Patrick Dupont BSN, CRNA, CLNC Alpha Medical-Legal Consulting, Inc.:"25 years as an RN including 22 years as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with extensive experience in anesthesia administration for surgical procedures including general, orthopedic, neurosurgical, cardiothoracic, vascular, ENT, GYN, trauma, plastic and reconstructive, cosmetic, interventional radiology, labor and delivery including administration and monitoring of labor epidurals, invasive line placement and monitoring, emergency airway management, outpatient and ambulatory surgical procedures, regional anesthetics, conscious sedation and post-anesthesia care.
15585 Ocean Walk Cir. #113
Fort Myers, Florida 33908
Phone: 239-297-9893, Fax: 239-425-1384
Kevin M. Orlowski, RN, New
York, Legal Nurse Consulting, Legal Nurse Consultants:"WNY Legal Nurse Consulting can provide you with the competitive edge needed to prove your case. WNY Legal Nurse Consulting allows you to do your very best by letting us take on those piles of medical records freeing you to focus on issues of law and strategy. Our services are helping attorney's every day to eliminate the potential of litigation failure by uncovering and interpreting critical medical issues. WNY Legal Nurse Consulting will review and "translate" the medical record, prepare and develop a concise chronological time-line that highlights critical events and deliver a professional report that includes medical research, definitions and a summary of the clients injuries, treatments and outcomes." Critical Care,
,Operating Room (OR)
Carrie-Anne Voss, RN, CNOR, LNC, Services, Forensic Surgical Nurse Consulting:"Screen case for merit,
Identify missing of altered records,
Interpret and summerize medical records,
Prepare chronologies of the medical record,
Define adherence to or deviations from standard of care,
indentify contributing factors for injuries,
indentify relevant hospital policy, procedures, cliinical guidelines and standards of practice."
Carrie-Anne Voss, RN, CNOR, LNC
3417 Providence Plantation Ln.
Charlotte, NC 28270
Phone: 704-907-7151
Fax: 704-844-8870
DMR Consulting, LLC:"DMR Consulting, LLC provides the highest quality of service, proficiency, specialized education, and clinical expertise to the medically related issues of the litigation process. Our Certified Legal Nurse Consultants offer support to a variety of professional services in the legal, corporate and insurance industries."
Diane M. Riordan RN, BS, CNOR, CLNC
DMR Consulting, LLC
19785 W. Twelve Mile Rd. #544
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone/Fax: 248 593-7992
Partnership in OR Training Mary Raju Cole, RN, MSN:"Scalpel, retractor, syringe, suction, suture," - the voices and commands of an operating room (OR) in action. Some nurses have always wanted to work in this setting. If you are one of them, Mercy Medical Center and Molloy College may have the right program for you!"
A new nursing shortage is right around the corner," says Pat Gilbert, RN, BS, assistant director of human resources/nursing at Mercy Hospital Medical Center. "We are already seeing telltale signs in the critical care units, and even more so in the operating room," she adds."
Perioperative nurse turned inventor. (nurse invents large suction cannister):"How many times have you seen a new product in the OR and thought, "Why didn't I think of that?" Or, worse yet, "That's my idea!" Where do most new Product ideas originate? They come from health care professionals working in the trenches and noticing that things could or should be done better or more efficiently. In 1993, I was the circulating nurse during an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction procedure when a clinical Practice problem set the stage for my invention of a product. I was busy hanging irrigation fluid, changing canisters, and doing paperwork when I had the brilliant idea of getting ahead of the action. I placed several 3-L bags of saline on the arthroscopic pump that was located close to my "desk."
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is a not-for-profit educational organization providing current information on the many types of cosmetic procedures performed by doctors cert...
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF) offer education on plastic surgery (cosmetic and reconstructive) and help patients find board-certifie...
Welcome to! We hope you will find all the information you need to make an informed decision about the anesthesia you are to receive and what is best for you. Be sure to che...
AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) is the professional organization of perioperative nurses that unites operating room nurses by providing education,representation, and standards fo...
About This Journal Author Instructions Archives CME Privacy Policy Conditions of Use Principles Governing AMA Web Sites December 2000 Portal vein anastomosis. REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE Register ...
CBPN, the Certification Board Perioperative Nursing, provides the CNOR and CRNFA nursing certifications, certification resources, ongoing schedules of CNOR and CRNFA certification exams and leadership...
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Please choose from the following: Division of General Surgery Physicians Directory General Surgery Residents Vascular Surgery Fellows Transplant Surgery F...
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Please choose from the following: Division of General Surgery Physicians Directory General Surgery Residents Vascular Surgery Fellows Transplant Surgery F...
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Please choose from the following: Division of General Surgery Physicians Directory General Surgery Residents Vascular Surgery Fellows Transplant Surgery F...
Symptom Checker Diseases A-Z Allergy Index First Aid For all Surgical Procedures Click here Breast Enlargement Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Breast Reduction Botox Injection Chemical Peel Derma...
SSM Online gives perioperative managers and leaders immediate access to news and information about health care and perioperative management issues, current and future trends, and resources in a succin...
the Internet resource for surgical education ™ Latest additions to the Vesalius Clinical Folios and Image Archive: Bilateral TRAM Breast Reconstruction CF, IA 27-Dec-00 Open Adrenalectomy for Aldos...
I am Lynne Newman, a 51 year old woman, and I have been on a healing, spiritual journey which has led me to this wonderful place. I am beginning to do only what my ...
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