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Sarah Mott, RN, @Nurseborn, Nurse Born, LLC:"Nurse Born specializes in products designed by nurses. It is Nurse Born's mission to assist nurses with the invention process and help them bring their
product to market. Nurse Born has launched its first product the Nurse Born Stethoscope Holster. Our Holster is designed to provide an alternative means of carrying the stethoscope around
the neck. The Nurse Born Holster has a double spring design that allows the user to conveniently attach it to their waistband, pocket, tote bag etc...
It is easy to use and fits most styles of stethoscope including some electronic styles. We can confidently say that the Nurse Born Stethoscope Holster will stay
in place even during high activity." ******************************************************
Leah Korkis, BSN, RN, Healthy Now and Later:"Healthy Now and Later is a free resource for caregivers and those 55+. There they will find information on common
health topics, health promotion recipes for special diets, and a nation-wide database of local services and financial aid.
For further information or clarification, visitors may also "Ask A Nurse"." ******************************************************
Shannon Garrett, BS, RN, CHLC, Shannon Garrett Wellness, @AutoimmuneRN, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs, Health Coaches:"I provide holistic health, wellness, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching for women who struggle with the many complexities of living with autoimmune or other chronic health issues. I have a 12 week program I work them through to help them reach their goals and I provide a NANDA wellness care plan for them. I personally have three autoimmune issues and know what these women go through. Medication nor diet are stand-alone treatments. Lifestyle issues are an integral part of healing and I help them work through challenges." ******************************************************
Maureen Sullivan RN, BSN, CEN, CDE, Florida Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Registered Nurse x 30 years, with a focus on ER/Trauma. I have worked in a variety of roles, including ER Manager, Stroke Program Manager, Trauma Coordinator, and Director of Education. I just published my first book (!) on my nursing career ("Never Again"). It is a compilation of stories of patients I've cared for during my career. All true stories!" Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaureenSRN Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maureen-sullivan/50/9b1/552 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/maureen.sullivan.1441 http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.com/sullivan
Stroke: An Introduction, Maureen Sullivan RN, BSN, CEN, CDE, Pedagogy Medical:"An online continuing education course for nurses, medical health care professionals, and other interested individuals.
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Few conditions can occur as rapidly and with as devastating consequences as stroke. Data from the American Stroke Association (ASA) indicate that over 700,000 people in the United States suffer a stroke each year. Immediate emergency treatment is critical to surviving a stroke with the least amount of damage to the brain and the ability to function. Every stroke or transient ischemic attack must be treated as a life-threatening emergency. Thus, it is important that all healthcare providers be educated on the early identification of stroke symptoms, emergency care options, and prevention of recurrent stroke."
E-mail Address: sales@pedagogy-inc.com *************************************************************
Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, RT Connections, LLC, @RTConnections:"At RTConnections, I educate, connect and inspire current and future nurses. I started this company because I really believe that patients deserve to be cared for by competent, compassionate nurses and that nurses deserve to believe they make a difference. To make that happen I offer keynote presentations that help nurses take ownership of their practice; seminars and workshops to improve clinical and professional practice; and consulting to help organizations create nurturing and supportive work environments for employees and the patients they serve. My area of expertise is in professional development, nurse-to-nurse bullying, communication/collaboration, team building and academic service partnerships." ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Andra DeCarlo, RN, Summit Medical Litigation Consulting, Inc.:"Andra DeCarlo, owner of Summit Medical Litigation Consulting and her team of nurses provide Legal Nurse Consulting for both defense and plaintiff attorneys looking for a clear explanation of what actually happened with the client. Is there a case? Is there a defense? We specialize in looking outside-the-box to help find the key to the case. Nursing home neglegance, PI, Medical Malpractice and more."
Social Networks: Ecademy.com,
Twitter ******************************************************
Heather RN, Louisiana: ******************************************************
See also: American Association of Neuroscience Nurses:"The mission of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses is to work for the highest standard of care for neuroscience patients by advancing the science and practice of neuroscience nursing. The Association accomplishes its mission through continuing education, information dissemination, standard setting and advocacy on behalf of neuroscience patients, families and nurses."AANN, ABNN, NNF Office 4700 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025 888/557-2266 or 847/375-4733 · 877/734-8677 Fax · info@aann.org http://www.aann.org/ ******************************************************
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses:The American Association of Spinal Cord Nurses (AASCIN) is dedicated to promoting quality care for individuals with Spinal Cord Impairment(SCI). This is achieved by
advancing nursing practice through education, research, advocacy, health care policy, and
collaboration with consumers and health care delivery systems. Category: National Nursing Associations, Nurse Organizations ****************************************************
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation:"The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (CRPF) is committed to funding research that develops treatments and cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. The Foundation also vigorously works to improve the quality of life for people living with disabilities through its grants program, paralysis resource center and advocacy efforts.
Since 1982, CRPF has awarded $42.5 million in research grants to the world’s best neuroscientists. CRPF grants are catalytic. We support new initiatives, take smart risks, and make sure our research dollars are spent to do the most good." ******************************************************
Foundation for the Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies:"The Foundation for the Education and Research in Neurological Emergencies is an independent not-for-profit organization." ******************************************************
Neuroscience Nursing, Johns Hopkins Nursing:"The Department of Neuroscience Nursing embraces a multidisciplinary commitment to excellence and advanced professional practice. Our clinical services include neurosurgery, neurology, otolaryngology,and orthopaedic spine services." ******************************************************
Examination: A detailed guide.
Neurosciences on the Internet:
Neurosciences Center
Home Page: Virginia Commonwealth University's Medical College of Virginia
Hospitals boasts the region's finest center for neurosciences.
Sclerosis: How common is it for siblings to both have this condition?
Should my other children be concerned that they too will get MS? Should
their children have any kind of genetic testing?
Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure:
Cord Injury, Stroke, and Paralysis Guide to Support Organizations:
Stanford Stroke Center:"In a recent survey sponsored by the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC), the Stanford Stroke Center was ranked the #1 academic institution in the country for stroke management based upon its performance on over 20 different measures of patient outcome including length of stay, time to treatment, and speed of diagnostic evaluation.
The Stanford Stroke Center brings together physicians from multiple specialties, including neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, internal medicine and emergency medicine to provide comprehensive evaluation and management of patients with cerebrovascular diseases." Category: Stroke, Ministroke, Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVAs), Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), http://www.nursefriendly.com/stroke ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted): http://www.nursefriendly.com/social/:
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