Last First Name: Taylor Terri PNS
City: Petersburg
State: VA
What kind of nursing do you do: Practical Nursing
How did you hear about the Nurse Friendly Homesite: Link
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: African American
How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: just starting
Professional organizations you belong to:
Would you recommend the field: I would only recommend this field to someone
who is a very caring and giving person
Employment changes in career: none yet
If you lost your job tomorrow how easily do you feel you find new employment:
Very easily once completion of schooling
In how many years would you like to retire: Im not looking forward to retirement
Have you started any type of retirement fund: not yet
Would this travel : yes
Do you feel having certified Patient Educational Materials on the WWW
would be beneficial: yes
Nursing School you attend if applicable: Blandford School for Practical Nursing
Do you carry a personal malpractice insurance policy why or why not: yes
its required for school
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: There are
too many slopply health care providers in this field. For some reason people
feel that once they graduate that the principles they were taught in school
dont have as much value once employed.
What attracted you to the field of Nursing: It has always been something
that I wanted to do
Favorite TV show and musical artists:
Qualities you admire in your friends & loved ones: The things that
make them an individual
Pet Peeves: nurses with long fingernails
Hobbies and activities you enjoy outside of work: Playing with my pc baking
ceramics and needle point as well as other crafts
Other areas of interest and expertise: I have been an Administrative AssistantWord
Processor for about 10 years
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Last updated by Andrew
Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |