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American Healthcare Association: ******************************************************
The Finance Project:"As the policy, political, and economic landscape change, new needs and investment priorities inevitability emerge. With welfare reform, public- and private-sector roles and responsibilities for meeting the needs of economically disadvantaged families have been redefined. Recognition of the importance of brain development in the earliest years of life has created a new urgency to ensure the health and development of young children. The changing global economy is heightening the need to promote educational achievement and prepare the future workforce. Creating more comprehensive community services for families raising children, strengthening the links between schools and other community institutions, revitalizing disadvantaged neighborhoods, and moving vulnerable families from welfare to work have all emerged as high priorities for public and private-sector investment.
These needs and investment priorities suggest new challenges and opportunities. Many of these challenges and opportunities relate directly to choosing program and policy options that will best strengthen families, ensure healthy, safe, and successful children, and revitalize communities. Others relate to crafting new strategies to effectively finance education, family and children's services, and community building and development." ******************************************************
Project Vote Smart: ****************************************************** Nursing Home Related:
Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home:"Welcome to the Nursing Homes section of our website. The purpose of this section is to provide visitors with information relating to Medicaid and Medicare certified nursing homes throughout the United States. It includes information on payment and patient rights, and a nursing home checklist which will help you evaluate the nursing homes that you visit." ******************************************************
HCFA-Nursing Home Compare Home Page:"Welcome to the Health Care Financing Administration's (HCFA) Nursing Home Database which contains information on every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country. You can locate nursing homes in your area and find information about compliance with Medicare and Medicaid regulations." ******************************************************
HCFA-Nursing Home Compare Telephone Directory:"The Long-Term Care Ombudsman is an advocate for nursing home residents. The ombudsman is ready to help if you need information on the nursing homes in your state. The ombudsman also works to resolve problems between nursing homes and residents or their families. Complaints about nursing homes are confidential unless the ombudsman has permission to use the resident's name." ******************************************************
National Conference of State Legislatures: NCSL Health Issues Web Site Index, A to Z
Created on June 16, 1999
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