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Carol Gino, RN, BS, MA, Starwater Press, aaha!Books, @hopefulhealer @cgino8 New York, Texas Nurse Authors, Nursing Publishers, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses:"Star Water Press, LTD. is a publishing company I formed in 1987 in
order to publish angel books and other "alternative" titles that would
have taken too long to get published (at the time) at a traditional or
commercial publishing house. The Nurse's Story by Carol Gino:"Do you still feel the passion to Help? Can you still see the miracles? or Are you exhausted by Burnout? Suffering Compassion Fatigue? National Bestseller! This book is a moving and important affirmation of courage. Of the power of Love and of tragedy redeemed by compassion. Here is a book that will shatter forever your casual assumptions about medicine, doctors, and especially about nurses." http://carolgino.com/aah-ha-books/books/the-nurses-story-by-carol-gino/ ******************************************************
Callueng, Ronel RN CCRN, Delaware, Nurse Entepreneur See also: Burns: Taking Care of Burns, FamilyDoctor.org:"What causes burns? You can get burned by heat and fire, radiation, sunlight, electricity or chemicals. There are 3 degrees of burns:"American Academy of Family Physicians P.O. Box 11210 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-1210 Telephone: 800-274-2237 or 913-906-6000 Fax: 913-906-6075 http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/healthy/firstaid/after-injury/638.html
To Hell and Back (New York), Time.com (Time Magazine):"It happens in an instant, but the scars and psychological damage can last a lifetime. An inquisitive child pulls at the handle of a pot on the stove and is scalded by a cascade of boiling water. A smoker falls asleep with a lighted cigarette and is badly burned when the bedding catches fire. An eruption of caustic chemicals engulfs a worker, eating away skin and flesh. A blast of superheated air burns a fire fighter's face and damages his lungs."
American Burn Association:
Your link to information and interactive communication on burn care and
related research, teaching, rehabilitation, and prevention issues. ******************************************************
Trauma Burn Center, University of Michigan Health System:"Nurses at the Trauma Burn Center care for a wide variety of patients from the pediatric and adult burn patient to multiple injured adult trauma patients. Many nurses have advanced training including Advance Burn Life Support, Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses, Critical Care Registered Nurse Certification, Advanced Cardiac Life Support & Pediatric Advanced Life Support."
Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM):"The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest multidisciplinary, multiprofessional organization dedicated to ensuring excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care medicine. With nearly 10,000 worldwide members, SCCM is the only organization that represents all professional components of the critical care team. The Society offers a variety of activities that promotes excellence in patient care, education, research, and advocacy."
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Created on May 5, 1998
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023
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