Where Are Our Leaders?
by moonflowerck
Venoscope, LLC:"Venoscope, LLC has been the leader in utilizing LED technology for transillumination since 1989. It holds patents for its Venoscope® pediatric and adult transilluminator as well as patents for its Neonatal Transilluminator, both utilizing LED technology. The Venoscope® isproducts have FDA 510k premarket approval.
Venoscope, LLC company and sales distribution offices are located in Lafayette, LA. Our friendly staff stands ready to answer any questions you may have as. We will conduct an In-Service over the phone if you desire to prove how easy it is to learn and use. "
Category: Intravenous Therapy, IV Nursinghttp://www.intravenousnursing.com
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Phone (800)284-7655 or (337)234-8993 FAX (337)268-4080
e-mail: info@venoscope.com
Physical Address: 1018 Harding St., Suite 104 Lafayette, LA 70503
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 52703 Lafayette, LA 70505-2703
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