Last First Name: Kapsar, Jr. Paul J
License degrees: RN BSN CCRN MSN in August
E-mail Address:
City: Grove City
State: Pennsylvania
What kind of nursing do you do: Clinical Informatics
Family Nurse Practitioner Student until 897
How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 20
Would you recommend the field: Yes I have enjoyed it and it has been rewarding
Employment changes in career: 3
Reason for the change: Relocation Advancement
Nursing School you attend if applicable: Slippery Rock University for BSN Clarion
and Slippery Rock University joint MSNFNP program
Where do you work: Hospital
Do you carry a personal malpractice insurance policy why or why not: yes
School requires
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Overall
Lack of cohesiveness of nursing in general. Makes me crazy that the nursing
profession is held hostage by the physician ranks
What attracted you to the field of Nursing: Serendipity I was a hospital
orderly and decided I would try nursing until I found what I wanted to
do with the rest of my Life
Personal or favorite Quote: With each kiss you give away part of your soul
Hobbies and activities you enjoy outside of work: Aviation
Send comments and mail to Andrew Lopez, RN
Last updated by Andrew
Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |