Med-Legal Healthcare Consultants, Inc (MLHCC):"Med-Legal Healthcare Consultants, Inc (MLHCC) is a team of Registered Nurses and other healthcare providers who provide a variety of services. These include Case Management, Legal Nurse Consulting, Geriatric Care Management, Life Care Planning and Nurse Coaching. We attend Defense Medical Exams(DME) and offer educational training and speaking services."
Kristen Jones Consulting, LLC:"Kristen Jones Consulting, LLC, Legal Nurse Consulting and Life Care Planning will provide for your firm an in-depth understanding of complex medical situations and patient care issues, and bring an "insider's perspective" of hospitals and healthcare today.
KJC will enhance your understanding of the injury or disease process, including the impact of various healthcare professionals specific to the situation. In the area of personal injury and medical malpractice litigation, this can make a important difference for your firm.
Legal Nurse Consulting services include reviewing and interpreting medical records, preparing time-line chronologies, screening cases for merit, and assisting with discovery. Specialties include Medical Staff Peer Review issues, Hospital Policies and Procedures, community, state, and federal Standards of Care, and Obstetrical Case Review. Our services are used by both Plaintiff and Defense firms."
California Legal Nurse Consultants,
California Nurse Entrepreneurs,
California Nurses,
Certified Legal Nurse Consultants,
Hospital Quality Assurance,
Independent Medical Examinations,
Life Care Planners
Please select from the following:
Cynthia Antone, RN, BSN, CCHP, SNC, California,
Legal Nurse Consultant
Expert Witness, Correctional Health Care, Intensive Care Unit (ICU),
Substance Abuse
Cari Caruso, RN SANE-A, Forensic Nurse Professionals, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Forensic Services: Forensic Sexual Assault, Evidentiary Exams for Victims and Suspects, Domestic/Interpersonal Violence evaluations and Photography, Consulting for Defense and Prosecuting Attorneys, Expert Testimony, Education."
Nancy Emma, RN, LNC, MLC Legal Nurse Consulting Services:"Screening of cases for
merit, pagination & organization of medical records, Expert witness, Obtain expert witnesses for lawyers, identification of adherences to and departures from Standards of Care. Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Workman's Compensation both Defense and Plaintiff issues."
Debra L. Fore, RN, MSN, Vista HealthCare Consulting:"Legal Nurse Consultant, primarily Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury, Social Security Claimants' Representative."
Mary Rosabell Higgins, BSN, Registered Nurse, M. R. Higgins & Associates Legal Nurse Consultants:"M. R. Higgins & Associates-Legal Nurse Consultants, a professional service company specializing in litigation review. Established in 1997, the company is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Services include: comprehensive medical research; investigation of medical records to determine accuracy and or tampering; translation of medical terminology and deposition reports; and, interpretation of health science literature and documents. Consultation also comprises developing chronological summary reports from medical records. Reports often include analytical commentary.
Donna M. Post, RN, BSN, MBA / HCM, CLNC, LNCP-C , Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc., California Nurse Entrepreneurs, Legal Nurse Consultants:"Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting has over 24 years of experience clinically and administratively, in cardiac, adult and pediatric critical care, and dialysis. Our experience extends to both the inpatient and outpatient settings. MVLNC provides effective identification of practice standards, regulatory standards, adherence and/or deviations to these standards. Our background provides our clients the added benefit of understanding healthcare infrastructure, budgets, and healthcare labor issues. This extensive experience allows for identification of medical and nursing issues in any case that involves health, illness and injury. The clients we serve are attorneys, insurance companies, healthcare facilities and others. At Mid-Valley Legal Nurse Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with cost-effective, efficient, review and analysis – providing you with winning services while critically defending your bottom-line.
Tricia West, RN, BSN, MBA/HCM, LNC, P.J. West & Associates, California Legal Nurse Consultants:"PJWA has been doing medical legal consulting since 1980 in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, worker's compensation, product liability, Medicare Fraud, Insurance billing Fraud and Risk Management for both the defense and plaintiff. Our goal is to provide you with ethical, timely and exceptional support services. We can make your job easier by assisting with the evaluation of cases for merit, conduct extensive medical legal research, review medical records and provide expert testimony in all specialty areas of nursing."
Barnes Medical Legal Services:"Our comprehensive medical legal assistance programs, specifically designed for attorneys, hospitals, and insurance companies, have been proven to be an efficient and cost-effective adjunct to litigation efforts.
Our staff of Medical Legal Nurse Consultants handles all types of cases with a personal yet professional touch. Barnes Medical Legal Services guarantees expedient results, a reduction in discovery and evaluation expense, and an increase in overall case management productivity."
Denise B. Sannicandro, RN, BSN, PHN, LNC, DBS & Associates:"It is the Mission of DBS & Associates Legal Nurse Consulting to bridge the gap between the medical and legal communities by offering quality and professional consulting services."
Fyler Associates: Fyler Associates is a multi-specialty legal nurse consulting agency with over 200 nursing experts. Whereas other companies sub work to three or four nurses, Fyler Associates is a one of a kind agency that focuses on just about every conceivable specialty and sub-specialty in the legal nurse field. We only bring on Registered Nurses with a minimum of ten years as an RN, and they must be presently active in their clinical specialty.
Legal Edge Medical Services:"Since 1984, LEGAL EDGE MEDICAL SERVICES, through our LEGAL NURSE CONSULTANTS have been providing reviews of medical records, including organization of documents, in depth detailed summaries and chronology of events, as well as a wide variety of litigation support services, including expert testimony at depositions and trial.
Our knowledgeable, accurate, dependable, and cost effective reviews of Medical Malpractice, General & Product Liability and Personal Injury cases proudly include several Fortune 500 corporate accounts as clients."
Elana Marceron, RN, LNC, Professional LegalMed Consulting:"Ms. Marceron, owner of Professional LegalMed Consulting, was raised with a strong interest and respect for the law. She was inspired to become a Legal Nurse Consultant in 1998 by two very successful attorneys in her life. Her career path as a registered nurse has included a wide range of nursing experience over the last two decades including Case Manager for a managed care group, gerontology, medical/surgical nursing, obstetrics, oncology, orthopedics, pediatrics and pulmonology.
Ms. Marceron has worked both as an in-house and independent legal nurse consultant, specializing in product liability, toxic tort, personal injury, medical malpractice and worker's compensation cases. She continually updates her medical and nursing knowledge by maintaining a working connection to the acute care medical setting."
Medical Consultants at Source4, Inc:"• Consist of highly trained LNC's, indicating an advanced knowledge base in the medical-legal field • Are RN's with varying backgrounds and a wide range of specialty areas • Utilize cutting edge technology for case development and report writing • Maintain the highest Standards of Care as defined by NALNC."
P.J.West and Associates, Inc.:"PJWA has been doing medical legal consulting since 1980 in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, worker's compensation, product liability, Medicare Fraud, Insurance billing Fraud and Risk Management for both the defense and plaintiff. Our goal is to provide you with ethical, timely and exceptional support services. We can make your job easier by assisting with the evaluation of cases for merit, conduct extensive medical legal research, review medical records and provide expert testimony in all specialty areas of nursing."
Parks Medical-Legal Consulting:"Parks Medical-Legal Consulting is an Independent
Medical-Legal Consulting firm owned and operated by Mr.
Paul Parks. A strong Patient advocate, Mr. Parks educates in
all areas of medicine taking complex information and
breaking it down in an easy to digest way that both jurors
and clients can easily understand. Mr. Parks has had
extensive training and clinical experience working in some of
the most prestigious teaching institutions in southern
California including: UC Irvine, Loma Linda University Medical
Center, Balboa Naval Hospital, UC San Diego, and numerous
free standing surgical centers practicing special procedures
in such areas as: pain management, urology, plastic surgery,
gastroenterology, same day surgery both as an OR circulator
and sedation nurse. Administration of sedative hypnotic
agents for sleep induction both in the hospital setting and as
an independent practitioner. He is fluent and up to date on all
of the latest standards of care and guidelines in all areas of
nursing and medicine and is an excellent source for a
thorough understanding of medical care in a truly objective
Source4, Inc., Medical Consultants at:"• Consist of highly trained LNC's, indicating an advanced knowledge base in the medical-legal field • Are RN's with varying backgrounds and a wide range of specialty areas • Utilize cutting edge technology for case development and report writing • Maintain the highest Standards of Care as defined by NALNC."
Legal Consulting by Nurses, By Joy Collins, RN, BSBA, CLNC, LNCC, Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc.:"Nurses have been assisting attorneys with their medically related cases for far longer than is generally realized. It is only lately that the sub-specialty of legal nurse consulting has become a recognized field of nursing that the media has thrust into the mainstream. As far back as the 1980s (and probably earlier), nurses and other medical professionals were assisting the legal world to arrive at a fair settlement by moving through the quagmire of medical records and jargon that we nurses take for granted."
Please choose from the following:
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Experts Make During Depositions:"The discovery depositions of expert witnesses are increasingly playing an important role in the litigation process. Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26 (4) A:
“A party may depose any person who has been identified as an expert whose opinions may be presented at trial.”
With this in mind, we turn to the ten biggest mistakes experts make during their depositions.
#1 – Waiving The Reading of Signing Of The Deposition Transcript
At the start of most depositions, counsel will agree on stipulations. Use of the most common stipulation is that the deponent waives the right to read and sign the deposition transcript. The expert who is interested in accuracy should not agree to this waiver lightly. Experts who agree to waive the reading and signing are agreeing to a document’s accuracy without even seeing the document."
10 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make in Writing Their IME Reports:"The Independent Medical Evaluation (IME) reports that physicians prepare are playing an increasingly important role in workers' compensation cases, personal injury litigation, and long-term disability claims.
Each year physicians prepare hundreds of thousands of IME reports which are read and utilized by judges, hearing officers, and plaintiff and defense attorneys to decide and settle claims.
Physicians are frequently called upon at depositions, hearings, or trials to support, justify, and defend each and every word of their IME reports. With this in mind, we turn to the 10 biggest mistakes physicians make in writing their IME reports."
Advice on Answering Questions at Depositions:"Avoid Absolute Words
You are well advised to avoid, where possible, absolute words such as "always" and "never." Absolute words are frequently an invitation to, and fertile grounds for, cross-examination by counsel. Counsel will attempt to damage your credibility by first getting you to make an absolute statement. She will then use counterexamples in an effort to show the falsity of your statement.
Connecting with the Jury:"In jury trials, the jury ultimately decides the case. Their job is to determine the facts of the case. A crucial part of this is determining the credibility of the witnesses. This includes expert witnesses. As such, it is of the highest importance that experts are able to communicate with the jury in a credible and persuasive way. Everything else is secondary. To connect with the jury, an expert needs to understand what juries want and know the best ways to communicate with them."
Opinions and Bases for Opinions,"The main reason expert testimony is presented is to offer an expert opinion. Accordingly, experts can anticipate being closely cross-examined on their opinions. They should also expect to be closely questioned on the bases of these opinions because an expert opinion is only as strong as the facts and reasoning upon which it is based. Questions in these areas are best blunted by carefully and honestly forming an opinion that is based on reliable methodology, a thorough investigation, and solid facts."
Stating Opinions and Conclusions in a Defensible Manner:"The main reason an expert is involved in a case is to state her opinion. The principal reason an expert writes a report is to communicate that opinion. The opinion must be communicated effectively and must be expressed in a defensible manner. The authors recommend the following.
Expert Witness Journal,"SEAK has published the Expert Witness Journal since 1988. Available online are all 1998 EWJ feature articles, arranged alphabetically by title. Also available are each of the federal and state cases collected by EWJ impacting expert witnesses."
********************************************************** is a networking and resource directory for Nurse-Owned businesses and nurses looking for an alternative to working at the bedside.
If you explore the site a bit, you'll find profiles of hundreds of nurse entrepreneurs around the country. We encourage you to browse around, find a business category you are interested in, then contact the nurse directly. We're available for questions as well. This website is Owned-Operated by Andrew Lopez, RN a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry nurse.
Has your Nurse-owned business been written up in the news? Do you send out a newsletter or regular press releases? We'd like to hear about it!
Should You Incorporate Your Registry Business? By Joseph Caracci, RN:"The short answer is yes! When starting a new nurse registry business, you are entering into a legal business environment that requires you to take steps to protect your personal assets, such as your home, your savings, and your retirement. With this in mind, you need to determine which legal form you are going to take for your new registry. Some of the common choices are a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability partnership (LLP), a limited liability company (LLC), and a corporation."
The #1 question, we've been receiving lately is about Starting A Nursing Agency, resource sites & manuals
Please note, Listings in this directory are FREE permanently to Nurse-Owned businesses.
If you're just starting out a business and are not sure how to go about it, feel free to give us a call or send us an E-mail.
If you have a lot of questions, we'd suggest getting a cell phone with lots of national minutes (smile).
We can walk you through step by step from deciding
Call or E-mail Andrew Lopez, BS RN, President & CEO of Nursefriendly, Inc. at 856-415-9617 or
If you don't see a category or state your business belongs
in, we'll create it! We're very supportive of nurses looking to start or expand their nurse-owned businesses. If you have questions, please contact us. In our directories, we've organized resources to help you start, build and grow your business.
Interesting Reading For Nurse Entrepreneurs, Actual or Soon To Be:
Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business:"This book is vey inspiring! Learn how 50 different nurses brought their vision to reality! Learn some great tips on starting your own business. Nurses don't have to just work at the bedside. Read this book and you will be thinking of how you can make your dream a reality!"
Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them:"Rich Dad's-"Own your Own Corporation" is a must read for anyone comtemplating a new business-or someone who already owns their own business. Garrett's direct yet simplistic explanations of the different business entities,the proper and best suited entity for your business-is followed by real-life scenarios which helps drive home the importance of corporate ownership in today's business world. Use Garrett's legal expertise to establish a successful, legally responsible and fiscally protected business...And understand the why's and how's of that ownership."
21 Success Secrets, Success Secret #4- "Do What You Love to Do." Get your FREE CD and find out the other 20 secrets of self-made millionaires.:"Order your FREE CD ($4.95 S&H) from Brian Tracy's acclaimed 21 Success Secrets series. Start with 21 Success Secrets of $elf-Made Millionaires - full of techniques practiced by all men and women who go from rags to riches in one generation. Brian Tracy is a noted success expert. He's trained over 2 million people in 23 countries how to achieve their financial goals faster than ever before."
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Patty Hedrick RN, BSN, BA CRRN, CCM, CLCP
222 N. Sepulveda Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: (310) 335-2005
Cell: (310) 962-7502
Kristen Jones Consulting, LLC
Kristen Jones, RN, CLNC, CNLCP
3000-F, Danville Blvd
Suite #141
Alamo, CA 94507
Telephone: (925) 855-1956
Fax: (925) 855-1930
Specialty Areas:
Emergency Department,
Evidentiary Exams,
Expert Witness Testimony,
Forensic Sexual Assault,
Forensic Nursing,
Nurse Consultants,
Nurse Educator,
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners,
Specialty Areas: California Nurse Entrepreneurs,
Expert Witness,
Emergency Department Nursing,
Expert Witness (And Locating of Same),
Medical Malpractice,
Personal Injury,
Workman's Compensation
Specialty areas:
Adult Critical Care,
Legal Nurse Consultant,
Medical Malpractice,
Personal Injury,
Renal Dialysis,
Social Security Claims
Telemetry-Step Down
2491 Alluvial #7
Clovis, Ca 93611
Phone: 559-294-7580 or 877-532-5676
Wordpress Blog:
29715 Windsong Lane
Agoura Hills, CA 91301-4019
(818) 707-0051
E-mail Address:
Barnes Medical-Legal Services
Dale Barnes, MSN, RN
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant
Business 858-454-4888 FAX 858-454-4827
Denise B. Sannicandro, RN, BSN, PHN, LNC.
DBS & Associates Legal Nurse Consulting
California, USA
Phone: (619) 644-0344
OR (619) 518-6476
Fax: (619) 644-0544
2138 East Westmoreland Drive/Brea, California/92821/ 1-800-995-4279/Fax: 714-990-4629/Email:
7929 W. 81st ST.
Playa Del Rey, CA 90293
Legal Edge Medical Services
310) 306-0046
(760) 777-8959
(760) 777-8947
Professional LegalMed Consulting
776 La Mirada Ave.
Encinitas CA 92024
Phone: 888-429-4378
Fax: 760-944-0102
Email: Elana@Prolegalmed
Source4, Incorporated
5870 Mission Center Road, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123
(800) 878-1728 or (858)492-9400
Tricia West, RN, BSN, MBA/HCM, LNC
P.J.West and Associates, Inc.
Legal Nurse Consulting
Agoura Hills, California
818 707-0051
818 706-0041 fax
38510 orangecrest rd.
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: (760) 772-8032
Fax: (760) 772-8032
Source4, Incorporated
5870 Mission Center Road, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123
(800) 878-1728 or (858)492-9400
Wild Iris Medical Education
PO Box 257
Comptche, CA 95427
(707) 937-0518 ph
(707) 937-2546 fax
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This page was created on Friday, February 9, 2001
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617