodone, a narcotic analgesic used to manage moderate to moderately severe pain. They also contain acetaminophen. Use of narcotic analgesics over time can result in addiction and physical dependence. If the drug is discontinued, severe withdrawal symptoms can occur." ******************************************************
Norpace, Disopyramide Phosphate, AntiarrhythmicsPrescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Norpramin, Desipramine Hydrochloride, Pertofrane, Tricyclic Antidepressants, TCAs, Psychiatric, Mental Health Prescription Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
Nortriptyline, Pamelor, Aventyl, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Mood Elevators:"Nortriptyline hydrochloride capsules are indicated for the relief of symptoms of depression. Endogenous depressions are more likely to be alleviated than are other depressive states." ******************************************************
Norvasc (amylodine besylate), calcium channel blockers, antihypertensives, Hypertension
Novarel, Profasi, Ovidrel,
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Chorex, Pregnyl, Fertility Medications, Infertility Drugs:" ******************************************************
Novolin Mix, 70/30, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"This vial contains Novolin® 70/30 which is a mixture of 70% NPH, Human Insulin Isophane Suspension (recombinant DNA origin) and 30% Regular, Human Insulin Injection (recombinant DNA origin) USP. The concentration of this product is 100 units of insulin per milliliter.
It is a cloudy or milky suspension of human insulin with protamine and zinc. ******************************************************
Novolog, Insulin Apart, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"Traditional regular human insulin requires people to inject their insulin dosage 30 minutes before eating. NovoLog has faster
absorption, faster onset of action and shorter duration of action than regular human insulin. The quick onset of blood sugar lowering after
injection of NovoLog allows people with diabetes to inject themselves immediately before eating, offering flexibility to patients." ******************************************************
Novolog Mix, 70/30, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"Novolog Mix is an insulin analog premix containing
30% rapid-acting insulin aspart and 70% that has been modified into a long-acting formulation. It has been approved in a subcutaneous injection
formulation, for the control of hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is an abnormally increased content of sugar in the blood." ******************************************************
NuLev, Anaspaz, Cystospaz, Donnamar, hyoscamine, Levsin, Gastrointestinal, GI, Antispasmodic, Anticholinergics:"Hyoscyamine is used to treat a variety of stomach and intestinal tract disorders such as peptic ulcers, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, colitis, or pancreatitis. It is also used to control bed-wetting and frequent urination, prevent motion sickness, treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms, Parkinson's disease or poisonings due to certain insecticides and plants." ******************************************************
Nuvaring, Monthly Vaginal Inserts, Birth Control, Contraception, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines ******************************************************
Nystatin, Mycostatin, Mykinac, Nilstat, Nystex, Antifungal Agents, Antibiotics, Antiinfectives, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines: ******************************************************
Nystop, Pedi-Dri, Nilstat, Nystatin, Mycostatin, Mykinac, Nystex, Antifungal Agents, Antibiotics, Antiinfectives, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines: ******************************************************
****************************************************** ****************************************************** ******************************************************
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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Monday, January 31, 2011 |
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