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See also:
Nursing Schools,
School Uniforms
Nursing Discussions, Chat Forums:
Schools Struggle with Severe Nursing Shortage, Nursingdiscussions.com:"When a student gets sick in Johnston County, there may not be a school nurse to treat them. The district has more than 26,000 students, and only 10 nurses. It's a situation that leaves the nurses over-worked, and students waiting for help." ******************************************************
Sandra Clark RN BSN, Kansas ****************************************** ****************************************** ****************************************** Listserv Discussion Groups:
SCHLRN-L -- The School Nurse Discussion List:"The School Nurse Disucssion List was started in 1994 and is the third oldest nursing discussion list on the Internet. At present there are 1800 + subscribers from 16 countries on 6 continents. The list is public and unmoderated.
Description: A discussion group organized for school nurses, school nurse practitioners, school nurse teachers, and school nurse managers.
schoolnurse.com:"This web site represents the online presence of School Health Alert - the United States' most respected publisher of current school health information.... School Health Alert is an independent, printed newsletter, with thousands of subscribers. Published monthly since 1986, it keeps school nurses and other interested health professionals up-to-date on the latest developments in student health services, health education and safe school environment. School Health Alert does not accept advertising." ****************************************************** ******************************************************
School Nurse Associations:
National Association of School Nurses:"The National Association of School Nurses is a non-profit specialty nursing organization incorporated in 1979, which represents school nurses exclusively. NASN has over 10,000 members and 50 School Nurse Association Affiliates. Each of these affiliates elects a representative to the NASN Board of Directors. ******************************************************
National Association of School Nurses for the Deaf:"The National Association of School Nurses for the Deaf is an association open to
school nurses currently working with Deaf students across the nation."
Disabled Nurses, Nurses With A Disability,
http://www.nursefriendly.com/disabled/ ******************************************************
National Board for Certification of School Nurses, Inc.:"Professional Certification provides an ongoing, quality credentialing process for eligible school nurses. Certification assures a national standard of preparation, knowledge, and practice.
The National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) endorses the concept of voluntary certification by examination for all school nurses. Professional certification in school nursing provides an ongoing, quality credentialing process for eligible school nurses. Certification represents a national standard of preparation, knowledge, and practice. To assist with this recognition, the NBCSN provides the opportunity for school nurses to set the standards for their specialty area through voluntary professional certification.
" Nursing Certification, Recertification, Getting Certified, Why Certify, http://www.nursefriendly.com/certification/ ******************************************************
Association of School Nurses of Connecticut:"ASNC is an association made up of school nurses actively involved in school nursing and school administration. We also welcome other registered nurses who are interested in school nursing.
As an association, ASNC belongs to a number of other nursing and school health organizations. Members of the association attend meetings of these organizations regularly and report back to the ASNC executive board." ******************************************************
Massachusetts School Nurse Organization:"We are delighted to have you browse our site and hope to keep you informed of the many current events which influence today's practice of school nursing. Our organization's mission is to promote and advance quality school health services throughout the Commonwealth and promote the rights, interests and professional growth of our members. We hope that you will bookmark our site and continue to watch our evolving growth." ******************************************************
North Idaho School Nursing Services Cooperative:"The North Idaho School Nursing Services Cooperative is dedicated to improving the health of our school-age children so that they are ready to learn and make the most of their education. The thirteen public school districts, five public hospital districts, local community college, and public health district of North Idaho are working together to help remove the barriers to education due to poor health and nutrition." ******************************************************
Oregon School Nurse Association:"A source of information for school nurses in the state of Oregon. Purpose of the organization:
To promote effective school nursing services and improve the health status of children and youth, thereby promoting the educational process
To provide a medium through which nurses engaged in school nursing practice can exchange ideas; seek solutions to common problems; and stimulate their professional growth and unity
To provide communication and coordination between school nurses and other organizations and agencies concerned with health issues and education." ******************************************************
National Association of State School Nurse Consultants:"The mission of the National Association of State School Nurse Consultants is to promote the health and learning of the nation's children and youth by providing national leadership and advocacy, impacting public policy, collaborating, and proactively influencing school health programs and school nursing practice." ******************************************************
Maine: Administration Of Medication In The School Setting:"This rule establishes the requirements for the safe administration of medication in each school administrative unit and approved private schools. This rule requires that all unlicensed school personnel who administer medications in a school setting receive training by the Department of Education or by a certified school nurse using curriculum approved by the Department." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** School Health:
American School Health Association:"The American School Health Association unites the many professionals working in schools who are committed to safeguarding the health of school-aged children. The Association, a multidisciplinary organization of administrators, counselors, dentists, health educators, physical educators, school nurses and school physicians, advocates high-quality school health instruction, health services and a healthful school environment." ******************************************************
School Health Resources for Pediatricians, American Academy of Pediatrics:"The information on this site is intended for pediatricians and other health professionals working in or with schools. Although you may find some articles on this site interesting and useful, you may also wish to visit the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Web site or the new consumer site, Medem, for more information." ******************************************************
Wednesday, November 10, 2004: School nurse office a 'safe haven' for students:"Franklin High School nurse Virginia Sundberg carefully examines a splint she placed on a student's thumb a few hours earlier.
"I splinted it, but it's not responding to first aid treatment," said Sundberg. "He hurt it playing football two days ago. He needs X-rays and I told him he needs to go see the doctor. Sometimes the students think the pain will just go away, but he can't move it. It's good for us to give these kids a push for treatment when they need it."
The life of a school nurse these days can be very hectic. According to the National Association of School Nurses, there should be one school nurse per 750 students that do not have health problems. Sundberg, with the help of a part-time health aide, is faced every day with about 1,500 students at Franklin High School." ****************************************** ******************************************
AAP Outlines Crucial Role Of School Nurses In A
Comprehensive School Health Program, American Academy of Pediatrics:"School nurses often serve in a crucial
pediatric health leadership role, bringing together a variety of services to students and families, according to a
revised policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Typically, the school nurse collaborates with
primary care physicians, specialists, and local public health and social service agencies to ensure a full
spectrum of effective and quality services for students and their families. School nurses are especially critical
in assisting children with special health needs, including children with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
School nurses can ensure student access to primary health care, monitor immunization, and provide health education
and counseling." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted): http://www.nursefriendly.com/social/:
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Created on October 14, 2000
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023
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