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Cover the Uninsured Week is a weeklong series of national and local activities designed to draw attention to the plight of the more than 41 million Americans who lack health insurance. Sponsored by th...
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Institute for Health Care Research and Policy has written A CONSUMER GUIDE FOR GETTING AND KEEPING HEALTH INSURANCE for each state and the District of Columbia – fifty-one in all. These Consumer Guide...
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PacifiCare Health Systems serves more than 3 million health plan members and approximately 9 million specialty plan members nationwide with annual revenues of more than $11 billion. PacifiCare is cele...
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Physicians for a National Health Program 29 E. Madison St., Suite 602 Chicago, IL 60602 Phone: 312-782-6006 Fax: 312-782-6007 E-mail: "Some services are too important to leave to the m...
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Sterling Professional Group offers the Highest Quality and Most Competitive Indiana Health Insurance Today!For all healthcare forms and information please click below. Ste...
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