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Yvonne Praschma, RN, LMT, New York
Private Duty, Homecare, Massage Therapy



November 16, 2004: Kansas: Pregnant and postpartum patients can receive stress relief from massage:"Becky Stoermann-Snelson, RN, NCTMB, CIMI, has been a labor and delivery nurse for 26 years and currently works PRN at Saint Luke's South. After more than two decades of experience with pregnant and postpartum women, she decided to add another valuable skill to her repertoire. In 2001, Stoermann-Snelson returned to school to become a massage therapist."




American Massage Therapy Association:"The mission of the American Massage Therapy Association is to develop and advance the art, science and practice of massage therapy in a caring, professional and ethical manner in order to promote the health and welfare of humanity."
American Massage Therapy Association
820 Davis Street, Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201-4444
Phone 847/864-0123 Fax 847/864-1178


Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals:"Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) is a membership organization serving the massage, bodywork, somatic and esthetic professions. ABMP competes effectively for members by providing the best value and most responsive, knowledgeable service. Our business philosophy is summed up by our credo: expectmore"
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
1271 Sugarbush Drive Evergreen, Colorado 80439-9766
phone: 800.458.2267 or 303.674.8478 fax: 303.674.0859,


Massage And Bodywork Resource Center: Massage Therapy: Massage Schools:"You are probably here for one or more of the four following reasons: I need a massage! But I'm (pick one: bewildered, embarrassed, eager to learn, all of the above) about massage & bodywork. Teach me how to determine what I really need then show me how to find the right therapist to give it to me!"


Company of Touch:"Company of Touch is a family of enterprises dedicated to educating, inspiring and supporting hands-on practitioners and those they serve.


National Association of Massage Therapists:
P.O. Box 24004 Huber Hts OH 45424


National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork:"Nationally Certified therapeutic massage and bodywork practitioners bring you the quality, consistency and trust you deserve. For millions of Americans of all ages, therapeutic massage and bodywork are the solutions to many of the physical and stress-related problems of our age."
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300 · McLean, VA 22102
1-800-296-0664 · (703) 610-9015 · Fax: (703) 610-9005 e-mail:


Utah College of Massage Therapy:"The profession of massage therapy is young and rapidly expanding with new and effective techniques emerging through innovative practitioners. We prepare our students to approach the work creatively with the possibility of improving the methods of the past and developing methods for the future."
UCMT Family of Massage Therapy Schools
25 South 300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
CALL US TOLL FREE @ 1-800-617-3302"Infant Massage is a holistic and natural way to promote infant health, improve parenting skills, deepen bonding, strengthen family bonds, and to create a future generation that is more caring and compassionate. Infant massage incorporates nurturing touch, massage, and reflexology in a loving, fun, one-on-one interaction that is nourishment for baby's healthy development of mind, body and spirit. Vimala McClure, founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, Tiffany Field, Ruth Rice, and Ashley Montagu have contributed to the body of knowledge and growing interest in infant massage and nurturing touch. Research shows that infants benefit psychosocially, developmentally, and physiologically with infant massage. Cultures practicing infant massage have adults that are less aggressive and violent. Infant massage is easily learned. Information for Premature Infant Massage Instruction and Certification is available. Within the site you will find an instructor and practitioner directory, books, videos, articles, and pictorial demonstrations and instructions to get started. Benefit from the sale items, participate in the free drawings, sponsor a class in your town and join hands with other mothers as they learn to incorporate massage into the daily care of their infants."
Carla Steptoe RNC NNP HNC CIMI
One-O-One 101 Hickory Dr. Ocean Springs, MS. 39564



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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

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