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Sharon Gauthier RN/MSN-iRNPA, Patient Advocate for You, LLC:"Our services coordinate care, educate patients and families, collaborate with your healthcare team and support your needs with a personal seasoned RN patient advocate. We do not provide hands on care and don't replace home
care agencies. We are adjunct to your support system while expanding your resources to stay well. Relieving your stress is our expertise. We are your voice helping you navigate through the system. We tell your story and make sure someone listens. We are a well respected addition to your present healthcare team by your side throughout the system you are in, evaluating, collaborating, educating and supporting you and your family." ******************************************************
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC, Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR):"Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR) provides medical-legal Litigation Support Services for Legal Professionals that include Legal Nurse Consulting, Paralegal Litigation Support, a Medical Information Service called Virtual Legal Nurse and Medical Expert Referral Service for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Hospital Risk Managers, Government, and Claims Management. MLR MLR's Paralegal Staff and Legal Nurse work together as a team to assist our legal clients with comprehensive medical-legal litigation issues and are committed to serve clients by offering our extensive experience and
expertise to provide specialized high quality medical-legal litigation support services. By utilizing Medical-Legal Remedies Inc Paralegal/Legal Nurse Team allows the litigator to control costs and increase revenues while securing the competitive advantage with superior work products. So whether your firm or company needs a Paralegal, a Legal Nurse, or both - MLR will assist your firm or company with any medical-legal litigation case project." ******************************************************
Donna M. Post, RN, BSN, MBA / HCM, CLNC, LNCP-C , Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Legal Nurse Consultants:"Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting has over 24 years of experience clinically and administratively, in cardiac, adult and pediatric critical care, and dialysis. Our experience extends to both the inpatient and outpatient settings. MVLNC provides effective identification of practice standards, regulatory standards, adherence and/or deviations to these standards. Our background provides our clients the added benefit of understanding healthcare infrastructure, budgets, and healthcare labor issues. This extensive experience allows for identification of medical and nursing issues in any case that involves health, illness and injury. The clients we serve are attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities and others. At Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with cost-effective, efficient, review and analysis – providing you with winning services while critically defending your bottom-line. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Please select from the following:
Lisa Desimon R.N, D.C, CLNC, Illinois Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Certified Legal Nurse Consultant business, serving as a consulting expert and testifying expert on a variety of medical/legal issues/cases." ******************************************************
Susan Dule, RN, BSN, Innovative Nursing Consultants ****************************************************** Mary Gerdt, RN, CCM, Vermont, Case Management, Utilization Review ****************************************************** Helen Heiskell, MSN, RN, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse Entrepreneur ******************************************************
Diane L. Kensler, RN, COHN, CLNC, New Jersey Legal Nurse Consultants:"Legal Nurse Consulting business serving
attorneys, managed care companies, and insurance companies." ******************************************************
LeaRae Keyes, RN, BSN, PHN, CDMS, CCM, Nurse Entrepreneur Network,
Minnesota Nursing Entrepreneurs:The network provides online and telephonic training, networking, and coaching. Our focus is to provide marketing and business solutions for nurse entrepreneurs so they can succeed and prosper. We also strive to foster an environment of sharing and support amoung our members." ******************************************************
Kristi, RN, Ohio: ******************************************************
Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP, ExceptionalNurse.com:"A resource network for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. We provide links to disability related organizations, mentors, employment opportunities, financial aid, continuing education, books, equipment, legal issues, research, related articles as well as support and career counseling. ******************************************************
Marilyn J.L.McDonald RN BA CLNC, Oregon ******************************************************
Canada: Ontario, Nepean, Roberta ******************************************************
Terrell, RN, HRM: Florida
See also: American Association of Managed Care Nurses:"A non profit membership association of, but not limited to, RNs, NPs, LPNs, and Case Managers who are involved in ALL facets of managed care (Health Plans, Office Systems, Hospital Systems, Government & Military Systems, etc) and are committed to working together to improve patient outcomes and to positively impact public policy regarding the delivery of care. For more detail on the association click here (pdf powerpoint presentation). AAMCN is your top resource for networking and education for managed care nurses."American Association of Managed Care Nurses 4435 Waterfront Drive, Suite 101, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Phone: (804)-747-9698 Fax: (804)-747-5316 keads@aamcn.org http://www.aamcn.org/ ******************************************************
Case Management Resource Guide:
Welcome to a free, searchable database of over 110,000 specialty healthcare
services, facilities, businesses and organizations.
The Center for Case Management, Inc.:"The Center for Case Management, Inc. (CCM) is an international health care company established in 1986 to provide consultation to organizations around patient care management issues. Originally founded at New England Medical Center Hospital, CCM became a separate corporate entity in 1989 and continues to provide consultation to health care organizations throughout the United States and worldwide. CCM clients currently include health systems; small and large direct care provider agencies and physician groups, health plans, information system and pharmaceutical companies, and professional associations." ******************************************************
Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC):"The Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) is led by elected commissioners who oversee the process of case manager certification. CCMC is nationally accredited and positioned as the most active and prestigious certification organization supporting the case management industry." ******************************************************
Discovernursing.com: Nursing: Inside the Hospital - Case Management Nursing:"Nurses in this field coordinate care for patients receiving long-term therapy, providing for optimal timing in all aspects of treatment. For cancer patients, for example, they coordinate primary care visits, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. A Nurse Case Manager usually specializes in one specific area such as AIDS, geriatrics, or children." ******************************************************
Nurseweek.com, Does case management help or hinder?:"Who’s on your case — or more precisely, your patient’s case? If the condition is chronic, chances are it’s a case manager. But exactly what that case manager does varies by position and point of view. Some see case managers as guiding patients through the healthcare maze, opening doors to treatment and services. Others see case managers as closing those doors and denying care to ensure a favorable bottom line." ******************************************************
Nurseweek.com, Making the Transition to Workers' Comp Case Management:"On Allison's first day as a case manager for a workers' compensation insurer, her new employer had been impressed with her nursing experience as a case manager for an HMO and felt her skills would be an asset to the company. Allison shouldn't worry about getting started, they explained; a case manager, experienced in workers' compensation and occupational health, would be responsible for Allison's orientation.
Allison's mentor handed her a folder that included notes, assessments, and summaries to use as reference. Allison realized she was in uncharted territory when she came across abbreviations and acronyms she had never seen before:" ******************************************************
Online Edition Of The Case Management Resource Guide: ******************************************************
Disease Management Continuing Education Courses: ****************************************************** ****************************************************** See Also:
National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants (NAHC):"The National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants (NAHAC) is a professional organization for people working in the field of healthcare advocacy. The mission of this Association is twofold:
To promote the field of healthcare advocacy.
To ensure consumer protection through development of professional standards and best practices in the field of healthcare advocacy" ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted): http://www.nursefriendly.com/social/:
Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
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Gifts For Nurses: ******************************************************
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023
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