A to Z Nursing Topics
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50/50, Humulin Mix, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"Humulin 50/50 can be identified as follows: A bottle of Humulin 50/50 must be carefully
shaken or rotated before each injection so that the contents are uniformly mixed. Humulin 50/50 should look uniformly cloudy or milky after mixing. Do not use it if the insulin substance (the white material) remains at the bottom of the bottle after mixing. Do not use a bottle of Humulin 50/50 if there
are clumps in the insulin after mixing."
70/30, Insulin Apart, Novolog Mix, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"Novolog Mix is an insulin analog premix containing
30% rapid-acting insulin aspart and 70% that has been modified into a long-acting formulation. It has been approved in a subcutaneous injection
formulation, for the control of hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is an abnormally increased content of sugar in the blood."
70/30, Novolin Mix, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"This vial contains Novolin® 70/30 which is a mixture of 70% NPH, Human Insulin Isophane Suspension (recombinant DNA origin) and 30% Regular, Human Insulin Injection (recombinant DNA origin) USP. The concentration of this product is 100 units of insulin per milliliter.
It is a cloudy or milky suspension of human insulin with protamine and zinc.
75/25, Humalog Mix, Insulin, Diabetes, Diabetic Medications:"Humalog Mix75/25, a mixture of 75% insulin lispro protamine suspension and 25% insulin
lispro, is indicated in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus for the control of hyperglycemia. Humalog Mix75/25 has a more rapid onset of glucose-lowering activity compared to Humulin 70/30 while having a similar duration of action."
Lanoxin to Lovenox
Tacrine to Tylenol with Codeine (tylenol #3)
Yodoquinol, Iodoquinol, Diodoquin, Yodoxin, Amebicides, Antiprotozoals, Prescription Drugs, Medications:"Iodoquinol (eye-oh-doe-KWIN-ole) belongs
to the group of medicines called antiprotozoals.
These medicines are used to treat infections
caused by protozoa (tiny, one-celled animals).
Iodoquinol is used most often in the treatment
of an intestinal infection called amebiasis."
Yodoxin, Yodoquinol, Iodoquinol, Diodoquin, Amebicides, Antiprotozoals, Prescription Drugs, Medications:"Iodoquinol (eye-oh-doe-KWIN-ole) belongs
to the group of medicines called antiprotozoals.
These medicines are used to treat infections
caused by protozoa (tiny, one-celled animals).
Iodoquinol is used most often in the treatment
of an intestinal infection called amebiasis."
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Lopez, RN on Monday, January 31, 2011
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