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See also: Banking-Lending Institutions, Bankruptcy, Consumer Credit Reports, Credit Card Finders, Insurance Companies, Investing & Stocks, Mortgage Services, Real Estate-House Hunting
American Debt Consolidation & Credit Services, INC.:"American Debt Consolidation (ADC) is a dedicated debt consolidation organization that assists families and individuals with debt, credit, money and financial questions, problems, or difficulties. Our services are confidential and are free or available at a low cost. Our client service center is a nonprofit agency, is largely funded by major creditors such as department stores, credit card companies and banks, and overseen by volunteer creditors and consumer advocates." ************************************************************ Financialaid.com:"Call Now! 30 Seconds May Save You $1800/Year. A short phone call with a Financialaid.com loan counselor will tell if you are eligible for a Federal Student Loan Consolidation. Our average customer saves $150 a month or $1,800 annually. Many customers take this money and pay off high interest rate credit cards! ************************************************************ FreeDebtConsolidation.com:"Bill Problems? FreeDebtConsolidation.com can help you reduce your monthly payments by 50%. For a free consultation click here. Everyone is approved for a free debt consolidation quote. We make all your high interest monthly bills into one low payment. Everyone is approved for a free debt consolidation quote. We make all your high interest monthly bills into one low payment. Paying only US applicants. Earn $5 per qualified lead." ************************************************************
Myvesta, 1-800-MYVESTA: Debt Counselors of America is a non-profit organization that provides confidential help with your money problems. Our services are free or are offered at a low cost to help people when they need it most. Learn more about how we can help on this site. If you prefer, submit a Debt Counselors ® Information Request and we'll send you information by mail. We're happy to help any way we can. ************************************************************
http://www.nursefriendly.com/nursing/directory/business/debt.consolidation.pay.off.credit.cards.htm Created on April 22, 1999
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