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Intravenous Infusions, Therapy, Direct Patient Care

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Related Categories: Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI), Conscious Sedation, Heparin Administration, Commercial Infusion Pumps, Home Infusion, IV Fluids, Intravenous Therapy Humor, Nursing Consultants, Nursing Societies, PICC Lines, Professional Associations, Starting An Intravenous IV Line, Venepuncture, Steroid Therapy


Randy Ross R.N., B.S.N IV's Etc... LLC.
Infusion Therapy, documentation, IV Therapy, Nursing Education, PICC,


Leah Stockdale, R.N., B.S.N., Nurse Registry, Inc., Maryland Nurse Entrepreneurs:



Alpha Infusion Management, Alpha Parenteral Alliance:"At Alpha Infusion our mission is basic, to provide professional Infusion Therapy and related support services to maintain and improve the quality of life of our clientele. We provide delivery service to 130, but not limited to, counties in Texas via our alliance with our partners with a single focus. Prompt dependable delivery of the proper medication as directed by your physician."
701 Third Street Marble Falls, Texas 78654
830-693-2027 800-693-4143 Fax: 830-693-3440 Email


Infusion Therapy, Causey's Pharmacy:"The practice of infusion therapy dates from the 1600's, yet it is a fairly new aspect in the realm of home care. During the World War II era, technology developed rapidly, and today infusion therapy is used to deliver medications, fluids, blood products and parenteral nutrition solutions not only in the hospital, but in the comfort of the patient's home."
Causey's Pharmacy by calling us toll free at 1-877-764-0454,


Infusion knowledge:"Current IV Therapy is a complex practice. It involves numerous considerations; from various venous access devices, legal and regulatory issues, the delivery method of IV medications and fluids, blood and blood components, to TPN and PPN. Additional questions may arise about more complex therapies and devices, such as epidural and intrathecal catheters, pain management,chemotherapy, dialysis catheters and/or Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC)."
Infusion knowledge, 1-800-337-1545


Infusion services, NeighborCare:"Infusion services are integrated into the care of a diverse group of customers... throughout the post-acute continuum of a variety of settings. At the "heart" of NeighborCare's infusion therapy services are a unique blend of compassionate professionals committed to high standards of care."
Seven East Lee Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Voice: (410) 752-2600 Fax: (410) 576-0696 E-mail:


Infusion Therapy Associations:

National Home Infusion Association:"NHIA is a national membership association for clinicians, managers, and organizations providing infusion therapy services for patients in home care and outpatient clinic settings. NHIA's mission is to support our members in providing cost-effective, quality alternate site infusion products and services through education, information, networking, and advocacy."
National Home Infusion Association
205 Daingerfield Road Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: 703.549.3740 Fax: 703.683.1484



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Created on August 30, 2000

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health Directories

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