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Stephen Ahrens BSN, RN, DC, Paramedical Services:"Paramedical Services is engaged in performing life insurance medical examinations, Long Term Care assessments and D.O.T. physicals for Commercial Drivers." ******************************************************
Carol Gino, RN, BS, MA, Starwater Press, aaha!Books, @hopefulhealer @cgino8 New York, Texas Nurse Authors, Nursing Publishers, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses:"Star Water Press, LTD. is a publishing company I formed in 1987 in
order to publish angel books and other "alternative" titles that would
have taken too long to get published (at the time) at a traditional or
commercial publishing house. The Nurse's Story by Carol Gino:"Do you still feel the passion to Help? Can you still see the miracles? or Are you exhausted by Burnout? Suffering Compassion Fatigue? National Bestseller! This book is a moving and important affirmation of courage. Of the power of Love and of tragedy redeemed by compassion. Here is a book that will shatter forever your casual assumptions about medicine, doctors, and especially about nurses." ******************************************************
Gwenn Dalton, RN, Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC:"Pro Hospice Solutions, LLC understands that care is more than tending to the physical end of life; it is a way of caring for the patient, their family, and support group. Through our community outreach programs, continuing nursing education and continuing education workshops, we empower those care givers and end of life professionals with the ability to advance quality of life and to accept the gift of providing a compassionate end of life for their patient or loved one."
Continuing Education, ****************************************************** ******************************************************
See also, the Texas Nursing E-mail Directory. Please select from the following:******************************************************
Capra Dalton RN, CEO, Pedagogy Incorporated, Texas Nursing Entrepreneurs, Continuing Education (CEU) Providers:"Pedagogy Incorporated is a provider of nursing continuing education. We specialize in I.V. Therapy Education and Wound Care Education. We offer accredited courses to individual nurses, Long Term Care Facilities, Home Health Agencies, and Hospitals. Pedagogy can assist facilities and agencies with determining an Infusion Education plan that suits their unique market. Competency demonstration (skills) Checklists have been developed for all I.V. and Wound related skills and are available for those that choose Pedagogy Education. We are currently adding authors and expanding our course offerings to respiratory therapy, PT/OT's R.Ph. etc." Categories: Continuing Education, Educational Nurse Entrepreneurs, Infusion Therapy, Nurse-Owned Businesses, Nursing Continuing Education, Nursing Education, Transfusion Therapy, Wound Care ******************************************************
Cindy Edwards RN, C.C.R.N, First Aid By Cindy: ******************************************************
Lisa Edwards, RN, CLNC, Full Disclosure Medical Legal Consulting, Texas Legal Nurse Consultants:"Medical legal nurse consultant serving
attorney-clients (plaintiff or defendant) in medical case review, education
in all aspects of the medical case, identification of the deviations or
adherences to the medical and nursing standards of care, assist in
preparation of production or interrogatories, assist in preparation of
demonstrative evidence." ******************************************************
Deborah Hafernick, RN, CLNC, Hafernick Legal-Nurse Consulting, Texas Legal Nursing Consultants:"Medical-legal consulting practice in
Houston, Texas, specialing in evaluating cases for merit and interpretation of the medical record for both plaintiff and defense attorneys to help them save money by organizing their cases faster and win because they understand them. Also research and provide medical literature/standards of care for issues that support their case.
Testifying expert identification and location, demonstrative evidence development, etc." ******************************************************
Linda & Tim Hutchinson, San Antonio, Texas:"My name is Linda, and I've been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years, extensive work exerience in Cardiac, ICU, Psychiatric, Home Health, and LNC/Medical Fraud/Legal reviews). Tim, my husband, enjoyed a successful Military career. For ten years we've owned a national medical cost containment corporation, working 16+ hours days, with NO TIME to enjoy the fruits of our labor!!" ******************************************************
Kim Markuly, RN, Living Well Solutions:"Consulting and marketing business focused on true prevention with Wellness programs, products and services.
Customizing and integrating proven Wellness programs for a wide range
of healthcare providers, clinics and businesses interested in promoting
health and preventing disease." ******************************************************
Suzanne Schiltz, RN, BSN, Texas Nurse Entrepreneurs:
Slovensky Trisha RN CCRN LNC, Medical Bill Auditing, Medical Legal Consulting ******************************************************
Tricia West, RN, BSN, MBA/HCM, LNC, P.J. West & Associates, California Legal Nurse Consultants:"PJWA has been doing medical legal consulting since 1980 in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, worker's compensation, product liability, Medicare Fraud, Insurance billing Fraud and Risk Management for both the defense and plaintiff. Our goal is to provide you with ethical, timely and exceptional support services. We can make your job easier by assisting with the evaluation of cases for merit, conduct extensive medical legal research, review medical records and provide expert testimony in all specialty areas of nursing." ******************************************************
Linda J. Weyandt CRNA, Nursing Entrepreneur, Texas:"Providing medical legal research in multiple specialties." ******************************************************
American Receivable Corp - Brad Gurney:"American Receivable Corp - Brad Gurney - Since 1979, American Receivable has provided healthcare staffing services with the financial resources they need to grow and compete in the marketplace. No up-front fees, no hidden costs, and no long-term contracts. ******************************************************
Ames High, V:"AMES HIGH offers high quality programs to audiences who are seeking to make life altering and professional changes. Programs are designed for professional and general audiences. Professional programs are approved for selected continuing education credit for nurses, social workers and LPCs.
Topics are varied and are presented by well known and well qualified speakers, trainers and educators across the country. In addition to those already available, Ames High's programs can be presented exclusively for you and they are developed or customized to meet your particular needs." ******************************************************
Rita A. Campbell R.N., M.S.N., C.N.A.A., C.H.C.Q.M.-M.C.:"Rita Campbell is a quality oriented health care professional with over 28 years experience in multi-level health care management. Her strengths include clinical/financial efficiencies, optimization of clinical outcomes, utilization review and quality management. Ms. Campbell has been involved in building and restructuring projects since 1986" ******************************************************
Hafernick Legal-Nurse Consulting:"If you get frustrated just looking at a large stack of medical records, let Hafernick Legal-Nurse Consulting show you how using a legal-nurse consultant can help relieve your frustration by increasing your efficiency when preparing your next medically-related case.
Such cases include:
medical malpractice
personal injury
toxic tort
product liability
workman's compensation." ******************************************************
Legal Nurse Consultants of East Texas:"Linda Morehouse is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC®) and Registered Nurse in the Greater Lufkin-Nacogdoches Texas Area. Registered nurse in the State of Texas since 1982. Areas of experience in nursing include:
intensive care nursing,
cardiac catheterization lab,
house supervisor,
admissions nurse,
concurrent review nurse for large HMO/PPO,
labor and delivery,
psychiatric nursing,
emergency room,
skilled nursing,
certified Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor,
certified legal nurse consultant." ******************************************************
Terry Kennedy Arnold, RN, CRRN, CDMS, CCM, CLCP, Life Care Consultants, Inc.: An established medical-legal consulting company specializing in multiple services for the Legal and Insurance fields. ******************************************************
Lone Star Nurse Consultants:"Kathleen Jackson, principal of Lone Star Nurse Consultants, is a registered nurse with more than 30 years clinical experience. Her clinical experience is in multiple arenas including Cardio-Vascular ICU, Med-Surg ICU, Cardiac ICU, Burn Center/ICU, Cardiac, Medical, Oncology, Orthopedics, Urology, Nephrology, Neurology, OB-Gyn, Pediatrics, Neo-Natal, Psychiatric, Rehabilitation, Extended Care, Occupational Nursing, and Case Management." ******************************************************
Charles Masters RN CDE, Instruction By Masters:"Instruction By Masters, Learning, Art backed by Science. CPR, BLS, ACLS, PALS; ECG training."
Charles Masters RN CDE ******************************************************
Medco Associates, Inc.:"Medco Associates, Inc. maintains a vast network of physicians, dentists, nurses and other health-related experts actively working in their respective fields of expertise. We support our clients with highly professional experts representing every major medical specialty and in very specific areas of the healthcare arena.
But specialization alone isn't enough. Well-educated, credentialed professionals are essential to your case. All of our physicians are board certified in their specialties. Our nurses, who all possess either Master's degrees or Ph.D.s, are experienced leaders in the nursing profession with excellent analytical and writing skills." ******************************************************
Med-Expertise, LLC:"Med-Expertise has provided medical litigation support to the legal community since 1992. Founded by, Wilma J. Couch, a degreed registered nurse, the company today is recognized as a leader in providing customers with individualized medical knowledge and data necessary to obtain a successful verdict for all types of litigation. Our overall breadth of services offers our customers a complete turnkey program." ******************************************************
Nativiti Birthing Center:"Melanie Dossey, founder and director, is licensed in the State of Texas as a Certified Nurse-Midwife. Her entire professional career has been committed to the concept of midwifery - entrusting the care of childbearing women to other women who understand the experience of childbearing and its many facets - physical, medical, emotional, spiritual. "The Birth Center exists for healthy women who are having a baby. The guiding principle at Nativiti Women's Health and Birth Center is that pregnancy is not a sickness! Birth is a wonderful and normal life event - to be experienced however and with whomever the mother wishes, within the dictates of safety for all concerned." ******************************************************
Nursing Education Consultants, Inc.:"Your Success in Nursing School and NCLEX is Our Goal
Here is how we can help you...
· Make studying for exams easier during school
· Write your care plans in a shorter time
· Make success on NCLEX your primary goal!" ******************************************************
Nursing Now Notes:"Deborah Stewart is a practicing Critical Care RN who invented the NowNotes concept. Being a high energy, self starter has allowed her to achieve many professional goals and excel in her current endeavor as a nurse. She has experience in hospitals and physicians' offices as well as medical consulting and communications. Deborah received her degree from Deicke Center for Nursing.
A veteran of fast paced, emergency situations, Deborah saw the need to help medical professionals both on the job and in training. Knowing that decisions must be made quickly, she determined that a portable, informative and easy-to-read reference booklet would be ideal. Deborah used her cumulative occupational experience to make NowNotes a reality." ******************************************************
Professional Healthcare Education Service Inc.:"We are state of Texas and Louisana approved Nurse Remediation and Nurse Refresher providers.
Professional Healthcare Education Service, Inc. (PHES) focuses on educational needs for healthcare professionals and the specific healthcare related needs of businesses and organizations. Nurses needing a refresher or remediation course, doctor's offices requesting CPR or OSHA training, daycare centers with special training needs for their staff, or a nursing home/hospital requesting competency skill training, Professional Healthcare Education Service, Inc. provides a full spectrum of educational services." ******************************************************
RN Network Review Corporation:"Led by its founder Judia Sarich RN BSN CLNC, RN Network Review Corporation is committed to delivering quality litigation support services to plaintiff and defense attorneys.
Ms. Sarich has over thirteen years of nursing experience including intensive care, hospital administration and management.
Backed by an extensive network of qualified nurses and expert witnesses, we are well positioned to provide superior service to both the medical and legal communities." ******************************************************
Scripture Scrubs:"Scripture Scrubs medical uniform tops offer a blend of Scripture
and design with a Biblical theme allowing nurses, doctors, dentists and
other healthcare professionals to wear and share their faith
and address the spiritual needs of their patients. Barbara Payne is a Registered Nurse and the conceptual developer of
SCRIPTURE SCRUBS. An honors Graduate, Barbara earned an Associate
Degree in Science and Nursing in 1993 from Eastern Oklahoma State
University. She has practiced in 14 states, primarily in home health and
hospice and understands the opportunities to encourage patients through
prayer and faith." ******************************************************
Sharon Ort LNC Services:"First and foremost, as a nurse, I am dedicated to the proper care of the elderly and infirm. When in my charge, my goal is to give the highest quality care, well above accepted standards of care with proper balance of resultant outcomes to expenditures.
As a legal nurse consultant, it is to give honest, informed, diligent effort to my clients in a highly effective & professional manner. "I am fortunate to have been introduced to nursing in a strong three-year program of intense training and affiliations at a major medical center. After thirty years experience while earning an RN, BSN & MSN with honors, I understand the difficulties of the job of caring for the elderly and the increasing pressures of the task. I applaud the nurses who serve well and the healthcare corporations who support them properly."
Sharon Ort LNC Services ****************************************************** ****************************************************** is a networking and resource directory for Nurse-Owned businesses and nurses looking for an alternative to working at the bedside. If you explore the site a bit, you'll find profiles of hundreds of nurse entrepreneurs around the country. We encourage you to browse around, find a business category you are interested in, then contact the nurse directly. We're available for questions as well. This website is Owned-Operated by Andrew Lopez, RN a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry nurse. Has your Nurse-owned business been written up in the news? Do you send out a newsletter or regular press releases? We'd like to hear about it!
Our Newest article is from an Arizona Nurse Entrepreneur:
Should You Incorporate Your Registry Business? By Joseph Caracci, RN:"The short answer is yes! When starting a new nurse registry business, you are entering into a legal business environment that requires you to take steps to protect your personal assets, such as your home, your savings, and your retirement. With this in mind, you need to determine which legal form you are going to take for your new registry. Some of the common choices are a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability partnership (LLP), a limited liability company (LLC), and a corporation." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** The #1 question, we've been receiving lately is about Starting A Nursing Agency, resource sites & manuals
Please choose from the following:
Interesting Reading For Nurse Entrepreneurs, Actual or Soon To Be: Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business:"This book is vey inspiring! Learn how 50 different nurses brought their vision to reality! Learn some great tips on starting your own business. Nurses don't have to just work at the bedside. Read this book and you will be thinking of how you can make your dream a reality!" Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them:"Rich Dad's-"Own your Own Corporation" is a must read for anyone comtemplating a new business-or someone who already owns their own business. Garrett's direct yet simplistic explanations of the different business entities,the proper and best suited entity for your business-is followed by real-life scenarios which helps drive home the importance of corporate ownership in today's business world. Use Garrett's legal expertise to establish a successful, legally responsible and fiscally protected business...And understand the why's and how's of that ownership." 21 Success Secrets, Success Secret #4- "Do What You Love to Do." Get your FREE CD and find out the other 20 secrets of self-made millionaires.:"Order your FREE CD ($4.95 S&H) from Brian Tracy's acclaimed 21 Success Secrets series. Start with 21 Success Secrets of $elf-Made Millionaires - full of techniques practiced by all men and women who go from rags to riches in one generation. Brian Tracy is a noted success expert. He's trained over 2 million people in 23 countries how to achieve their financial goals faster than ever before."
Please select from the following, see also Doing Business Resources:
Make Money From Any Type of Website! Webmasters will want to check out our Paid Link Affiliate Programs Directory
Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas:"Greetings, and welcome to the Board of Nurse Examiners Web Page! In addition to the Board's workshops, RN Update, and other Board publications, the Web Page is another way for the Board to keep consumers and licensees apprised of changes to the Nursing Practice Act and Board Regulations, Board position statements, regulatory issues and activities of the Board." 333 Guadalupe #3-460, Austin, Texas 78701 PO Box 430, Austin, Texas 78767 1-512-305-7400
Texas Nursing Association:"The Texas Nurses Association (TNA) is a statewide membership-based association of registered nurses (RNs). Founded in 1907, TNA is the oldest professional nursing association in Texas. Its members represent all segments of nursing — from bedside to administration. Consulting to advanced practice. Education to legislation. Members are from all practice settings — hospital, home and community health, public health, higher education, long term care, school health, and policy. And all practice areas. As divergent as they are, TNA members all share a common mission — advancing excellence in nursing. It's a pursuit that requires commitment, involvement and leadership — fortunately, inherent traits of a registered nurse."
Please select from the following: Andrea Posey RN, BSNGarza, Sylvia, RN, Victoria-Texas, Telemetry
Perez-Foss Milly RN BSN CCE, OBC-LDR, Walker, Shanda, LVN, Medical-Surgical NursesWilson, Bruce, PhD LVN RN CNS C Departments/Specialties Represented: Cardiovascular, Mens Health , Informatics, Public Health & Public School See also: Continuing Education Texas Board of Nurse Examiners: Safe Harbor - Peer
Review: This form has been produced by the Board of Nurse Examiners
in compliance with Article 4525d, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, Annotated,
effective September 1, 1997, which provides protection for nurses who have
been asked to engage in conduct which the nurse in good faith believes
would violate the nurse’s duty to a patient. Texas Nurses Association: Texas
Youth Commission Office Of Prevention: Prevention Yellow Pages. Texas Continuing
Education: Schools: Del Mar College Registered
Nursing Education: Texas Organization for Associate
Degree Nursing: Established to advance the status of the Associate
Degree Nurse in education as in practice. TOADN is affiliated with the
National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (NOADN). UTHSCSA Center for Distance
Learning & Telehealth: The Center for Distance Learning and Telehealth
coordinates activities in the areas for all schools on the UTHSCSA campus
including the School of the Allied Health, the Dental School, the School
of Biomedical Science, the Medical School and the Nursing School.
of Texas-Houston School of Nursing: Leading the Way in Addictions Education World
Lecture Hall: Contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide
who are using the Web to deliver class materials. See also: ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted):
Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
If you do any Browsing or Windowshopping online, please visit our online Mall:
Gifts For Nurses: ******************************************************
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617