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Your Business Name (if applicable): Legal Nurse Consultant Please describe your business: I offer services to aid in the resolution of medical-legal issues. I work for law firms, insurance companies and healthcare facilities. My services include, but are not limited to: medical record review and analysis; identifying applicable Standards of Care and deviations from the Standards; identifying records, policies and procedures and other essential documents for complete case reviews; Street Address: P.O. Box 2437 City: Wrightwood State: CA E-Mail: Homepage Address: What type of business or categories under which you would like to be listed: Health law, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Worker's Compensation, Contact person(s): Sheri Bisson Phone number: 760-249-3501 Fax number: 760-249-1083 In what date (month/year) did you start your business?: May 2001 What kind of nursing do you do?: Coronary Care, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) How did you hear about the Nurse Entrepreneur Homesite?: just browsing the web How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 11 Professional organizations you belong to: AACN What made you decide to start your own business?: Fascinated with the industry Employment changes in career?: once What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business?: Most nurses truly care about helping others, most are good at recognizing other's needs Where do you work?: only in the consulting field Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: I am most concerned about the pressing issues of Nurses leaving the field, for a variety of issues, in the face of a historical shortage, and the trend of healthcare facilities to make economic decisions that negatively impact patient outcomes. ****************************************************** is a networking and resource directory for Nurse-Owned businesses and nurses looking for an alternative to working at the bedside. If you explore the site a bit, you'll find profiles of hundreds of nurse entrepreneurs around the country. We encourage you to browse around, find a business category you are interested in, then contact the nurse directly. We're available for questions as well. This website is Owned-Operated by Andrew Lopez, RN a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry nurse. Has your Nurse-owned business been written up in the news? Do you send out a newsletter or regular press releases? We'd like to hear about it!
Our Newest article is from an Arizona Nurse Entrepreneur:
Should You Incorporate Your Registry Business? By Joseph Caracci, RN:"The short answer is yes! When starting a new nurse registry business, you are entering into a legal business environment that requires you to take steps to protect your personal assets, such as your home, your savings, and your retirement. With this in mind, you need to determine which legal form you are going to take for your new registry. Some of the common choices are a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability partnership (LLP), a limited liability company (LLC), and a corporation." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** The #1 question, we've been receiving lately is about Starting A Nursing Agency, resource sites & manuals
Please choose from the following:
Interesting Reading For Nurse Entrepreneurs, Actual or Soon To Be: Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business:"This book is vey inspiring! Learn how 50 different nurses brought their vision to reality! Learn some great tips on starting your own business. Nurses don't have to just work at the bedside. Read this book and you will be thinking of how you can make your dream a reality!" Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them:"Rich Dad's-"Own your Own Corporation" is a must read for anyone comtemplating a new business-or someone who already owns their own business. Garrett's direct yet simplistic explanations of the different business entities,the proper and best suited entity for your business-is followed by real-life scenarios which helps drive home the importance of corporate ownership in today's business world. Use Garrett's legal expertise to establish a successful, legally responsible and fiscally protected business...And understand the why's and how's of that ownership." 21 Success Secrets, Success Secret #4- "Do What You Love to Do." Get your FREE CD and find out the other 20 secrets of self-made millionaires.:"Order your FREE CD ($4.95 S&H) from Brian Tracy's acclaimed 21 Success Secrets series. Start with 21 Success Secrets of $elf-Made Millionaires - full of techniques practiced by all men and women who go from rags to riches in one generation. Brian Tracy is a noted success expert. He's trained over 2 million people in 23 countries how to achieve their financial goals faster than ever before."
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See also: Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
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Gifts For Nurses:"Choose from Top Nursing Uniform Companies. All sizes, styles and popular name brands available. Large selection of accessories as well: Accessories Blood Pressure Cuffs, Sphygnomanometers Nursing Tote Bags, Carry-Ons, Medical Bags Clinical, Medical Supplies, Nurses Discount Outlet: Angels, Books, Clothing , Equipment, Figurines, Holidays, Home Decor, Jewelry, Nurses, Office Decor, Scrubs, Shoes, T-Shirts Footwear, Shoes, Sandals, Discount, Bargains Gifts For Nurses (Nurses Week) Hosiery, Socks, Stockings Hats, Jackets, Jumpers Jewelry, Earrings, Necklaces, Watches Luxury Spas, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures Perfumes, Fragrances, Phermones Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Footwear, High Heels, Slippers Stethescopes, Nurse Kits, Replacement Parts Swimwear (Tan-Through) Women's Lingerie " ******************************************************
Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ****************************************************** Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023 |
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