Your Name: Gerry Martin-Hall
Business Name if applicable: Accu-Ruler
Street Address: 4566 - 21st Ave. No
City: St. Petersburg
State: Florida
Homepage Address:
What type of business or categories under which you would like to
be listed
Five maximum: Wound
Care, Products and Services
Contact persons: self
Phone number: 1-888-418-4484 (8am-5pm EST)
Fax number: 1-888-798-2756 (24 hrs/day)
In what date month year did you start your business: 9/97
What kind of nursing do you do: Wound
Care, Medical-Surgical
How did you hear about the Nurse Entrepreneur Homesite: Nurse-zine
How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 16
Professional organizations you belong to: ALSNA, Business Minded Nurses Network, National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), Wound Care Institute
What made you decide to start your own business: Corporate frustration,
and a need for this product
Employment changes in career: 5
What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially
qualified to operate a business: Persistence and caring for others
Where do you work: For medical supply company as wound consultant
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: cutbacks,
cutbacks, cutbacks!
Other areas of interest and expertise: Knowledgeable of Medicare regs
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Last updated by Andrew
Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |