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Support needed to help nurses tackle substance abuse, Vanderbilt University:"An estimated 10 percent to 20 percent of nurses and nursing students in the United States may have substance abuse, misuse, dependency or addiction problems.
The key to tackling this difficult issue — and protecting public safety — is support and treatment rather than punishment, according to a recent paper in the Journal of Clinical Nursing by Todd Monroe, a post-doctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, and colleagues at the University of Tennessee.
"Doctors and nurses are only human and face the same problems as everyone else, which can include chemical dependency," said Monroe."
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37240 · (615) 322-7311
Addiction Nurses:
International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA):"The International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) is a professional specialty organization founded in 1975 for nurses committed to the prevention, intervention, treatment, and management of addictive disorders including alcohol and other drug dependencies, nicotine dependencies, eating disorders, dual and multiple diagnosis, and process addictions such as gambling."
International Nurses Society on Addictions
1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC, 27607
Tel (919)783-5871
FAX (919)787-4916
Category: International Nursing Alliances
Gerry A. Kinjorski, BS, RN, CLNC, Aidant Research Nurses, Inc., Florida Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Aidant Research Nurses, Inc., is a legal nurse consulting firm that serves the patient-client and the attorney. If you have questions concerning negligence or medical-malpractice, personal injury or assault, toxic tort, worker's comp or any medical injury you may need Aidant."
7 So. Aurora Ave.
Florida (FL) 33765-3517
Phone number: 727-448-0455
Fax number: 727-447-8012
Karen, RN, Louisiana
Pia Mellody, RN, CAC:"Pia Mellody is recognized nationally and international in the fields of addiction recovery and codependence. She is the author of several extraordinary books, including, Facing Codependence and Breaking Free released in 1989 by Harper Collins and her third book, Facing Love Addiction released in 1992. Her lectures and workshops focus on Codependence, Addictive Relationships and Spirituality."
PiaMellody.Com - The Meadows Institute
553 W. Wickenburg Way
Wickenburg, AZ 85390
Home Detox Inc., Norman Shewman, RN:"Home Detox Inc. is owned and operated by Norman and Debora Shewman. Norman Shewman is an RN, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Graceland College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. He is Board Certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. He is a member of the following organizations: Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, The National College Honor Scholarship Society Alpha Chi, The American Psychiatric Nursing Association (APNA), The Florida Nurses Association (FNA) and the National Society of Addictions."
Home Detox Inc.
530 US 41 Bypass South Unit 12B, Venice, FL 34285
(941) 412-3869 (DTOX) e-mail: homedetoxinc@aol.com
Abusive Behaviors_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Addiction Books Videos Resources_4, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Addiction Substance Abuse_32, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
+Alcholism Acoholics_19, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
+Anonymous Organizatiions_6, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
+Associations_56, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Behavioral Sciences_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Canadian Addiction Sites_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Chat Forum Discussion_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Club Drugs Raves Trances_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Cocaine Addiction_5, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Co-Dependents Anonymous_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Compulsive Gambling_14, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Continuing Education_10, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Counseling Crisis Intervention_8, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Criminal Justice_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Designer Drugs_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Diet Nutrition_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Disabled Substance Abuse_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Domestic Violence_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drug Abuse Portals_17, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drug Awareness Organizations_4, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drug Diversion Theft_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drug Legalization Reform_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drug Testing Tests_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Drunk Driving DWI DUI_7, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Ectasy XTC Club Drug_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Employee Assistance Programs_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Food Addictions_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Gambling Addictions_4, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Gay and Lesbian Support_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Government Agencies_23, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Health and Wellness_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Heroin Addiction_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Hospitals Medical Centers_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Industry Associations_3, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Inhalants Drug Inhalation_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
International_7, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Internet Addiction_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Interventions Interventionists_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Juvenile Deliquency_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Kidneys Renal Dialysis_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Law Enforcement Police_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Legal Advocacy_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Marijuana_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Medical Associations_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Mental Health_5, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Methadone_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Narconon_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Narcotics Anonymous_4, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Neurology Neurological_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Nicotine Addiction_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Occupational Health_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Opium Production_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Personal Homepages_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Prevention_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Professional Resources_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Recovery Resources_30, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Recreational Drug Use_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Rehabilitation Facilities_80, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Sexual Sex Addiction_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Software_4, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
State Specific Drug Resources_26, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
+Stimulants_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Treatment Research_11, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Twelve Step Programs_6, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Violent Crimes Prevention_2, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Welfare Addiction_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Womens Health_1, Addictions, Drugs, Substance Abuse Resources
Alcohol, Drunk Driving, Alcoholism:
Young Adults Educating Responsible Drinking (YAERD):YAERD is an organization that was setup to help young adults educate EVERYONE about the dangers of drinking and driving. Alcohol related crashes take over 17,000 lives a year and many of those are teenagers. You will find that this site contains all the latest facts and information about drinking and driving, underage drinking, alcoholism, and many other alcohol related topics.
This organization is run completely on donations and we appreciate all the contributions and support."
Young Adults Educating Responsible Drinking (YAERD) Headquarters:
5626 Sixth Street Pittsburgh PA 15236
Tel.: 412-980.9385
Fax.: 412.291.3141
e-mail: PLaboon@saveabuddy.com
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:"Between 7 and 12 Million American youth suffer from mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders at any given time. The AACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by these disorders.
The AACAP, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was established in 1953. It is a membership based organization, composed of over 6,500 child and adolescent psychiatrists and other interested physicians. Its members actively research, evaluate, diagnose, and treat psychiatric disorders and pride themselves on giving direction to and responding quickly to new developments in addressing the health care needs of children and their families."
The American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
3615 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016-3007
voice: 202-966-7300 fax: 202-966-2891
Alcohol And Health, David J. Hanson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Sociology:"Moderate drinkers tend to have better health and live longer than those who are either abstainers or heavy drinkers. In addition to having fewer heart attacks and strokes, moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine or distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer hypertension or high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, Alzheimer's disease and the common cold. Sensible drinking also appears to be beneficial in reducing or preventing diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures and osteoporosis, kidney stones, digestive ailments, stress and depression, poor cognition and memory, Parkinson's disease, hepatitis A, pancreatic cancer, macular degeneration (a major cause of blindness), angina pectoris, duodenal ulcer, erectile sysfunction, hearing loss, gallstones, liver disease and poor physical condition in elderly."
David J. Hanson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Sociology
State University of New York at Potsdam.
Substance Abuse
In Nurses Varies By Specialty:
See also:
Drug Abuse Bigger ER Problem Than Realized:"TORONTO - More patients have chronic substance abuse problems than suspected by emergency room (ER) staff."
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA):"The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) is Canada's national addictions agency. Our mission is to provide objective, evidence-based information and advice to help reduce the health, social and economic harm associated with substance abuse and addictions.
Established by an Act of Parliament in 1988, CCSA is an arm's-length, not-for-profit organization supported by the Federal Government through Canada's Drug Strategy.
Headquartered in Ottawa, CCSA employs 26 full-time staff and a number of part-time associates dedicated to disseminating information, providing policy guidance, and sharing treatment knowledge and best practices related to substance abuse issues. CCSA works collaboratively with governments, researchers, enforcement agencies, treatment professionals and the private sector to achieve a balanced and holistic approach to addictions that will lead to a healthier and safer Canadian public."
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
75 Albert Street Suite 300 Ottawa, ON Canada K1P 5E7
T: (613) 235-4048 F: (613) 235-8101
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA):"A unique think/action tank that engages all disciplines to study every form of substance abuse as it affects our society."
Friends of Narconon: The people who know how to talk to kids about drugs. These drug education presentations WORK.
Help Me Get My Nursing
License Back From 12-Step Nuts:
Institute on Drug Abuse Infofax: Science Based Facts on Drug Abuse
and Addiction. Free, accurate information on drug abuse and addiction in
English, Spanish or TTY. Call toll-free 24 hours a day. By calling 1-888-644-6432
(1-888-NIH-NIDA), you can receive fact sheets by fax or mail, or listen
to recorded messages.
mentalhealthlawyers.com:"The site includes many free articles and training materials written by me on general subjects such as the principles of mental health legislation, the principles of risk management, personality disorder and the law, mental health policy and ethics, and independent health service inquiries. These were originally published in journals such as the Princeton University Law Review and the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry.
The free downloads are intended to be of help to academics, practitioners, students and trainers. My qualifications are that I am both a professor of mental health law and a practising lawyer. I am ranked 1 in the mental health section of our main legal directory of the legal profession and also have an entry in the American Who's Who. I was nominated for a Nobel Prize following the publication of my legal textbook on English mental health law."
Professor Anselm Eldergill
Solicitors Chambers
169 Malden Road
London NW5 4HT
United Kingdom
Send an e-mail
Tel: 020 7284 1006 x28
Mob: 0797 119 8742
Fax: 020 7916 2553
email: medicolegal@email.com
National Council on Alcoholism and
Drug Dependence: This site includes materials for teens and parents,
as well as statistics on FAS, alcohol and work, use and abuse of drugs,
and other assorted topics.
Secular Organizations for Sobriety:"SOS is an alternative recovery method for those alcoholics or drug addicts who are uncomfortable with the spiritual content of widely available 12-Step programs. SOS takes a reasonable, secular approach to recovery and maintains that sobriety is a separate issue from religion or spirituality. SOS credits the individual for achieving and maintaining his or her own sobriety, without reliance on any "Higher Power."
Society for the Study of Addiction's:"The SSA was founded in 1884. It is a learned society whose key objective is to support the communication of scientific knowledge about dependence on alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. It aims to encourage the systematic study of dependence and to promote policy analysis."
Web of Addictions:
Clinical Nursing (Malpractice) Cases:
Premature (Preemie) Child of Cocaine Addicted Mother Survives Abortion.
The premature birth of a child under normal circumstances requires highly skilled nursing and medical care if the child is to survive. The birth of a premature child to a known"
Rehabilitation Facilities:
St Jude Retreat House:"St Jude Retreat House offers an alternative to conventional drug rehab and substance abuse treatment programs providing a permanent solution for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. Offering a solution for people suffering from drug abuse, substance abuse, chemical dependency, drug addiction and alcoholism."
St Jude Retreat House:
e-mail guesthouse@soberforever.org
Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment Programs - PROMISES MALIBU...
Addiction and alcoholism treatment at Promises Malibu helps the drug addict or alcoholic come to terms with their addiction and return to a productive life drug and alcohol free....
16 Pages Found,
6 Links Found,
24680 Score,
Addiction Resource Guide...
Addiction Resource Guide is a new internet company whose mission is to help professionals and consumers find resources for dealing with addictive problems. We are excited about the possibilities as we...
17 Pages Found,
0 Links Found,
24510 Score,
Addictions & Life Page 1 2000...
This web site is dedicated to all those that have been trapped in one of life's addictions. There is a SOLUTION. Life truly can be HAPPY, JOYOUS and FREE. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give...
12 Pages Found,
16 Links Found,
2460 Score,
Alcoholism and Addiction Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Resource Gu...
Information and resources relating to alcohol and other drug misuse,dependency, prevention and treatment plus information on the company's services; online book and video sales and many links...
98 Pages Found,
80 Links Found,
3438 Score,
Canada, Niagara Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service Entry Page...
The entry page to Niagara Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service. Find information on addictions and treatment, solutions and answers. Counselling and Support....
11 Pages Found,
1 Links Found,
3955 Score,
Canada, Ontario, Narcotics Anonymous Ottawa Area...
Narcotics Anonymous provides support and services and carries the message to the addict who still suffers....
15 Pages Found,
17 Links Found,
12396 Score,
Canada, Ontario, Newgate 180: Home...
A substance abuse treatment, training and education centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, tailored to the needs of males in the workforce. Residential treatment, on-site interventions and workforce train...
18 Pages Found,
1 Links Found,
3225 Score,
Center On Addiction and Substance Abuse...
A unique think action tank that engages all disciplines to study every form of substance abuse as it affects our society....
26 Pages Found,
2 Links Found,
6295 Score,
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health...
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is a public hospital providing direct patient care for people with mental health and addiction problems. The Centre is also a research facility, an education...
79 Pages Found,
9 Links Found,
994 Score,
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH: Website Search Service...
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health was formed in early 1998 through the amalgamation of the Addiction Research Foundation, the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, the Donwood Institute, and Queen ...
2 Pages Found,
3 Links Found,
2968 Score,
Challenges Alcohol , Drug Addiction and Relapse Treatment and Prevention Ce...
Challenges is a licensed and JCAHO accredited drug and alcohol addiction rehab treatment center with its main facility located in Ft Lauderdale , Florida helping people recover from alcoholism , drug ...
17 Pages Found,
21 Links Found,
6738 Score,
CSAT Treatment Improvement Exchange TIE: A substance abuse treatment resour...
TIE is a substance abuse - drugs and alcohol information resource that includes current trends and protocols in substance abuse treatment chemical dependency treatment alcohol and drug treatment...
39 Pages Found,
105 Links Found,
5688 Score,
ecstasy, MDMA, XTC and ecstasy addiction by Narconon and ecstasy addiction...
QuickInfo for more information enter your e-mail address here: welcome to ecstasyaddiction.com... get all the latest information on ecstasy: ~ history of ecstasy~ ecstasy timeline~ ecstasy informa...
30 Pages Found,
9 Links Found,
8831 Score,
ecstasy.org - home page...
Mission Statement ecstasy.org aims to gather and make accessible objective, authoritative and up to date information about the drug ecstasy (principally MDMA). The site is non-profit making and is ma...
16 Pages Found,
25 Links Found,
351 Score,
HabitSmart Home Page...
INFORMATION DRIVES CHANGE This Web site has been constructed to provide an abundance of information about addictive behavior: theories of habit endurance and habit change as well as tips for effectiv...
32 Pages Found,
20 Links Found,
550 Score,
Halton: Community Action for a Drug Free Youth...
Community Action for a Drug Free Youth A Tool Kit for Halton Communities To enter our site, click here. We have experienced some technical difficulties with the email on this website over the pas...
20 Pages Found,
43 Links Found,
1689 Score,
Hazelden is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people recover from alcoholism and other drug addiction. We provide residential and outpatient treatment for adults and young people, programs...
67 Pages Found,
5 Links Found,
10605 Score,
Hazelden-Pittman Museum of Addiction and Recovery...
The Hazelden-Pittman Museum of Addiction & Recovery welcomes you."Preserving the Past, Carrying on a Tradition"This museum is a major repository of historical materials on Alcoholics Anonymous and the...
14 Pages Found,
2 Links Found,
819 Score,
Help4All.net - A community resource to aid in the fight against addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, and tobacco (nicotine). We offer organized information on these diseases, as well as perso...
15 Pages Found,
36 Links Found,
5940 Score,
Heroin, morphine, and opium...
Heroin, morphine, and opium: shortcuts to paradise...
32 Pages Found,
31 Links Found,
1984 Score,
Indiana Prevention Resource Center - IPRC INFOsite...
One of the Internet's largest Drug Prevention websites with more than 9,000 full-text documents, 7,500+ links, and 15,000+ entries in searchable databases....
33 Pages Found,
121 Links Found,
2046 Score,
Institute of Behavioral Research at TCU...
The Institute of Behavioral Research conducts evaluations of drug abuse intervention programs in community and correctional settings....
81 Pages Found,
7 Links Found,
2421 Score,
marijuana, marijuana addiction, marijuana addiction treatment by Narconon...
QuickInfo for more information enter your e-mail address here: welcome to marijuanaaddiction.com... get all the latest information on marijuana: ~ history of marijuana~ marijuana timeline~ pot inf...
32 Pages Found,
9 Links Found,
10159 Score,
methamphetamine, methamphetamine addiction, methamphetamine addiction trea...
QuickInfo for more information enter your e-mail address here: welcome to methamphetamineaddiction.com... get all the latest information on methamphetamine: ~ history of meth~ meth timeline~ meth ...
32 Pages Found,
9 Links Found,
10826 Score,
methamphetamine, methamphetamine addiction, methamphetamine addiction trea...
QuickInfo for more information enter your e-mail address here: welcome to methamphetamineaddiction.com... get all the latest information on methamphetamine: ~ history of meth~ meth timeline~ meth ...
32 Pages Found,
9 Links Found,
10916 Score,
National Addictions Awareness Week...
National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW) November 18 - 24, 2001 Join Us! Watch for new updates coming soon to this site!! Background Information on the NAAW Campaign NAAW 2000 Newsletter Building ...
23 Pages Found,
3 Links Found,
716 Score,
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - NCADD - fights the sti...
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) provides education, information, help and hope to the public. It advocates prevention, intervention and treatment through offices i...
147 Pages Found,
93 Links Found,
15912 Score,
National Institute on Drug Abuse...
NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. This charge has two critical components: The first is the strategic support and conduct of re...
45 Pages Found,
87 Links Found,
1331 Score,
North Carolina, Substance Abuse Prevention Services...
ESTABLISHED 1971 North Carolina Model Prevention Site Our mission... intervene with the community, create alliances, prevent addictions and promote health. "I'm Special" has been revised and expanded...
17 Pages Found,
29 Links Found,
7408 Score,
On Dangerous Ice...
ice: pure smokable methamphetamine...
8 Pages Found,
7 Links Found,
6879 Score,
Opioids : past, present and future...
FUTURE OPIOIDS "If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection...
44 Pages Found,
28 Links Found,
5328 Score,
PREVLINE: Prevention Online, National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and DrugInf...
SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information a service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Search PREVLINE: NSAWI PREVLINE Workplace What's New Alcoh...
39 Pages Found,
5 Links Found,
2259 Score,
What is Addiction? Recovery First:"Addiction is a disease recognized by the American Medical Association. It is not a moral deficiency, and addicts are not bad people. Prescription drug addiction is one form of this disease. For someone who becomes addicted to a prescription drug, the process may start with an injury that requires the use of pain medication, or a surgery that takes time to heal. Benzodiazepines are frequently prescribed for intermittent insomnia or anxiety. Stimulants are given to people with weight problems and for treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. All of these are typical reasons to begin taking a potentially addictive drug, and for most people, the drug use ends when the problem ends. People can take these medications for years and not develop a problem."
Recovery First
2701 West Oakland Park Blvd Suite 240
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33311
800-734-5192 Fax: 954-735-6033
Substance Abuse Network of Ontario...
Substance Abuse Network of Ontario, dedicated to providing information related to addiction, substance abuse, substance abuse prevention, health promotion, alcohol and drug policy to the people of Ont...
33 Pages Found,
58 Links Found,
4358 Score,
The Waismann Institute - Opiate rapid detox, heroin rapid detox, oxycontin ...
Rapid detox for heroin, vicodin, oxycontin and other opiate drug addictions at the renowned Waismann Institute has reversed opiate addictions and dependency for thousands of patients....
14 Pages Found,
14 Links Found,
23868 Score,
Virtual Addiction and The Center For Internet Studies...
Welcome to Virtual-Addiction: Information and resources on Internet and computer addiction....
10 Pages Found,
45 Links Found,
3809 Score,
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