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Blood Transfusion: Knowing Your Options:"Welcome to the Blood Transfusions: Knowing Your Options Web site. Blood transfusions are a critical part of everyday medical procedures and save millions of lives each year."

American Association of Blood Banks | Home Page...
To establish and promote the highest standard of care for patients and donors in all aspects of blood banking; transfusion medicine; hematopoietic, cellular and gene therapies; and tissue transplantat...
21 pages found, 1 links found, 1237 score


Bleeding Web - the bleeding information source... provides information about bleeding, coagulation, and hemostasis, including therapy and different therapeutic approaches to bleeding in patients....
84 pages found, 72 links found, 1774 score


Blood and Transfusion Therapy Transfusion Therapy in the Adult Patient by Pamela Clark RN,BSN, CRNI at Pedagogy Inc.:"This online continuing education course has been designed for nurses caring for the adult patient receiving transfusion therapy. There are various blood components infused for very specific purposes, and each component requires knowledge related to that specific product. This specialized type of therapy requires advanced nursing knowledge beyond that required for the provision of general infusion therapy. Therefore, education related specifically to the administration of blood products is crucial to the safe and effective use of these components. This course will provide information necessary for administering these life saving infusions. Competency requirements are obtained and maintained through the nurse’s employer, facility or institution.


Bloodless, Transfusion Free Surgery May Be The Right Answer for you.Transfu...
bloodlesLooking for a Bloodless Program near you?  Visit   Announcing BloodlessMedia...Ezine!  A monthly online Newsletter devoted to non-blood medical and surgical management. ...
11 pages found, 21 links found, 458 score


Bloodless, Transfusion Free Surgery May Be The Right Answer for you.Transfu...
bloodless   bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless bloodless   GO DIRECTLY TO THE HOSPITAL LIST If ...
39 pages found, 3 links found, 125 score


British Blood Transfusion Society...
To advance the study of blood transfusion for the public benefit and to promote research and development into all aspects of blood transfusion practice....
55 pages found, 30 links found, 4507 score


California Blood Bank Society: Home Page...
The California Blood Bank Society is an organization dedicated to meeting the educational needs of healthcare professionals working to save the lives of people in need of blood....
367 pages found, 87 links found, 2008 score


Center for Phlebotomy Education...
A comprehensive educational resource on phlebotomy for all healthcare professionals who perform, teach and supervise blood collection procedures....
24 pages found, 23 links found, 4213 score


Center for Platelet Function Studies ...
The Center for Platelet Function Studies is a multidisciplinary center for the study of platelet function by state-of-the-art methods including flow cytometry. The Center undertakes both basic science...
50 pages found, 4 links found, 495 score


CoagInfo - The Coagulation Information Source...
Welcome to, The Coagulation Information Source, an Internet site designed for physicians and other health care personnel who want information about topics related to the pathophysiology, ...
52 pages found, 43 links found, 340 score


Cord Blood Registry - The name to trust in cord blood banking...
Cord Blood Banking: collect and store your newborn's umbilical cord blood for the potential future use of your family. Thousands of parent's have already taken advantage of this new birth option...
70 pages found, 2 links found, 514 score


EBMT. The European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplatation...
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. This site provides both EBMT members and other physcians involved in BMT with information on related meetings, registries and data mangement, Work...
67 pages found, 44 links found, 155 score


FactorVIIa Source... provides information about topics related to the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and clinical aspects of bleeding, coagulation, and hemostasis, including information about recombinant co...
115 pages found, 74 links found, 1676 score


FBR Foundation for Blood Research: Home Page...
The Foundation for Blood Research is an independent not-for-profit organization involved in science education, medical research, and clinical services....
55 pages found, 30 links found, 2283 score


Information Center for Sickle Cell and Thalassemic Disorders...
Overview of hemoglobin disorders, iron overload, and their treatment...
60 pages found, 11 links found, 4072 score


Irish Blood Transfusion Service, IBTS...
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service, which was established in 1965, is headed nationally by the Chief Executive who reports to the Board of the IBTS. The twelve Board members, including the Chairman, ...
101 pages found, 8 links found, 1964 score


Neutropenia Support Association Inc....
The Neutropenia Support Assoc. Inc. is a volunteer driven registered charity, that was formed in 1989 to increase awareness and understanding of neutropenia. Neutropenia is a blood disorder you don't ...
44 pages found, 1 links found, 488 score


New York Blood Center Home...
This year, New York Blood Center (NYBC) is celebrating 40 years of service to the community. NYBC has been a singular healthcare resource, serving one of the most diverse populations in the world. One...
54 pages found, 4 links found, 3990 score


New York Blood Center Home...
The New York Blood Center (NYBC) works in partnership with the business community, colleges, civic organizations, religious groups and caring individuals to provide much of the blood that is collected...
59 pages found, 2 links found, 4984 score


Pennsylvania, Community Blood Bank...
The need for blood donors is year-round. Every day, Northwest Pennsylvanians of all ages and from all walks of life will unexpectedly need blood for a wide variety of reasons. Since one in three peopl...
21 pages found, 11 links found, 1406 score

Platelet Inhibitors is an interactive web site designed for physicians and other health care personnel who want information on managing patients who receive platelet inhibitors and require cardiac sur...
39 pages found, 6 links found, 1371 score


Stem Cell Program at HUMC...
Stem Cell – Bone Marrow Transplantation is a Curative Treatment option for many patients with cancer, blood diseases, and immune deficiency states. The Stem Cell – Bone Marrow Transplantation Program...
55 pages found, 3 links found, 155 score


UK, WelshBloodService...
We collect blood from the volunteering public, test it, process it, and store it before delivery to the hospitals in Wales which we supply. We provide special reference services and antenatal blood te...
7 pages found, 3 links found, 3432 score




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Created on June 12, 1999

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

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