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License degrees: RN, LMT E-Mail: City: Newfield State: New York What kind of nursing do you do?: Private Duty, Homecare, Massage Therapy How did you hear about the Nurse Friendly?: Online What is your favorite search engine?: What nursing-related topics have you looked for lately on the web?: Private Duty Topics Website: Marital Status: single Nationality: German-american How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 13 Employment changes in career?: 4 Reason for the change?: moved to another state,,,and more money If you lost your job tomorrow, how easily do you feel you find new employment?: fairly easy In how many years, would you like to retire?: 10 years? Scary thought, but yes, I'm getting there Have you started any type of retirement fund?: Ha,,,,you must be kidding. I just used mine up to survive in New York State Would this travel: sure What Certified Nurse or Patient Educational Materials Would You Like to See on the Internet?: holistic stuff, any news of nursing aspects in patient care. School you attend (if applicable): Ha, have to wait until my children grow a little Where do you work?: Homecare, and own office Do you feel having your own a malpractice insurance policy is necessary, why or why not?: yes absolutely, employers only cover their own liability, and if you didn't observe the policy to a T you're dropped like a dead fly, let's face it. Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: Underpaid, underpaid. Have you ever considered leaving the profession? If yes, what options have you explored?: I like nursing, it's a great , no, it's always good to fall back on What attracted you to the field of Nursing?: was talked into it Favorite TV show and musical artists: All in the family ( ah so long ago), and elton john, dionne, oh so many others... Favorite food: well,,,,i like it all,,,unfortunately Personal or favorite Quote: live to the limit where there is not room for regretting later...enjoy life! Qualities you admire in your friends/loved ones: generosity, surprises, honesty, assistance Pet Peeves: computer, going to Montana Major turn-offs: back biting nurses. Hobbies and activities you enjoy outside of work: gardening, children Pets, favorite vacation spots: reptiles, cats, dog, rodents, Montana, Wyoming, take my breath away, and air my brain Other areas of interest and expertise: Massage Therapy and Bodywork ******************************************************
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Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ****************************************************** Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |
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