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The following form contents were entered on February 18th, 2004
Your Name: Dorothy Lowry, RN
Your Business Name (if applicable): Wild Women Sewing Consortium
Business Organization Type: Sole Proprietorship
Please describe your business: Wild Women specializes in providing
nurse entrepreneurs custom logo and/or personal embroidery at value
prices with no minimum quantity purchase. Wear that professional touch
without selling the kids to afford it! Give your clients personalized
embroidered items as thank-you's or promotional gifts!
Street Address: 14 Kris Dr.
City: Rome
State: Georgia (GA)
Zip Code: 30161
Homepage Address:
What type of business or categories under which you would like to be listed
: Gifts For Nurses, Accessories, Custom Embroidery, Logo items,
Legal Nurse Consultants,
Medical Legal Consultants,
Nurse Paralegals
Contact person(s): Dorothy Lowry, RN
In what date (month/year) did you start your business?: 10/03
What kind of nursing do you do?: I've been an RN for, gulp, 13+ years.
I've practiced all over the country and recently started working as an
independent LNC. Last year I was in a serious car accident that has
really hindered my clinical practice. Based on an off-hand comment and
the realization that Nurse Entrepreneurs are often growing their
business on a wing and a prayer I turned my hobby, embroidery, into a
business geared to meet the needs of independent nurse entrepreneurs.
How did you hear about the Nurse Entrepreneur Homesite?: Andrew Lopez
How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 13 and counting
Professional organizations you belong to: AALNC (
What made you decide to start your own business?: I started my LNC
business after being contacted by a defense attorney regarding a
physician I worked for. He was being sued for malpractice. After
reviewing the chart I notified the attorney of several glaring
discrepancies between the documentation and the patient's claims. The
physician beat the malpractice suit and the attorney said, "you should
be an LNC" and I said, "A WHAT?" and the rest is history.
I started my custom embroidery business because God was good enough to
match my talent and my need to find something constructive to do after
my accident with my knowlege that a lot of nurse entrepreneurs want nice,
professional items but can't afford huge orders and big fees. Win win!!
Yea God!
Employment changes in career?: My husband's in the Army so, hmm...6 so
What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business? Nurses are great at both attention to detail and getting the big
picture. In healthcare they take care of the little things that make a
difference while assessing the global concerns of their patient to
maximize outcomes. Now, if those qualities don't scream "Outstanding
Business Potential" I don't know what-all!
Where do you work?: I practice nursing as an independent Legal Nurse
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: You
want me to pick MOST pressing? OY!
I am concerned that nurses are expected to maintain rolls of personal
and professional integrity and leadership, be aggressive patient
advocates, maintain and practice a high level of clinical expertise,
complete complex, multitudinous tasks of documentation, meet ever-growing
requirements for risk management and privacy and still be low man on
the totem-pole in terms of professional prestige, broad-based respect
and monetary renumeration.
What gets cut when a hospital's in a financial crunch? Nursing, both in
staffing numbers and pay.
Auto workers who strike for more money have other unions walk out on
sympathy strikes. Nurses who strike for patient safety (and God forbid
fair pay) are vilified.
Patients are admitted to hospitals for one reason: To receive nursing
care. Without nursing, hospitals are just very large, very expensive
outpatient clinics.
And don't even get me started in healthcare because the internet is just
not that big!!!!
Other areas of interest and expertise: OK: Legal Nurse Consulting,
Custom embroidery,
medical mission work (anyone wanna go to
Honduras?) pastoral nursing
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See also:
Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617