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Cari Caruso, RN SANE-A, Forensic Nurse Professionals, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Forensic Services: Forensic Sexual Assault, Evidentiary Exams for Victims and Suspects, Domestic/Interpersonal Violence evaluations and Photography, Consulting for Defense and Prosecuting Attorneys, Expert Testimony, Education." ******************************************************
Jeanne T. Mills, BSN, RN, CRN, LNC, Expose Consulting:"Independent Legal Nurse Consultant." ******************************************************
Calling All Nurses Who Embrace
High Tech with High Touch
Marilyn Schaffner, RN, MSN, CGRN, Nursing Spectrum:"The role of the GI endoscopy nurse has expanded beyond assisting with procedures. Nurses in many parts of the US and the world perform endoscopic procedures such flexible sigmoidoscopies and upper gastrointestinal endoscopies to screen for cancer." ******************************************************
Colonoscopy Quiz of The Month, M. J. Kaviani, M.D., Department Of Internal Medicine, Shiraz University Of Medical Sciences.:"Case History: A 34 year- old lady referred with bloody diarrhea for three months. There is no history of fever or weight loss. Her father had the same problem. Physical examination was normal. Colonoscopy showed these lesions which were found in the whole length of colon." ******************************************************
Day Surgery and Endoscopy Nurses, Yahoo Groups Mailing List:"Day Surgery and Endoscopy Nurses For Endoscopy and Day Surgery nurses to share working practices, querys, recognisation of skills and support service for others." ******************************************************
Endoscopy Nursing, UCSF Medical Center Department of Nursing:"The purpose of the Endoscopy Centers is to care for patients who require an endoscopic procedure in an environment that provides an appropriate level of nursing and medical care supervision.
Patient care assistant skills for the equipment maintenance and scope reprocessing are required as well as basic nursing assistant skills. RN skills are required for sedation, the injection of local lidocaine for IV starts, basic endoscopy procedures, and the knowledge of infection control/scope reprocessing. The majority of procedures involve the use of sedation, administered according to the Hospital-wide Sedation Guidelines. Nursing care in the Endoscopy Centers is provided in accordance with the Society of Gastroenterolgy Nurses and Associates (SGNA)." ******************************************************
Endoscopy Quiz of the Month, Gastrolab:"Why not test your knowledge of endoscopic findings? This part of the home page should not be taken too seriously, and there are no prices to win, but it may be nice to see, if one can recognize typical findings. Please send the answer, and when a new question arrives, the old question will be answered, together with a list of all who have sent in the right answer." ******************************************************
Endoscopy, Lung Function Tests, Cardiac Angiogram Quizzes:"Here are a number of reviews, either in the form of articles or mini-tests on topics likely to come up in the exam.
Lung Function tests reproduced with thanks to the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Endoscopy Pictures reproduced with thanks to the Department of Gastroenterology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Physiotherapy Article courtesy of Ruth Dentice, Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Cardiac Angiograms and Questions reproduced with thanks to Dr Brian Bailey, Dept of Cardiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital." ******************************************************
GI Nursing: Does it Make Your Ears Wiggle?
By Patricia L. Raymond, MD, FACG,"Can you remember why you became a gastrointestinal (GI) nurse? Close your eyes and recall the moment you chose to enter GI nursing. Was it the tales of a respected colleague or friend who was a GI nurse? An opportunity to escape "the floor" or the daily psychic trauma of the emergency room (ER)? Can you remember how excited and thrilled you were your first week in endoscopy, exploring strange new worlds?" ******************************************************
Nurse Endoscopy
Rachael Hodson RN DN SpP, Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology:""We're getting a nurse endoscopist on Monday". Over the past few years it's become quite chic to employ a nurse to undertake endoscopy, allowing the Trust to show how it's meeting the demands placed on it in the new NHS. Often viewed with the same speculation and professional mistrust well known to many GP endoscopists, opinions are often formed at an individuals level, with little known about them as a collective group." ******************************************************
Nursing Shortage Fuels Concerns About Compromised Care, Patient Outcomes
However, Nursing Specialties Like Endoscopy are Attracting More Nurses Than Ever
By Kelly M. Pyrek:"As the nursing shortage continues, healthcare professionals who work in infection control are keeping a nervous eye on hospital-acquired infections that may be linked to decreased staffing levels. While the employment of nurses is expected to grow much faster than average for all occupations through the year 2008, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more nurses are leaving the field than entering it. As many as 450,000 nurses may be needed in the next decade, according to government projections." ******************************************************
The post basic education for endoscopy nurses in Finland:"Gastroenterological nurses have an own registered association called The Finnish Gastroenterological Nurses Association- Suomen Gastroenterologiahoitajat ry- with 500 members. The main aims of our society is to develop the knowledge of gastroenterological and endoscopy nursing, to improve quality of care and to provide educational opportunities for the nurses and the society has arranged courses together with Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic, social and health care in Kuopio and in Tampere." ******************************************************
Performance of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy by Registered Nurses for the Purpose of Colorectal Screening, Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.:"The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. supports the position that registered nurses educated and experienced in gastroenterology nursing and trained in the techniques of flexible endoscopy may assume the responsibility of performing flexible sigmoidoscopies for the purpose of colorectal cancer screening. SGNA recommends that registered nurses performing endoscopy hold current certification from the Certifying Board of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates.
The competent performance of flexible sigmoidoscopy requires both cognitive and technical skills. Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of the colon and abdomen and indications/contraindications for screening flexible sigmoidoscopy are essential. SGNA recommends that a minimum of twenty-five flexible sigmoidoscopies be performed under the supervision of a skilled physician endoscopist before a registered nurse performs this procedure independently." ******************************************************
Sedation and Analgesia, Position Statement, Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.:"The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. supports the position that registered nurses trained and experienced in gastroenterology nursing and endoscopy be given the responsibility of administration and maintenance of sedation and analgesia by the order of a physician. In addition, the gastroenterology registered nurse can be given responsibility for the administration of reversal agents prescribed by the physician. The gastroenterology registered nurse has education and experience in endoscopy, knowledge of medications used and the skills to assess, diagnose, and intervene in the event of complications. Whether or not the registered nurse actually administers the medications, the registered nurse is responsible for monitoring and assessing the patient receiving sedation and analgesia throughout diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures." ******************************************************
Tri-Service Video Endoscopy Course:"The increase of video endoscopic surgery throughout the Uniformed Services has resulted in a need for a forum in which nurses can update their knowledge, skills, and abilities in this area of perioperative nursing. This course will identify the changing roles, responsibilities, and expectations of perioperative nurses related to endoscopy. In a laboratory setting, nurses will learn how to differentiate operating room configurations for specific procedures, properly handle endoscopic instruments, and formulate problem solving strategies related to video endoscopic technical difficulties." ******************************************************
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023
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