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Virginia Board of Nursing:"The Virginia Department of Health Professions works to assure the safe and competent delivery of health care to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia through the process of examining, licensing and disciplining health care practitioners governed by one of the 13 state health care boards." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** New!
Amber Keinath, Registered Nurse and Health Coach:"Amber is a Registered Nurse and Health Coach who is very passionate about educating and inspiring women to be healthy for life. She started her nursing career working in the medical, postpartum & newborn, and pediatric specialties in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Amber continued her education by completing her Master's Degree in Nursing with an emphasis in Wellness Promotion and becoming certified as a Health Coach.
From Hospital Nurse to Health Coach: During Amber's nursing career, she began to question her ability to help people in the hospital. She witnessed many people get discharged from the hospital with more medications only to wind up readmitted a few days later. People were not getting healthier despite all the care provided. She felt there was a better way to help these people." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** See also: ******************************************************
Dominique Ann Bernard, RN, BSN, Virginia Nurse Entrepreneurs:"My goal is to work from home.
Currently I am employed in a psychiatric facility and I work part time in a geriatric setting. My interests are varied." ****************************************************** Blake Tracy, LPN BS Psychology, Fairfax ******************************************************
Matson, Kelly, RN, Pioneer Nursing Agency, Virginia Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Independently contracting myself out to nursing
homes." ******************************************************
Mary Michaud, RN, MSN, FNP, Herbalist & Herbal Clinical Instructor, Be-herbal.com:"Mary Michaud, an herbalist & nurse practitioner, will teach a series of classes to give you the skills to use Ayurveda in your everyday life. Discussion of theory will be reinforced with yoga breath & postures, hands-on demonstration, and mind-body exercises. A free monthly meeting will continue after completion of the class to support your use of Ayurveda.
This small group class will meet on Wednesdays from March 2nd to May 4th from 9 am to noon." ******************************************************
Nelson Louise M., CRNI, BS, Herndon ******************************************************
Radford, Barbera, RN, MS, Virginia Beach ******************************************************
Taylor Terri PNS, Petersburg Departments/Specialties represented: Education, Home Infusion, Oncology ******************************************************
See also: Virginia State:
Virginia Commonwealth University / School
of Nursing (BSN, MSN, PhD):"The School has prepared graduates for initial
licensure since it inception in 1893. In
the 1950's the entry level program became
a baccalaureate degree. In the late 1980's
an innovative program providing educational
access for RN's returning for baccalaureate
education was begun. In the early 1970's
a certificate nurse practitioner program
was begun and in the mid 1970's the first
master's program in nursing was established
here at VCU. In the early 1980's the NP certificate
program was redeveloped within the masters
framework. In the 1990's a revision of the
masters curriculum placed us on the cutting
edge of the new concept in advanced practice
nursing. Post master's certificate program
for advanced practice were added for master
prepared nurses to prepare for new areas
of clinical responsibilities. In the late
1980's a doctoral program in nursing was
established." ****************************************************** Virginia Nursing Associations:
Instructive Visiting Nurse Association:"Established in 1900, IVNA is one of the largest freestanding, not-for-profit home health agencies serving the residents of Richmond and the surrounding areas. IVNA was organized by several nurses volunteering their off-duty hours to provide home nursing care and instruction to the poor and sick citizens of Richmond." ******************************************************
Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP):"The Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP), the statewide professional organization for all nurse practitioners (NPs) licensed in Virginia, and is a council of of the Virginia Nurses Association (VNA) Commission on Professional Practice. The organization of NPs in Virginia began a quarter century ago in the regional or local areas of the state. With the growth in the number of NPs throughout the state, Virginia NPs initially organized to become a Professional Practice Group of the VNA. In 1984, the VCNP became a council of the VNA, and as such has continued to grow in membership and in the services provided to its members. Membership now is over 1,300.
Although there are other specialty NP groups, the VCNP offers an advantage for all NPs in Virginia because of its association with the VNA and the American Nurses Association (ANA) with their broad based membership and the resources available through these relationships. ******************************************************
Virginia Nurses Association:"The Virginia Nurses Association is the largest membership organization for nurses in Virginia, and is the constituent member of the American Nurses Association (ANA). The VNA has been representing registered nurses in the Commonwealth since 1901. Mission/Vision: The mission of the VNA is to promote education, advocacy and mentoring for registered nurses to advance professional practice and influence the delivery of quality care. VNA is the nursing association which unites ALL nurses to advance the profession through caring for nurses who care for Virginians." ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Virginia Colored Practical Nurse Association:"On April 21, 1947 a group of African American licensed practical nurses met at Hood Temple Methodist Church in Richmond to establish the Virginia Colored Practical Nurses Association (VCPNA). The first president was Edwina Barnett of Norfolk. The organization was a constituent of the National Association of Practical Nurse Education until the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (NFLPN) was organized in 1949. The VCPNA met jointly with the Licensed Practical Nurses Association of Virginia (LPNAV) at the Hotel Roanoke in 1971. The delegates voted unanimously to merge the two organizations to form the Virginia Licensed Practical Nurse Association (VLPNA)." ******************************************************
Medical College of Virginia
Campus: Nursing Students' Association. Virginia Nursing History:
http://www.library.vcu.edu/tml/speccoll/nursing/index.html ******************************************************
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