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Nena Hart MSN, RN, Hart Healthcare Solutions:"I started as a nurse’s aide at 18 and worked my way up to a director of nursing to improve the quality of care for patients and working conditions for staff. I transitioned to hospice as on-call then case manager and worked my way up to director, area director and administrator, vice president and then national utilization manager of DME. I’ve been married for 18 years have 4 children and I live in Hawaii. I was so committed to high performance in my corporate role that I really strained and devalued my marriage. I had to really evaluate my priorities and my pride and change my attitude. My husband is my biggest supporter, and I am fortunate he is so forgiving. Today we are doing great and my marriage takes priority over everything else. Two years ago, I was recruited to a CEO position in Hawaii and was fired 5 weeks later with no reason. That is how I was finally able to start my consulting business."
PO Box 630580 Lanai City HI 93763 ******************************************************
Sarah Mott, RN, @Nurseborn, Nurse Born, LLC:"Nurse Born specializes in products designed by nurses. It is Nurse Born's mission to assist nurses with the invention process and help them bring their
product to market. Nurse Born has launched its first product the Nurse Born Stethoscope Holster. Our Holster is designed to provide an alternative means of carrying the stethoscope around
the neck. The Nurse Born Holster has a double spring design that allows the user to conveniently attach it to their waistband, pocket, tote bag etc...
It is easy to use and fits most styles of stethoscope including some electronic styles. We can confidently say that the Nurse Born Stethoscope Holster will stay
in place even during high activity." ******************************************************
Long Term Care and Nursing Homes, Pedagogy Long Term Care and Home Health Campus:"The Pedagogy Long Term Care & Home Health Campus is more than just an online classroom it is an online resource center unlike any education site on the internet today. This Campus contains online continuing education, CE, courses targeting long term care and home health related education classes. No more disorganized lists to search through, no more exhaustive searches to find your course - just focused information and resources for your industry in one organized Campus.
Visit our Course Catalog to view all the courses we offer to LTC nurses. See each category of courses, general, infection control, infusion, respiratory, and wound care." ******************************************************
Nancy Banfield Johnson, MSN, RN, ANP, Nurse Mentor Nancy, @NurseMentorNanc:"On my blog and in my presentations, I give strategies to bedside nurses gain confidence, respect and prevent burnout. I published my first book 10/2012, "Catching Critical Changes, Six Essential Steps for Effective Nursing Assessment." ******************************************************
Beth Boynton, RN, MS Consulting Services:"Beth Boynton, RN, MS, Nurse Consultant & Author of award-winning book, "Confident Voices: The Nurses' Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces". Speaker, trainer, coach, and writer specializing in teaching nurses positive communication and collaboration skills, emotional intelligence, group dynamics & leadership. E-mail Address: beth@bethboynton.com Phone number: 207-752-0826 Blogs: http://www.confidentvoices.com Social Media Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/BethBoynton Linkedin: Beth Boynton, RN, MS Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1458311533&ref=tn_tnmn
Homepage Address:
Confident Voices: The Nurses' Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces [Paperback]:"Nurses Teachers Administrators Human Resources Consultants Students Confident Voices gets directly to the heart of many distressing problems that nurses face and seek to change. Combining stories, facts, experience, and theories, the author presents compelling insights into root causes of medical errors, staffing shortages and workplace violence. Boynton sets the stage for understanding underlying issues and then teaches us how to build healthy work relationships and workplaces. Nurses have enormous potential to transform healthcare. This book transforms that potential into real problem-solving power!" ******************************************************
Tina Lanciault, RN, SmallBusinessNurse.com, Delaware Nurse Entrepreneurs, @tinalancio:"I provide nursing career advice and business ideas through my writing on both of my sites for new nursing grads and nurses wanting to make a change especially those nurses who are burnout and want to leave the bedside. There are options such as nurse entrepreneurship, Holistic nursing and Nursing Informatics, available to all nurses including LPN/LVNs. Lots of nursing resources, tips on finding a job or creating your own job plus many other tips and information just for nurses."
Social Media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc) ******************************************************
Gwenn Dalton, RN, CEO/Educator, Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC, Texas Nurse Entrepreneurs, Hospice Educators:"Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC understands that care is more than tending to the physical end of life; it is a way of caring for the patient, their family, and
support group. Through our community outreach programs, mentorship programs, and continuing education workshops, we empower those care givers and end of life professionals with the ability to advance quality of life and to accept the gift of providing a compassionate end of life for their patient or loved one. Above all, Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC is dedicated to providing training and support for those Hospice Heroes and Healthcare Warriors who continue to fight for end of life rights! ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** See also:
Lucille "Lou" Addington, RN, CLNC, Florida:"We do medical-legal consulting for attorneys, insurance companies and HMO's, and private individuals. Presuit investigations and affidavits. Expert witness location. Special interest in vaccine damage cases and long term care/elder care issues. My associate and I bring a combined 42 years of professional nursing practice to our cases." ******************************************************
Dominique Ann Bernard, RN, BSN, Virginia Nurse Entrepreneurs:"My goal is to work from home.
Currently I am employed in a psychiatric facility and I work part time in a geriatric setting. My interests are varied." ******************************************************
Kelly Brown, AASDN, RN, The Body Depot:"A Hydraulic fitness center that consists
of a exercise circuit that can be performed by pre-teens to the elderly.
A great way to prevent bone loss, feel good, maintain weight, prevent cardiopulmonary
conditions, and socialize." ******************************************************
Bykowski, David, Nurse Entrepreneur, Texas Nursing Entrepreneurs:"I have a great interest in holistic medicine I am questioned many times as to why I sell products My answer is simple
to spread the holistic approach You may ask how selling products spreads
the holistic approach Well I have found that I can preach holistic philosophy
all day long and accomplish very little but if I can change a persons life
via the use of a natural substance not only have I won them over but all
the people they share their joy with. Thus I find selling products is more
effective than merely preaching the benifits of holistic health." ******************************************************
Chris Cavanaugh,
Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI),
Florida, Advanced Practice Nurses,
Nursing Entrepreneur,
Critical Care,
, Home Care,
Home Infusion,
Intravenous Therapy,
Legal Nurse Consulting,
Nursing Consultants ******************************************************
Melissa Charleston, LPN, South Carolina Nurses: ******************************************************
Alyce Clark, RN, Caregiver Scrubs, Nursing Uniforms, Nurse-Owned Businesses, Entrepreneurs:"Sales of scrubs and accessories to medical personnel in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, dental offices, and veterinary clinics." ******************************************************
Sandra Clark RN BSN, Kansas ******************************************************
Cathy DeLave, RN, BSN, CPR Plus, Michigan Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses::"Nurse owned and operated provider of emergency response training including CPR/AED, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens. We are an authorized distributor of Philips Headstart Defibrillators. Honored as a "Preferred Trainer" for the American Heart Association, all of our instructors are Registered Nurses. We offer full service sales and tranining, as well as assistance with emergency response planning and implementation. All classes can be customized to meet the needs of our clients. Courses can be taught in our classroom or onsite at a home or workplace."
E-mail Address: cdelave@cprplus.net ******************************************************
Lisa Desimon R.N, D.C, CLNC, Illinois Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Certified Legal Nurse Consultant business, serving as a consulting expert and testifying expert on a variety of medical/legal issues/cases." ******************************************************
Susan Dule, RN, BSN, Innovative Nursing Consultants ******************************************************
Pamela, ADON (Pediatric), Minnesota ******************************************************
Helen Heiskell, MSN, RN, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse Entrepreneur
LeaRae Keyes, RN, BSN, PHN, CDMS, CCM, Nurse Entrepreneur Network,
Minnesota Nursing Entrepreneurs:The network provides online and telephonic training, networking, and coaching. Our focus is to provide marketing and business solutions for nurse entrepreneurs so they can succeed and prosper. We also strive to foster an environment of sharing and support amoung our members." ******************************************************
Gerry A. Kinjorski, BS, RN, CLNC, Aidant Research Nurses, Inc., Florida Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Aidant Research Nurses, Inc., is a legal nurse consulting firm that serves the patient-client and the attorney. If you have questions concerning negligence or medical-malpractice, personal injury or assault, toxic tort, worker's comp or any medical injury you may need Aidant." ******************************************************
Helen Lakeru, RN,
Good Health Connection,
Colorado, Psychiatric Nurses,
Operating Room (OR) Nurses,
Critical Care Nurses, (Emergency
Department, Intensive
Care Unit, CCU, CVCU), Post
Anesthesia Recovery (PACU, Recovery Room),
Health ******************************************************
Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP, ExceptionalNurse.com:"A resource network for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. We provide links to disability related organizations, mentors, employment opportunities, financial aid, continuing education, books, equipment, legal issues, research, related articles as well as support and career counseling. ******************************************************
Matson, Kelly, RN, Pioneer Nursing Agency, Virginia Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Independently contracting myself out to nursing
homes." ******************************************************
Karen Mercereau, RN, RN Patient Advocates, PLLC:"For over 7 years, we at RN Patient Advocates have worked independently with patients to assist them in finding the best healthcare and treatment outcomes possible. Do you have a medical crisis? Wonder what doctors might best help you? Have a mystery illness that no one can diagnose? Have several doctors who don’t speak to each other? Wonder what all of your medications actually do for you?
Experienced clinical RNs are a treasure trove of information and, working as independent RN Patient Advocates, can stand by your side through your illness: asking the healthcare questions you don’t know how to ask, teaching you what is really going on in your body, researching and teaching you the full range of treatment options, guiding you through the maze of the healthcare system so it can best serve you."
Darlene Norton, RN, CLNC, Verum Dictum, Inc., Michigan Legal Nurse Consultants:"Legal Nurse Consulting in the areas of: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Toxic Tort and Environmental, Criminal,
Products Liability and Class Action Suits."
Contact person: Darleen Norton, President ****************************************************
Victoria Pettograsso, LPN, BS, MS, Coastal Care Nursing Associates:"Private nurse Ownership assures our patients of superior nursing care and personalization. Presently, we are expanding our horizons into the nurse registry-consulting field. We would like to help you set up your own nurse registry. Time saved in policy and procedure development can yield earlier profits."
Venice, Florida 34285 ******************************************************
Donna M. Post, RN, BSN, MBA / HCM, CLNC, LNCP-C , Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Legal Nurse Consultants:"Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting has over 24 years of experience clinically and administratively, in cardiac, adult and pediatric critical care, and dialysis. Our experience extends to both the inpatient and outpatient settings. MVLNC provides effective identification of practice standards, regulatory standards, adherence and/or deviations to these standards. Our background provides our clients the added benefit of understanding healthcare infrastructure, budgets, and healthcare labor issues. This extensive experience allows for identification of medical and nursing issues in any case that involves health, illness and injury. The clients we serve are attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities and others. At Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with cost-effective, efficient, review and analysis – providing you with winning services while critically defending your bottom-line. ******************************************************
Yvonne Praschma, RN, LMT, New York ******************************************************
Stephanie Salings, RN,CRNAC, LNC
Specialty Areas:
Home Health ******************************************************
Pamela Schuck, RN, BS, LNC, Ohio Operating Room Nurses ******************************************************
Tami Skinner, LPN,
Michigan Nurses, Pediatrics, Respiratory,
Medical-Surgical, Long
Term Care ******************************************************
Kathryn Spilker RN, BSN, LNC, Lifeline Medical/Legal Consulting L.L.C.:"As Legal Nurse Consultants, we use our
nursing experience, and knowledge of legal issues in preparing cases related to health care issues. Screen cases for merit, prepare
chronologies, summaries, timelines and analysis of the medical records. Identify standards of care, causation issues, locate experts, research and
review medical data and literature. Assist attorneys with all aspects of discovery and trial preparation. The success of your medically related
cases relies on qualified, detailed, and accurate assessment of the facts. Homepage Address: http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.com/spilker/ ******************************************************
Pamela Steinacher, RN, LNC, Illinois Legal Nurse Consultants:"Assist plaintiff and defense attorneys with injury-related cases by reviewing for merit, standards of care, duty, breach of duty, causation and damages. Location of appropriate experts, medical literature research, IME's where appropriate, assist with demonstrative evidence, deposition questions and interrogatories. Screen records for missing records or tampering; assist in any way that is deemed necessary and appropriate to win cases." ******************************************************
Stilley, RN, Utah ******************************************************
Leah Stockdale, R.N., B.S.N., Nurse Registry, Inc., Maryland Nurse Entrepreneurs: ****************************************************** Jill Thomas: Home Health, Long Term Care, Wound Consulting, Legal Nurse Consultant ******************************************************
Liz Sake, BSN, RN: Liz Sake & Associates: As Legal Nurse Consultants, we determine the merits of a medical malpractice case, review and translate medical records, chronicalize events, determine; damages/injuries, future health needs, causation and standards of care.
An information discovery program through research of medical literature and the latest on-line information. We prepare written summaries and reports of medical records, research findings, and expert witness information. We identify and obtain expert witnesses as needed. Basically, we are here to make the med/mal attorney's life easier by synthesizing, sorting, and condensing medical information to be used as exhibits and for MD expert
review. ******************************************************
P. K. Scheerle, RN, American Nursing Services:"American Nursing Services, Inc. (ANS), a nurse owned and operated supplemental staffing and home care agency, is a remarkable success story. Chartered in February of 1982 and headquartered in Metairie, a part of the greater New Orleans Metropolitan area, ANS is one of the most dynamic and progressive nursing service organizations. P.K. Scheerle, RN, a registered nurse with a clinical background in Pediatric Intensive Care, as well as nursing administration, founded ANS and is committed to quality and excellence. P.K.'s motivation is to serve the community with nurses who first and foremost love being nurses. ANS provides nurses, therapists and certified nursing assistants in the home and hospital with compassion and professionalism." See also: Associated Home Health Nurses of America, Inc.:"Associated Home Health Nurses of America, Inc. (AHHNA) delivers quality, timely, cost-effective services to patients in the home. The company Consists of three divisions:"Associated Home Health Nurses of America, Inc. 3293 Pacific Avenue Long Beach, CA 90807-5067 Telephone: (562) 981-3100 (800) 749-2446 Fax: (562) 981-1220 info@ahhna.com http://www.ahhna.com Michigan Home Health Nursing:
Michigan Visiting Nurses:"Michigan Visiting Nurses provides a broad range of high-quality, reasonably priced home care services to the community. Care may range from minimal assistance with personal care to highly technical and specialized nursing support. All services are customized to fulfill our patients unique and changing needs, and are available on a per-visit, shift or hourly basis. Care is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ****************************************************** New York Home Health Nursing:
Lower West Side Household Services Corporation:"Lower West Side Household Services Corporation is the first organization to provide comprehensive, home care services, vital to the residents of New York City. We are a not-for-profit organization, licensed by the New York State Department of Health, and are accredited by JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations." ******************************************************
Ohio Council
For Home Care (OCHC): Associations:
National Association for Home Care (NAHC):"Welcome to HomeCare Online the virtual headquarters of the National Association for Home Care (NAHC). Since its inception in 1982, NAHC has remained committed to serving the home care and hospice industry, which provides services to the sick, the disabled, and the terminally ill in the comfort of their homes." ****************************************************** Government Agencies:
National Institute on Aging (NIA):"one of the National Institutes of Health, the principal biomedical research agency of the United States Government. The NIA promotes healthy aging by conducting and supporting biomedical, social, and behavioral research and public education." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted): http://www.nursefriendly.com/social/:
Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
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Gifts For Nurses: ******************************************************
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617