Your Name: Randy Ross R.N., B.S.N
Your Business Name (if applicable): IV's Etc... LLC.
Please describe your business: IV's Etc... specializes in Vascular Access with
Midline and Peripheral IV insertions. We also provide educational opportunities with one and two day Basic and Advanced Infusion Therapy courses. We provide inservicing on Infusion Therapy as well as
documentation. We also provide IV Therapy consulting services and problem solving.
Street Address: 12232 Huntington Circle
City: Indianapolis
State: Indiana
E-Mail: IVsEtc@nursingexperts.com
Homepage Address: http://www.ivsetc.com/,
This Profile Page: http://www.nursingexperts.com/ross/
What type of business or categories under which you would like to be listed:
Nursing Education,
Consulting, Inservicing, Vascular Access,
PICC, Midline, Peripheral.
Contact person(s): Randy Ross R.N.
Phone number: 317-513-3174
Fax number: 775-242-1449
In what date (month/year) did you start your business?: 01/02
What kind of nursing do you do?: ER, ICU,
IV Therapy
How did you hear about the Nurse Entrepreneur Homesite?: Web
How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 6
What made you decide to start your own business?: The chance to become an entrepreneur and control my own destiny.
Employment changes in career?: 1
What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business?: I think nurses are great thinkers. They have imagination and passion this makes them an ideal person to start their own business.
Where do you work?: Vascular Access Consulting
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: My most pressing concern with the profession is that nurses are not organized together. Nurses in general are not the type of people to organize themselves with whole of nursing. For this reason groups take advantage of nurses by not respecting the profession and the abilities of nurses. Health care is slowly being controled by the few (insurance companies) Hospitals and the like. Due to this healthcare costs are going through the roof. With the baby boomers aging we will need more access to health professionals. I am afraid that the rising costs will delay treatment to those that may desperately need the attention.
Other areas of interest and expertise: College basketball, Volleyball and My family
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Last updated by Andrew
Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |