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Middle Tennessee State University / School
of Nursing (BSN):"The School of Nursing offers a four-year
program leading to a Bachelor of Science
in Nursing and a Masters of Science in Nursing
Degree offered online through the Regents
Online Degree Program (RODP). The school
also offers pre-nursing curriculum advisement
for students planning to enter a nursing
program elsewhere." *****************************************************
Middlesex Community College / Nursing Department
(ASN):"MCC's Nursing program is designed to prepare
nurses at the associate in science degree
level and provide eligibility to take the
NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Exam
for Registered Nurses). The program provides
a sound background in field-related science,
technical skills and general education with
learning experiences in the classroom, nursing
laboratory and clinical practicums. Graduates
of the program are prepared to use the nursing
process to provide culturally sensitive nursing
care to individuals, families and groups
within a variety of health care settings.
They utilize teaching and therapeutic communication
skills to assist clients in meeting health
needs and coping with and/or resolving health
problems. They use management skills to provide
nursing care to clients and to delegate nursing
care to health team members. Graduates practice
within the legal and ethical framework of
the profession and accept responsibility
for personal professional growth."
Midland College / Nursing Program (ADN):"Midland College offers a two-year nursing
program leading to the degree of Associate
in Applied Science. A transition option for
licensed vocational nurses is also available.
Satisfactory completion of the program prepares
the graduate to take the National Council
Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
(NCLEX-RN-CAT) for licensure as a registered
nurse. The nursing program is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accreditation
Commission, 61 Broadway, New York, NY, 10006,
(212) 363-5555."
Midland Lutheran College / Division of Nursing
(BSN):"The Baccalaureate Experiential Nursing Degree
(B.E.N.D.) program provides the already licensed
registered nurse with the opportunity to
receive credit for past learning experiences.
Such credit can then be applied toward the
hours needed to graduate with a Bachelor
of Science in Nursing degree at Midland.
The L.P.N. Connection program has been established
to meet the needs of the Licensed Practical
Nurse (L.P.N.) who wants to pursue further
studies in nursing to attain a Bachelor of
Science in Nursing degree at Midland. Through
the L.P.N. Connection, current knowledge
and experience of the L.P.N. is recognized
to help advancement in the nursing profession."
Midlands Technical College / Nursing Department
(LPN, ADN):"The Midlands Technical College Nursing Program
is eager to help you reach your goal in our
fully articulated Practical Nursing (PN)
and Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) programs.
Both practical nursing and registered nursing
students take the same coursework for the
first three semesters. Two additional semesters
would make you eligible to take the NCLEX-RN
exam." ******************************************************
Midway College / Nursing Program (ADN, BSN):"Midway College offers the associate in nursing
and a bachelor of science in nursing. Nursing
students enter one of two tracks: Track I
leads to the associate degree in nursing
(ADN). The degree incorporates liberal arts
and nursing education. The associate degree
in nursing and bachelor of science in nursing,
ADN-BSN (4-5 year) track, allows graduating
high school students to begin as first-year
students. These entering students complete
the ADN degree requirements, take the National
Council Licensure Exam for RN licensure (NCLEX-RN),
and continue with BSN course work. Successful
completion of the RN licensure examination
provides students with the potential to be
employed as RN's while completing the BSN
Midwestern State University / Nursing Programs
(BSN, MSN):"The Wilson School of Nursing offers both
undergraduate and master's programs in nursing.
The program offers curricula leading to a
Bachelor of Science in Nursing. There are two options
in the BSN program, including - (1) a generic option
for students who do not have a license to
practice as a Registered Nurse, and (2) the
RN to BSN option for RN's who have graduated
from hospital based programs or 2 year associate
degree programs. The graduate nursing MSN
program curriculum builds on the foundations
established in baccalaureate nursing education
and includes an RN to MSN Program for nurses
who have graduated from hospital based programs
or 2 year associate degree programs. MSU's
MSN program offers three options - Nurse
Educator, Family Nurse Practitioner, and Nurse
Administration Programs."
Midwestern University / Nurse Anesthesia
Program:"Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
(CRNAs) are anesthesia specialists. They
administer approximately 65% of the 26 million
anesthetics given to patients each year in
the United States. CRNAs are the sole anesthesia
providers in more than 65% of rural hospitals
in the United States, enabling these health
care facilities to provide obstetrical, surgical,
and trauma stabilization services. CRNAs
provide anesthetics to patients in collaboration
with surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists,
podiatrists, and other qualified health care
professionals. When anesthesia is administered
by a nurse anesthetist, it is recognized
as the practice of nursing; when administered
by an anesthesiologist, it is recognized
as the practice of medicine."
Miles Community College / Division of Nursing
(ADN):"The Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN)
graduate is a valuable member of the health
care team and the nursing profession. The
roles of the Associate Degree Nurse are Provider
of Care, Manager of Care, and Member Within
the Discipline of Nursing. Within the three
roles, the ASN graduate's practice includes
professionalism, written and spoken communication,
assessment, clinical decision making, caring
interventions, teaching and learning, collaboration,
managing care, concern for safety for both
the client and the health care team, utilization
of technology, client advocacy, nursing diagnoses,
prioritization, planning, implementation,
delegation, evaluation of outcomes, maintenance
of ethical and legal standards, practicing
in a cost effective manner, providing for
continuity of care, and discharge planning."
Millersville University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN, NP):"Millersville University's Department of Nursing
is proud to announce the NLNAC reaccreditation
of its BSN and MSN programs for the full
8 years.*** NLNAC-accredited baccalaureate
degree in nursing program (BSN) designed
for the Registered Nurse student. School
Nurse Certificate program approved by the
Pennsylvania Department of Education, which
prepares certified school nurses. Master
of Science in Nursing degree programs (MSN),
approved by the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing,
and accredited by the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission. Family nurse
practitioner, Case management." ******************************************************
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