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Rhonda K. Alfredson RN CLNC CRRN CCM COHN, Georgia Legal Nurse Consultants:"Discovery Partners provides a multitude of comprehensive nurse consulting services to attorneys, small and large businesses, and insurance companies. Services include Legal Nurse Consulting (med. mal, PI, WC, toxic torts, fraud, soc. security, PL, criminal, gen. negligence) , Disability and Workers' Compensation Case Management, Hearing Conservation Program Consultation and Administration, Ergonomics Consultations, Occupational Health Services Consultation, Medical/Health Related Educational offerings, as well as other consultative and support services."
Liz Buddenhagen - Principal, Buddenhagen & Associates:"Liz Buddenhagen, RN, CLNC, reviews OB/GYN cases. Buddenhagen has recent
experience working clinically on a gynecology and urology medical surgical hospital unit. Patient populations included women with ectopic pregnancies, threatened abortions, fetal demise, pregnant women with kidney stones and other medical
surgical issues, vaginal and abdominal hysterectomies, pregnant women with hyperemesis, pelvic inflammatory disease and many other OB/GYN issues that required working with the labor and delivery, neonatal ICU and maternity or family care units as well as the emergency room, operating room and post anesthesia recovery.
Carson Legal Nurse Consultant:"To analyze the given data, offer an educated opinion, and supply information related to a medical malpractice case or issue based on my expertise in health, law and to use my knowledge as an expert witness that reflects the highest amount of professionalism, integrity, and ethics providing privacy and confidentiality."
Kathy Christopherson, RN, President and CEO, Critical Consults, Inc.:"Kathy Christopherson, RN, President and CEO, has been a practicing Registered Nurse for over 26 years and a Legal Nurse Consultant for over 13 years. Her clinical experience includes critical care/intensive care, emergency department, cardiac rehabilitation and nursing education. She remains active in teaching nurses and patient care technicians in the hospital setting and participates in orientation of new staff, credentialing and is an Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (CPR) instructor.
As a Legal Nurse Consultant, Kathy has been both an independent consultant and an in-house consultant, working for both plaintiff and defense attorneys throughout the southeast. She has been an expert witness on nursing issues as well as a fact witness for the medical record. She provides services to assist the attorney See List of Consulting Services. Kathy also provides valuable medical library and online literature research."
Kathy Christopherson, RN, Bryan M. Pulliam, LLC:"Ms. Christopherson has over 23 years of nursing and hospital experience. She has worked in the areas of critical care, rehabilitation and nursing education. Ms. Christopherson has been doing legal consulting for lawyers–both plaintiff and defense–for more than 10 years. Ms. Christopherson has also served as an expert witness for both plaintiff and defense lawyers. Ms. Christopherson is also a member of The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants."
Kathy Christopherson, RN, Linked-In Profile
Beverly Cole, RN, NACC, CLNC:"A legal nurse consultant is a Registered Nurse who, by virtue of specialization and expertise, provides her/his clients with qualified opinions based on standards of care, interpretation of medical records, research, and experience in healthcare on medical-legal issues."
ET Consulting:"ET Consulting was established in 1999 with a focus on medical malpractice, personal injury and other health related litigation. Serving both plaintiff and defense, ET Consulting has assisted in case screening as well as in the role of testifying expert.
Eleanor Toney has over 20 years experience in the practice of nursing. She has worked in a variety of critical care units such as open heart surgical units and general medical units, as well as on the general medical surgical units. She has also functioned as a nurse educator in the role of staff development and as an assistant professor in institutions of higher education."
Tracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center, Georgia Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Opening doors to the Nursing Profession is our primary concern. We are a nursing tutorial facility designed to assist our community by training healthcare professions with the most updated nursing information and training equipment.
We focus on assisting individuals who want to advance in the healthcare profession, or begin with an entry level into healthcare.
Our goal is to bring education to you in a comfortable non-threatening environment that allows for learning. Whether you are new to healthcare or desire to advance in this profession, we can provide you with the training you need."
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
Renee A. Miller, RN, MSN, Nurse Consultant, Georgia
Dawn Williams LNC Consulting, Inc.
Katie Morales, RN, C, LNC, BSN, DisceRNment, LLC:"Why Choose DisceRNment, LLC? As we enter our fifth year serving Georgia's legal community, DisceRNment, LLC thanks you for helping us grow into your Southeast legal nurse consulting choice. DisceRNment, LLC saves attorneys time, money, and effort."
Georgia Legal Nurse Consultants,
Georgia Nurse Entrepreneurs,
Georgia Nurses
Oakes and Oakes Consulting:"Welcome to the home page of Oakes and Oakes Consulting Barry and Marilyn Oakes! We offer many rehabilitation, industrial safety consultation and training services. We hope you'll get to know us!"
Riggs Consulting:"Elizabeth W. Riggs is a Registered Nurse, a Certified Nurse-Midwife with over 25 years experience in nursing and health care delivery systems, and a Legal Nurse Consultant. She received her Ph.D. in Family and Community Nursing from Georgia State University. Her certification in Legal Nurse Consulting is through the Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc.
Dr. Riggs possesses a unique, strong background in health science fields including experience in clinical, academic, teaching, public (community) health, research, legal nurse consulting, and nursing informatics (computer) areas. She possesses strong analytical skills, creativity, research skills and resourcefulness, and can understand and address your needs in a timely and cost- effective manner."
Southern Medical Consultants:"Southern Medical Consultants are available at all times. We offer professional medical-legal consulting services to assist you in all of your medical related cases. We also offer a "rush" medical records screening with a verbal report at our rush fee.
If you are ready to make a decision to improve your medical related cases, and expand your practice by utilizing our services to save yourself time and money contact us now."
Greg Stocks CRNA REMT-P ARNP, Stocks & Associates Inc.:"Medical-Legal Consulting, Providing high quality, cost effective Legal Nurse Consulting Services based on 17 years clinical experience including Anesthesiology. Specializing in medical malpractice, product liability, toxic torts, workmans comp and much more. Expert in trauma and pre-hospital care. Academic background along with work in the private sector. Providing Nationwide Services."
Atlanta Chapter American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants:"The purpose of the Atlanta Chapter AALNC shall be to promote the professional advancement of registered nurses practicing in a consulting capacity in the legal profession and to provide a resource for information on matters relating to legal aspects of nursing and health care law." is a networking and resource directory for Nurse-Owned businesses and nurses looking for an alternative to working at the bedside.
If you explore the site a bit, you'll find profiles of hundreds of nurse entrepreneurs around the country. We encourage you to browse around, find a business category you are interested in, then contact the nurse directly. We're available for questions as well. This website is Owned-Operated by Andrew Lopez, RN a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry nurse.
Has your Nurse-owned business been written up in the news? Do you send out a newsletter or regular press releases? We'd like to hear about it!
Should You Incorporate Your Registry Business? By Joseph Caracci, RN:"The short answer is yes! When starting a new nurse registry business, you are entering into a legal business environment that requires you to take steps to protect your personal assets, such as your home, your savings, and your retirement. With this in mind, you need to determine which legal form you are going to take for your new registry. Some of the common choices are a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability partnership (LLP), a limited liability company (LLC), and a corporation."
The #1 question, we've been receiving lately is about Starting A Nursing Agency, resource sites & manuals
Please note, Listings in this directory are FREE permanently to Nurse-Owned businesses.
If you're just starting out a business and are not sure how to go about it, feel free to give us a call or send us an E-mail.
If you have a lot of questions, we'd suggest getting a cell phone with lots of national minutes (smile).
We can walk you through step by step from deciding
Call or E-mail Andrew Lopez, BS RN, President & CEO of Nursefriendly, Inc. at 856-415-9617 or
If you don't see a category or state your business belongs
in, we'll create it! We're very supportive of nurses looking to start or expand their nurse-owned businesses. If you have questions, please contact us. In our directories, we've organized resources to help you start, build and grow your business.
Interesting Reading For Nurse Entrepreneurs, Actual or Soon To Be:
Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business:"This book is vey inspiring! Learn how 50 different nurses brought their vision to reality! Learn some great tips on starting your own business. Nurses don't have to just work at the bedside. Read this book and you will be thinking of how you can make your dream a reality!"
Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them:"Rich Dad's-"Own your Own Corporation" is a must read for anyone comtemplating a new business-or someone who already owns their own business. Garrett's direct yet simplistic explanations of the different business entities,the proper and best suited entity for your business-is followed by real-life scenarios which helps drive home the importance of corporate ownership in today's business world. Use Garrett's legal expertise to establish a successful, legally responsible and fiscally protected business...And understand the why's and how's of that ownership."
21 Success Secrets, Success Secret #4- "Do What You Love to Do." Get your FREE CD and find out the other 20 secrets of self-made millionaires.:"Order your FREE CD ($4.95 S&H) from Brian Tracy's acclaimed 21 Success Secrets series. Start with 21 Success Secrets of $elf-Made Millionaires - full of techniques practiced by all men and women who go from rags to riches in one generation. Brian Tracy is a noted success expert. He's trained over 2 million people in 23 countries how to achieve their financial goals faster than ever before."
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P.O. Box 555
Conyers, Georgia 30012
Phone number: 770-602-4531
In the past Buddenhagen has worked in a neonatal intensive care (NICU) providing direct care to neonates and their families, attending high risk vaginal deliveries and C-sections to include care of the infant and coordination with the labor and delivery
and maternity/family care nurses and doctors."
Buddenhagen & Associates, Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultant
Phone: 770-725-2997 - Email:
Fax: 770-725-4037
112 Woodbrook Avenue, Bogart, Georgia 30622-1538
Wordpress Blog:
Category: Nurses, Social Networks, Social Media,
Marie Carson, RN
Master's Health Law
P O Box 384
Smyrna, GA 30081
678 548 3579
Greater Atlanta Area Cole, RN, NACC, CLNC
Legal Nurse Consultant
P.O. Box 507
Snellville, GA 30078
email address:
ET Consulting.
1633 Stone Meadow Road, Milledgeville, GA 31061
Tracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center
North Pointe Plaza
1214 North Peterson Ave. Suite P
Douglas, GA 31533
Phone: (912) 384-8680
Fax: (912) 384-4390
Adult Critical Care Nursing
BLS (Basic Life Support)
Career Alternatives For Nurses
Certification for Nurse Aid Students
Certification Program for Nurses
Continuing Education Provider
Critical Care Nurses
EKG Technician (New Class)
Georgia Nurse Entrepreneurs, Nurse Owned Businesses
Geriatrics Nurses
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Masters Prepared Nurses
Medical/Surgical Nursing
Motivational speaker
Motivational Workshops
NCLEX-Reviews for RN's & LPNs
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Nurses
Nurse Aid Training Provider
Nursing Education
Nursing Entrepreneur
Nursing Educators
Nursing Educators
Nursing Workshops for CE hours
Operating Room (OR)
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Nursing
Pediatrics Nurses
Professional Nurse
Public Speaker
Remediation NCLEX Review (One- on- One)
Dawn E. Williams, BSN, RN, LNCC
4116 Westchester Crossing, Roswell GA 30075
Office phone: 770-643-4975
Fax: 770-643-4902
E-Mail Address:
P.O. Box 2002
Ellijay, Ga. 30540
706 636 5276 (Phone)
706 889 2915 (cell)
Email Info@DisceRNment.Biz
P.O. Box 160238, Atlanta, GA 30316
Electronic mail:
718 Dogwood Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
678-985-4366 (Eastern time zone)
Southern Medical Consultants
7000 Old Groveland Road
Pembroke, GA 31321
Phone and Fax: (912) 839-4079,
Atlanta, Ga.
The URL Shortcut of This section is http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.comOur Newest article is from an Arizona Nurse Entrepreneur:
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Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617