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Age Discrimination Takes Its Toll by Paula Span, January 12, 2012, 12:07 pm:"Raise your hand if you’ve felt that people treat you with less respect or courtesy than others, that they act as if you’re not smart, that you get poorer service in stores and restaurants than others — in short, if you’ve felt discriminated against because of age, gender, ethnicity, income, disability, appearance, even marital status.
A startling proportion of older people report that they’ve experienced discrimination: 63 percent, in a study recently published in Research on Aging. The most commonly cited cause? “Thirty percent report being mistreated because of their age,” said the lead author Ye Luo, a Clemson University sociologist. Perceived discrimination because of gender, race or ancestry, disabilities or appearance followed in smaller proportion"
Categories, related:
Alzheimers Disease,
Chronic Illnesses,
Gender Discrimination,
Geriatric Associations,
Geriatrics Humor,
Geriatrics Nurses,
Geriatrics Resources,
Hospice, End of Life Care,
Long Term Care (LTC),
Vulnerable Adults
Alzheimer's Association
Advocates for Nursing Home Reform:"Since 1983, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform has been fighting for the rights of long-term care residents in California.CANHR has directed its resources toward the following long term care issues."
Council of Gerontological Nursing, North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA):"The Council of Gerontological Nursing is an organizational unit within the North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA). The Council provides an opportunity for nurses to share expertise and discuss relevant concerns and issues critical to promoting quality care for older persons. A unique appreciation of the process of aging as a "work in progress" characterizes the philosophy of many gerontological nurses. For aphorisms about the aging process, click here (see page entitled Aphorisms about Aging)."
National Hospice Organization:
Administration on Aging - Information on Older Persons and Services for the Elderly:
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: "The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) was established in December 1989 under Public Law 101-239 (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989). AHCPR, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its cost, and broaden access to essential services."
Aging Network Resource Page:
American Geriatrics Society:"The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is the premier professional organization of health care providers dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older adults."
National Institute on Aging:
National Institute of Standards and Technology: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration, takes an active role in promoting science and technology education throughout the Gaithersburg, Md., community.
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